// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // //! Utility functions for the UI use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::anyhow; use anyhow::Context; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use handlebars::Handlebars; use itertools::Itertools; use log::error; use crate::config::Configuration; use crate::package::Package; use crate::package::Script; use crate::package::ScriptBuilder; use crate::package::Shebang; pub fn package_repo_cleanness_check(repo: &git2::Repository) -> Result<()> { if !crate::util::git::repo_is_clean(&repo)? { error!( "Repository not clean, refusing to go on: {}", repo.path().display() ); Err(anyhow!( "Repository not clean, refusing to go on: {}", repo.path().display() )) } else { Ok(()) } } pub struct PackagePrintFlags { pub print_all: bool, pub print_runtime_deps: bool, pub print_build_deps: bool, pub print_sources: bool, pub print_dependencies: bool, pub print_patches: bool, pub print_env: bool, pub print_flags: bool, pub print_allowed_images: bool, pub print_denied_images: bool, pub print_phases: bool, pub print_script: bool, pub script_line_numbers: bool, pub script_highlighting: bool, } impl PackagePrintFlags { // Helper to check whether any of the CLI args requested one of these flags. // // The print_build_deps and print_runtime_deps as well as the script_highlighting and // script_line_numbers is not included, because these only modify what to print and not whether // to print. fn print_any(&self) -> bool { self.print_all || { self.print_sources || self.print_dependencies || self.print_patches || self.print_env || self.print_flags || self.print_allowed_images || self.print_denied_images || self.print_phases || self.print_script } } } pub fn print_packages<'a, I>( out: &mut dyn Write, format: &str, iter: I, config: &Configuration, flags: &PackagePrintFlags, ) -> Result<()> where I: Iterator, { let mut hb = Handlebars::new(); hb.register_escape_fn(handlebars::no_escape); hb.register_template_string("package", format)?; for (i, package) in iter.enumerate() { print_package(out, &hb, i, package, config, flags)?; } Ok(()) } fn print_package( out: &mut dyn Write, hb: &Handlebars, i: usize, package: &Package, config: &Configuration, flags: &PackagePrintFlags, ) -> Result<()> { let script = ScriptBuilder::new(&Shebang::from(config.shebang().clone())).build( package, config.available_phases(), *config.strict_script_interpolation(), ).context("Rendering script for printing it failed")?; let script = crate::ui::script_to_printable( &script, flags.script_highlighting, config .script_highlight_theme() .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Highlighting for script enabled, but no theme configured"))?, flags.script_line_numbers, )?; let mut data = BTreeMap::new(); data.insert("i", serde_json::Value::Number(serde_json::Number::from(i))); data.insert("p", serde_json::to_value(package)?); data.insert("script", serde_json::Value::String(script)); data.insert("print_any", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_any())); data.insert( "print_runtime_deps", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_runtime_deps), ); data.insert( "print_build_deps", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_build_deps), ); data.insert( "print_sources", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_sources), ); data.insert( "print_dependencies", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_dependencies), ); data.insert( "print_patches", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_patches), ); data.insert( "print_env", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_env), ); data.insert( "print_flags", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_flags), ); data.insert( "print_allowed_images", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_allowed_images), ); data.insert( "print_denied_images", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_denied_images), ); data.insert( "print_phases", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_phases), ); data.insert( "print_script", serde_json::Value::Bool(flags.print_all || flags.print_script), ); hb.render("package", &data) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|r| writeln!(out, "{}", r).map_err(Error::from)) } pub fn script_to_printable( script: &Script, highlight: bool, highlight_theme: &str, line_numbers: bool, ) -> Result { let script = if highlight { let script = script.highlighted(highlight_theme); if line_numbers { script .lines_numbered()? .map(|(i, s)| format!("{:>4} | {}", i, s)) .join("") } else { script.lines()?.join("") } } else if line_numbers { script .lines_numbered() .map(|(i, s)| format!("{:>4} | {}", i, s)) .join("") } else { script.to_string() }; Ok(script) } pub fn find_linter_command(repo_path: &Path, config: &Configuration) -> Result> { match config.script_linter().as_ref() { None => Ok(None), Some(linter) => { if linter.is_absolute() { Ok(Some(linter.to_path_buf())) } else { let linter = repo_path.join(linter); if !linter.is_file() { Err(anyhow!( "Cannot find linter command, searched in: {}", linter.display() )) } else { Ok(Some(linter)) } } } } }