// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use diesel::BoolExpressionMethods; use diesel::ExpressionMethods; use diesel::JoinOnDsl; use diesel::PgConnection; use diesel::QueryDsl; use diesel::RunQueryDsl; use log::trace; use resiter::AndThen; use resiter::FilterMap; use crate::config::Configuration; use crate::db::models as dbmodels; use crate::filestore::path::ArtifactPath; use crate::filestore::path::FullArtifactPath; use crate::filestore::ReleaseStore; use crate::filestore::StagingStore; use crate::package::Package; use crate::package::ScriptBuilder; use crate::package::Shebang; use crate::schema; use crate::util::EnvironmentVariableName; /// Find an artifact by a job description /// /// This function finds artifacts for a job description and environment that is equal to the passed /// one. /// The package is not the only parameter that influences a build, so this function gets all the /// things: The Package, the Release store, the Staging store (optionally), additional environment /// variables,... /// to find artifacts for a job that looks the very same. /// /// If the artifact was released, the return value contains a Some(NaiveDateTime), marking the date /// of the release. /// Releases are returned prefferably, if multiple equal pathes for an artifact are found. pub fn find_artifacts<'a>( database_connection: Arc, config: &Configuration, pkg: &Package, release_stores: &'a [Arc], staging_store: Option<&'a StagingStore>, additional_env: &[(EnvironmentVariableName, String)], script_filter: bool, ) -> Result, Option)>> { let shebang = Shebang::from(config.shebang().clone()); let script = if script_filter { let script = ScriptBuilder::new(&shebang).build( pkg, config.available_phases(), *config.strict_script_interpolation(), )?; Some(script) } else { None }; let package_environment = pkg.environment(); let mut query = schema::packages::table .filter({ // The package with pkg.name() and pkg.version() let package_name_filter = schema::packages::name.eq(pkg.name().as_ref() as &str); let package_version_filter = schema::packages::version.eq(pkg.version().as_ref() as &str); package_name_filter.and(package_version_filter) }) // TODO: Only select from submits where the submit contained jobs that are in the // dependencies of `pkg`. .inner_join(schema::jobs::table.inner_join(schema::submits::table)) .inner_join(schema::artifacts::table.on(schema::jobs::id.eq(schema::artifacts::job_id))) // TODO: We do not yet have a method to "left join" properly, because diesel only has // left_outer_join (left_join is an alias) // So do not include release dates here, for now //.left_outer_join(schema::releases::table.on(schema::releases::artifact_id.eq(schema::artifacts::id))) .inner_join(schema::images::table.on(schema::submits::requested_image_id.eq(schema::images::id))) .into_boxed(); if let Some(allowed_images) = pkg.allowed_images() { trace!("Filtering with allowed_images = {:?}", allowed_images); let imgs = allowed_images .iter() .map(AsRef::::as_ref) .collect::>(); query = query.filter(schema::images::name.eq_any(imgs)); } if let Some(denied_images) = pkg.denied_images() { trace!("Filtering with denied_images = {:?}", denied_images); let imgs = denied_images .iter() .map(AsRef::::as_ref) .collect::>(); query = query.filter(schema::images::name.ne_all(imgs)); } if let Some(script_text) = script.as_ref() { query = query.filter(schema::jobs::script_text.eq(script_text.as_ref())); } trace!("Query = {}", diesel::debug_query(&query)); query .select({ let arts = schema::artifacts::all_columns; let jobs = schema::jobs::all_columns; //let rels = schema::releases::release_date.nullable(); (arts, jobs) }) .load::<(dbmodels::Artifact, dbmodels::Job)>( &*database_connection, ) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|results: Vec<_>| { results .into_iter() .inspect(|(art, job)| log::debug!("Filtering further: {:?}, job {:?}", art, job.id)) // // Filter by environment variables // All environment variables of the package must be present in the loaded // package, so that we can be sure that the loaded package was built with // the same ENV. // // TODO: // Doing this in the database query would be way nicer, but I was not able // to implement it. // .map(|tpl| -> Result<(_, _)> { // This is a Iterator::filter() but because our condition here might fail, we // map() and do the actual filtering later. let job = tpl.1; let job_env: Vec<(String, String)> = job .env(&*database_connection)? .into_iter() .map(|var: dbmodels::EnvVar| (var.name, var.value)) .collect(); trace!("The job we found had env: {:?}", job_env); let envs_equal = environments_equal(&job_env, package_environment.as_ref(), additional_env); trace!("environments where equal = {}", envs_equal); Ok((tpl.0, envs_equal)) }) .filter(|r| match r { // the actual filtering from above Err(_) => true, Ok((_, bl)) => *bl, }) .and_then_ok(|(art, _)| { if let Some(release) = art.get_release(&*database_connection)? { Ok((art, Some(release.release_date))) } else { Ok((art, None)) } }) .and_then_ok(|(p, ndt)| ArtifactPath::new(PathBuf::from(p.path)).map(|a| (a, ndt))) .and_then_ok(|(artpath, ndt)| { if let Some(staging) = staging_store.as_ref() { trace!( "Searching in staging: {:?} for {:?}", staging.root_path(), artpath ); if let Some(art) = staging.get(&artpath) { trace!("Found in staging: {:?}", art); return staging.root_path().join(art).map(|p| p.map(|p| (p, ndt))) } } // If we cannot find the artifact in the release store either, we return None. // This is the case if there indeed was a release, but it was removed from the // filesystem. for release_store in release_stores { if let Some(art) = release_store.get(&artpath) { trace!("Found in release: {:?}", art); return release_store.root_path().join(art).map(|p| p.map(|p| (p, ndt))) } } trace!("Found no release for artifact {:?} in any release store", artpath.display()); Ok(None) }) .filter_map_ok(|opt| opt) .collect::, Option)>>>() }) } fn environments_equal(job_env: &[(String, String)], pkg_env: Option<&HashMap>, add_env: &[(EnvironmentVariableName, String)]) -> bool { use std::ops::Deref; let job_envs_all_found = || job_env.iter() .map(|(key, value)| (EnvironmentVariableName::from(key.deref()), value)) .all(|(key, value)| { // check whether pair is in pkg_env let is_in_pkg_env = || pkg_env.as_ref() .map(|hm| { if let Some(val) = hm.get(&key) { value == val } else { false } }) .unwrap_or(false); // check whether pair is in add_env let is_in_add_env = || add_env.iter().any(|(k, v)| *k == key && v == value); let r = is_in_pkg_env() || is_in_add_env(); trace!("Job Env ({}, {}) found: {}", key, value, r); r }); let pkg_envs_all_found = || pkg_env.map(|hm| { hm.iter() .all(|(k, v)| { job_env.contains(&(k.as_ref().to_string(), v.to_string())) // TODO: do not allocate }) }) .unwrap_or(true); let add_envs_all_found = || add_env.iter() .all(|(k, v)| { job_env.contains(&(k.as_ref().to_string(), v.to_string())) // TODO: do not allocate }); job_envs_all_found() && pkg_envs_all_found() && add_envs_all_found() }