// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // use std::path::PathBuf; use std::io::Write; use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Context; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use clap::ArgMatches; use diesel::PgConnection; use itertools::Itertools; use log::debug; use log::trace; use crate::config::Configuration; use crate::filestore::ReleaseStore; use crate::filestore::StagingStore; use crate::filestore::path::StoreRoot; use crate::package::PackageVersionConstraint; use crate::repository::Repository; use crate::util::progress::ProgressBars; /// Implementation of the "find_artifact" subcommand pub async fn find_artifact(matches: &ArgMatches, config: &Configuration, progressbars: ProgressBars, repo: Repository, database_connection: PgConnection) -> Result<()> { let package_name_regex = crate::commands::util::mk_package_name_regex({ matches.value_of("package_name_regex").unwrap() // safe by clap })?; let package_version_constraint = matches .value_of("package_version_constraint") .map(String::from) .map(PackageVersionConstraint::new) .transpose() .context("Parsing package version constraint") .context("A valid package version constraint looks like this: '=1.0.0'")?; let env_filter = matches.values_of("env_filter") .map(|vals| vals.map(crate::util::env::parse_to_env).collect::>>()) .transpose()? .unwrap_or_default(); log::debug!("Finding artifacts for '{:?}' '{:?}'", package_name_regex, package_version_constraint); let release_stores = config .release_stores() .iter() .map(|storename| { let bar_release_loading = progressbars.bar(); let p = config.releases_directory().join(storename); debug!("Loading release directory: {}", p.display()); let r = ReleaseStore::load(StoreRoot::new(p)?, &bar_release_loading); if r.is_ok() { bar_release_loading.finish_with_message("Loaded releases successfully"); } else { bar_release_loading.finish_with_message("Failed to load releases"); } r.map(Arc::new) }) .collect::>>()?; let staging_store = if let Some(p) = matches.value_of("staging_dir").map(PathBuf::from) { let bar_staging_loading = progressbars.bar(); if !p.is_dir() { let _ = tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&p).await?; } debug!("Loading staging directory: {}", p.display()); let r = StagingStore::load(StoreRoot::new(p.clone())?, &bar_staging_loading); if r.is_ok() { bar_staging_loading.finish_with_message("Loaded staging successfully"); } else { bar_staging_loading.finish_with_message("Failed to load staging"); } Some(r?) } else { None }; let database = Arc::new(database_connection); repo.packages() .filter(|p| package_name_regex.captures(p.name()).is_some()) .filter(|p| { package_version_constraint .as_ref() .map(|v| v.matches(p.version())) .unwrap_or(true) }) .inspect(|pkg| trace!("Found package: {:?}", pkg)) .map(|pkg| { let script_filter = !matches.is_present("no_script_filter"); let pathes = crate::db::find_artifacts(database.clone(), config, &pkg, &release_stores, staging_store.as_ref(), &env_filter, script_filter)?; pathes.iter() .map(|tpl| (tpl.0.joined(), tpl.1)) .sorted_by(|tpla, tplb| { use std::cmp::Ordering; // Sort the iterator elements, so that if there is a release date, we always // prefer the entry with the release date AS LONG AS the path is equal. match (tpla, tplb) { ((a, Some(ta)), (b, Some(tb))) => match a.cmp(b) { Ordering::Equal => ta.cmp(tb), other => other, }, ((a, Some(_)), (b, None)) => match a.cmp(b) { Ordering::Equal => Ordering::Greater, other => other, }, ((a, None), (b, Some(_))) => match a.cmp(b) { Ordering::Equal => Ordering::Less, other => other, }, ((a, None), (b, None)) => a.cmp(b), } }) .unique_by(|tpl| tpl.0.clone()) // TODO: Dont clone() .try_for_each(|(path, releasetime)| { if let Some(time) = releasetime { writeln!(std::io::stdout(), "[{}] {}", time, path.display()) } else { writeln!(std::io::stdout(), "[unknown] {}", path.display()) }.map_err(Error::from) }) }) .inspect(|r| trace!("Query resulted in: {:?}", r)) .collect::>>() .into_iter() .collect() }