// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // //! Implementation of the 'source' subcommand use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::io::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::Context; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use anyhow::anyhow; use clap::ArgMatches; use colored::Colorize; use log::{info, trace}; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; use crate::config::*; use crate::package::Package; use crate::package::PackageName; use crate::package::PackageVersionConstraint; use crate::repository::Repository; use crate::source::*; use crate::util::progress::ProgressBars; mod download; /// Implementation of the "source" subcommand pub async fn source( matches: &ArgMatches, config: &Configuration, repo: Repository, progressbars: ProgressBars, ) -> Result<()> { match matches.subcommand() { Some(("verify", matches)) => verify(matches, config, repo, progressbars).await, Some(("list-missing", matches)) => list_missing(matches, config, repo).await, Some(("url", matches)) => url(matches, repo).await, Some(("download", matches)) => crate::commands::source::download::download(matches, config, repo, progressbars).await, Some(("of", matches)) => of(matches, config, repo).await, Some((other, _)) => return Err(anyhow!("Unknown subcommand: {}", other)), None => Err(anyhow!("No subcommand")), } } pub async fn verify( matches: &ArgMatches, config: &Configuration, repo: Repository, progressbars: ProgressBars, ) -> Result<()> { let sc = SourceCache::new(config.source_cache_root().clone()); let pname = matches .value_of("package_name") .map(String::from) .map(PackageName::from); let pvers = matches .value_of("package_version") .map(PackageVersionConstraint::try_from) .transpose()?; let matching_regexp = matches.value_of("matching") .map(crate::commands::util::mk_package_name_regex) .transpose()?; let packages = repo .packages() .filter(|p| { match (pname.as_ref(), pvers.as_ref(), matching_regexp.as_ref()) { (None, None, None) => true, (Some(pname), None, None) => p.name() == pname, (Some(pname), Some(vers), None) => p.name() == pname && vers.matches(p.version()), (None, None, Some(regex)) => regex.is_match(p.name()), (_, _, _) => { panic!("This should not be possible, either we select packages by name and (optionally) version, or by regex.") }, } }) .inspect(|p| trace!("Found for verification: {} {}", p.name(), p.version())); verify_impl(packages, &sc, &progressbars).await } pub(in crate::commands) async fn verify_impl<'a, I>( packages: I, sc: &SourceCache, progressbars: &ProgressBars, ) -> Result<()> where I: Iterator + 'a, { let sources = packages .map(|p| sc.sources_for(p).into_iter()) .flatten() .collect::>(); let bar = progressbars.bar(); bar.set_message("Verifying sources"); bar.set_length(sources.len() as u64); let results = sources.into_iter() .map(|src| (bar.clone(), src)) .map(|(bar, source)| async move { trace!("Verifying: {}", source.path().display()); if source.path().exists() { trace!("Exists: {}", source.path().display()); source.verify_hash().await.with_context(|| { anyhow!("Hash verification failed for: {}", source.path().display()) })?; trace!("Success verifying: {}", source.path().display()); bar.inc(1); Ok(()) } else { trace!("Failed verifying: {}", source.path().display()); bar.inc(1); Err(anyhow!("Source missing: {}", source.path().display())) } }) .collect::>() .collect::>>() .await; info!("Verification processes finished"); if results.iter().any(Result::is_err) { bar.finish_with_message("Source verification failed"); } else { bar.finish_with_message("Source verification successfull"); } let out = std::io::stdout(); let mut any_error = false; for result in results { if let Err(e) = result { let mut outlock = out.lock(); any_error = true; for cause in e.chain() { let _ = writeln!(outlock, "Error: {}", cause.to_string().red()); } let _ = writeln!(outlock); } } if any_error { Err(anyhow!( "At least one package failed with source verification" )) } else { Ok(()) } } pub async fn list_missing(_: &ArgMatches, config: &Configuration, repo: Repository) -> Result<()> { let sc = SourceCache::new(config.source_cache_root().clone()); let out = std::io::stdout(); let mut outlock = out.lock(); repo.packages().try_for_each(|p| { for source in sc.sources_for(p) { if !source.path().exists() { writeln!( outlock, "{} {} -> {}", p.name(), p.version(), source.path().display() )?; } } Ok(()) }) } pub async fn url(matches: &ArgMatches, repo: Repository) -> Result<()> { let out = std::io::stdout(); let mut outlock = out.lock(); let pname = matches .value_of("package_name") .map(String::from) .map(PackageName::from); let pvers = matches .value_of("package_version") .map(PackageVersionConstraint::try_from) .transpose()?; repo.packages() .filter(|p| pname.as_ref().map(|n| p.name() == n).unwrap_or(true)) .filter(|p| { pvers .as_ref() .map(|v| v.matches(p.version())) .unwrap_or(true) }) .try_for_each(|p| { p.sources().iter().try_for_each(|(source_name, source)| { writeln!( outlock, "{} {} -> {} = {}", p.name(), p.version(), source_name, source.url() ) .map_err(Error::from) }) }) } async fn of( matches: &ArgMatches, config: &Configuration, repo: Repository, ) -> Result<()> { let cache = PathBuf::from(config.source_cache_root()); let sc = SourceCache::new(cache); let pname = matches .value_of("package_name") .map(String::from) .map(PackageName::from); let pvers = matches .value_of("package_version") .map(PackageVersionConstraint::try_from) .transpose()?; repo.packages() .filter(|p| pname.as_ref().map(|n| p.name() == n).unwrap_or(true)) .filter(|p| { pvers .as_ref() .map(|v| v.matches(p.version())) .unwrap_or(true) }) .map(|p| { let pathes = sc.sources_for(p) .into_iter() .map(|source| source.path()) .collect::>(); (p, pathes) }) .fold(Ok(std::io::stdout()), |out, (package, pathes)| { out.and_then(|mut out| { writeln!(out, "{} {}", package.name(), package.version())?; for path in pathes { writeln!(out, "\t{}", path.display())?; } Ok(out) }) }) .map(|_| ()) }