// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::anyhow; use anyhow::Context; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use log::trace; use resiter::AndThen; use resiter::FilterMap; use resiter::Map; use crate::package::Package; use crate::package::PackageName; use crate::package::PackageVersion; use crate::package::PackageVersionConstraint; /// A repository represents a collection of packages pub struct Repository { inner: BTreeMap<(PackageName, PackageVersion), Package>, } #[cfg(test)] impl From> for Repository { fn from(inner: BTreeMap<(PackageName, PackageVersion), Package>) -> Self { Repository { inner } } } impl Repository { pub fn load(path: &Path, progress: &indicatif::ProgressBar) -> Result { fn all_subdirs(p: &Path) -> Result> { let mut v = Vec::new(); for de in p.read_dir()? { let de = de?; let is_dir = de.file_type()?.is_dir(); let is_hidden = de .path() .file_name() .and_then(|s| s.to_str()) .map(|s| s.starts_with('.')) .unwrap_or(false); if is_dir && !is_hidden { v.push(de.path()); } } Ok(v) } fn load_recursive( root: &Path, path: &Path, mut config: config::Config, progress: &indicatif::ProgressBar, ) -> Result>> { let pkg_file = path.join("pkg.toml"); if pkg_file.is_file() { let buf = std::fs::read_to_string(&pkg_file) .with_context(|| format!("Reading {}", pkg_file.display()))?; // This function has an issue: It loads packages recursively, but if there are // patches set for a package, these patches are set _relative_ to the current // pkg.toml file. // // E.G.: // (1) /pkg.toml // (2) /a/pkg.toml // (3) /a/1.0/pkg.toml // (4) /a/2.0/pkg.toml // // If (2) defines a patches = ["./1.patch"], the patch exists at /a/1.patch. // We can fix that by modifying the Config object after loading (2) and fixing the // path of the patch to be relative to the repostory root. // // But if we continue loading the /a/ subdirectory recursively, this value gets // overwritten by Config::refresh(), which is called by Config::merge, for example. // // The trick is, to get the list of patches _before_ the merge, and later // re-setting them after the merge, if there were no new patches set (which itself // is tricky to find out, because the `Config` object _looks like_ there is a new // array set). // // If (3), for example, does set a new patches=[] array, the old array is // invalidated and no longer relevant for that package! // Thus, we can savely throw it away and continue with the new array, fixing the // pathes to be relative to repo root again. // // If (4) does _not_ set any patches, we must ensure that the patches from the // loading of (2) are used and not overwritten by the Config::refresh() call // happening during Config::merge(). // // first of all, we get the patches array. // This is either the patches array from the last recursion or the newly set one, // that doesn't matter here. let patches_before_merge = match config.get_array("patches") { Ok(v) => { v.into_iter() .map(|p| { p.into_str() .map(PathBuf::from) .with_context(|| anyhow!("patches must be strings")) .map_err(Error::from) }) .collect::>>()? }, Err(config::ConfigError::NotFound(_)) => vec![], Err(e) => return Err(e).map_err(Error::from), }; trace!("Patches before merging: {:?}", patches_before_merge); // Merge the new pkg.toml file over the already loaded configuration config .merge(config::File::from_str(&buf, config::FileFormat::Toml)) .with_context(|| format!("Loading contents of {}", pkg_file.display()))?; let path_relative_to_root = path.strip_prefix(root)?; // get the patches that are in the `config` object after the merge let patches = match config.get_array("patches") { Ok(v) => { trace!("Patches after merging: {:?}", v); v }, // if there was none, we simply use an empty array // This is cheap because Vec::with_capacity(0) does not allocate Err(config::ConfigError::NotFound(_)) => Vec::with_capacity(0), Err(e) => return Err(e).map_err(Error::from), } .into_iter() // Map all `Value`s to String and then join them on the path that is relative to // the root directory of the repository. .map(|patch| patch.into_str().map_err(Error::from)) .map_ok(|patch| path_relative_to_root.join(patch)) .inspect(|patch| trace!("Patch relative to root: {:?}", patch.as_ref().map(|p| p.display()))) // if the patch file exists, use it (as config::Value). // // Otherwise we have an error here, because we're refering to a non-existing file. .and_then_ok(|patch| if patch.exists() { trace!("Path to patch exists: {}", patch.display()); Ok(Some(patch)) } else if patches_before_merge.iter().any(|pb| pb.file_name() == patch.file_name()) { // We have a patch already in the array that is named equal to the patch // we have in the current recursion. // It seems like this patch was already in the list and we re-found it // because we loaded a deeper pkg.toml file. Ok(None) } else { trace!("Path to patch does not exist: {}", patch.display()); Err(anyhow!("Patch does not exist: {}", patch.display())) }) .filter_map_ok(|o| o) .collect::>>()?; // If we found any patches, use them. Otherwise use the array from before the merge // (which already has the correct pathes from the previous recursion). let patches = if !patches.is_empty() && patches.iter().all(|p| p.exists()) { patches } else { patches_before_merge }; trace!("Patches after postprocessing merge: {:?}", patches); let patches = patches .into_iter() .map(|p| p.display().to_string()) .map(config::Value::from) .collect::>(); config.set_once("patches", config::Value::from(patches))?; } let subdirs = all_subdirs(path) .with_context(|| format!("Finding subdirs for {}", pkg_file.display()))?; if subdirs.is_empty() { progress.tick(); if pkg_file.is_file() { let package = config.try_into() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse {} into package", path.display())) .and_then(|package: Package| { if package.name().is_empty() { Err(anyhow!("Package name cannot be empty: {}", pkg_file.display())) } else if package.version().is_empty() { Err(anyhow!("Package version cannot be empty: {}", pkg_file.display())) } else { Ok(package) } }); Ok(vec![package]) } else { Ok(vec![]) } } else { subdirs.into_iter().fold(Ok(Vec::new()), |vec, dir| { vec.and_then(|mut v| { trace!("Recursing into {}", dir.display()); let mut loaded = load_recursive(root, &dir, config.clone(), progress) .with_context(|| format!("Recursing for {}", pkg_file.display()))?; v.append(&mut loaded); Ok(v) }) }) } } let inner = load_recursive(path, path, config::Config::default(), progress) .with_context(|| format!("Recursing for {}", path.display()))? .into_iter() .inspect(|p| trace!("Loading into repository: {:?}", p)) .map_ok(|p| ((p.name().clone(), p.version().clone()), p)) .collect::>()?; Ok(Repository { inner }) } pub fn find_by_name<'a>(&'a self, name: &PackageName) -> Vec<&'a Package> { trace!("Searching for '{}' in repository", name); self.inner .iter() .filter(|((n, _), _)| { trace!("{} == {} -> {}", name, n, name == n); name == n }) .map(|(_, pack)| pack) .collect() } pub fn find<'a>(&'a self, name: &PackageName, version: &PackageVersion) -> Vec<&'a Package> { self.inner .iter() .filter(|((n, v), _)| n == name && v == version) .map(|(_, p)| p) .collect() } pub fn find_with_version<'a>( &'a self, name: &PackageName, vc: &PackageVersionConstraint, ) -> Vec<&'a Package> { self.inner .iter() .filter(|((n, v), _)| n == name && vc.matches(v)) .map(|(_, p)| p) .collect() } pub fn packages(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.inner.values() } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; use crate::package::tests::package; use crate::package::tests::pname; use crate::package::tests::pversion; #[test] fn test_finding_by_name() { let mut btree = BTreeMap::new(); { let name = "a"; let vers = "1"; let pack = package(name, vers, "https://rust-lang.org", "123"); btree.insert((pname(name), pversion(vers)), pack); } let repo = Repository::from(btree); let ps = repo.find_by_name(&pname("a")); assert_eq!(ps.len(), 1); let p = ps.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(*p.name(), pname("a")); assert_eq!(*p.version(), pversion("1")); assert!(!p.version_is_semver()); } #[test] fn test_find() { let mut btree = BTreeMap::new(); { let name = "a"; let vers = "1"; let pack = package(name, vers, "https://rust-lang.org", "123"); btree.insert((pname(name), pversion(vers)), pack); } { let name = "a"; let vers = "2"; let pack = package(name, vers, "https://rust-lang.org", "124"); btree.insert((pname(name), pversion(vers)), pack); } let repo = Repository::from(btree); let ps = repo.find(&pname("a"), &pversion("2")); assert_eq!(ps.len(), 1); let p = ps.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(*p.name(), pname("a")); assert_eq!(*p.version(), pversion("2")); assert!(!p.version_is_semver()); } #[test] fn test_find_with_vers_constr_exact() { let mut btree = BTreeMap::new(); { let name = "a"; let vers = "1"; let pack = package(name, vers, "https://rust-lang.org", "123"); btree.insert((pname(name), pversion(vers)), pack); } { let name = "a"; let vers = "2"; let pack = package(name, vers, "https://rust-lang.org", "124"); btree.insert((pname(name), pversion(vers)), pack); } { let name = "a"; let vers = "3"; let pack = package(name, vers, "https://rust-lang.org", "125"); btree.insert((pname(name), pversion(vers)), pack); } let repo = Repository::from(btree); let constraint = PackageVersionConstraint::from_version(String::from("="), pversion("2")); let ps = repo.find_with_version(&pname("a"), &constraint); assert_eq!(ps.len(), 1); let p = ps.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(*p.name(), pname("a")); assert_eq!(*p.version(), pversion("2")); assert!(!p.version_is_semver()); } }