# This file contains: # # ``` # base = "" # client_id = "" # client_secret = "" # redirect = "" # token = "" # ``` # mastodon_data = "./mastodon-data.toml" # Path to the repository to update repository_path = "/tmp/test-repo" # the name of the master branch master_branch_name = "master" # the name of the upstream remote origin_remote_name = "origin" # How many hours to go back hours_to_check = 24 # ISO 639-1 code of the language the post is written in (required for mastodon) status_language = "en" # Template. # Available variables: # - commits # - merges # - nonmerges # status_template = '' In the last 24 hours, there were {{commits}} on master of TEST REPO, of which {{merges}} were merges and {{nonmerges}} were direct (and thus potentially breaking) commits to the master branch. ''