use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::Context; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use anyhow::anyhow; use log::trace; use url::Url; use crate::package::Package; use crate::package::PackageName; use crate::package::PackageVersion; use crate::package::Source; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct SourceCache { root: PathBuf, } impl SourceCache { pub fn new(root: PathBuf) -> Self { SourceCache { root } } pub fn sources_for(&self, p: &Package) -> Vec { SourceEntry::for_package(self.root.clone(), p) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SourceEntry { cache_root: PathBuf, package_name: PackageName, package_version: PackageVersion, package_source_name: String, package_source: Source, } impl SourceEntry { fn source_file_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.source_file_directory().join(format!("{}-{}.source", self.package_source_name, self.package_source.hash().value())) } fn source_file_directory(&self) -> PathBuf { self.cache_root.join(format!("{}-{}", self.package_name, self.package_version)) } fn for_package(cache_root: PathBuf, package: &Package) -> Vec { package.sources() .clone() .into_iter() .map(|(source_name, source)| { SourceEntry { cache_root: cache_root.clone(), package_name:, package_version: package.version().clone(), package_source_name: source_name, package_source: source, } }) .collect() } pub fn exists(&self) -> bool { self.source_file_path().exists() } pub fn path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.source_file_path() } pub fn url(&self) -> &Url { self.package_source.url() } pub async fn remove_file(&self) -> Result<()> { let p = self.source_file_path(); tokio::fs::remove_file(&p).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn verify_hash(&self) -> Result<()> { use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt; let p = self.source_file_path(); trace!("Reading to buffer: {}", p.display()); let mut buf = vec![]; tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(false) .create_new(false) .read(true) .open(&p) .await? .read_to_end(&mut buf) .await?; trace!("Reading to buffer finished: {}", p.display()); self.package_source .hash() .matches_hash_of(&buf) } pub async fn create(&self) -> Result { let p = self.source_file_path(); trace!("Creating source file: {}", p.display()); if !self.cache_root.is_dir() { trace!("Cache root does not exist: {}", self.cache_root.display()); return Err(anyhow!("Cache root {} does not exist!", self.cache_root.display())) } { let dir = self.source_file_directory(); if !dir.is_dir() { trace!("Creating directory: {}", dir.display()); tokio::fs::create_dir(&dir) .await .with_context(|| { anyhow!("Creating source cache directory for package {} {}: {}", self.package_source_name, self.package_source.hash().value(), dir.display()) })?; } else { trace!("Directory exists: {}", dir.display()); } } trace!("Creating file now: {}", p.display()); tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .create_new(true) .write(true) .open(&p) .await .with_context(|| anyhow!("Creating file: {}", p.display())) .map_err(Error::from) } }