// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // use std::str::FromStr; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use anyhow::anyhow; use clap::ArgMatches; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; use shiplift::Container; use crate::config::Configuration; use crate::config::EndpointName; pub async fn container(endpoint_names: Vec, matches: &ArgMatches, config: &Configuration, ) -> Result<()> { let container_id = matches.value_of("container_id").unwrap(); let endpoints = crate::commands::endpoint::connect_to_endpoints(config, &endpoint_names).await?; let relevant_endpoints = endpoints.into_iter() .map(|ep| async { ep.has_container_with_id(container_id) .await .map(|b| (ep, b)) }) .collect::>() .collect::>>() .await? .into_iter() .filter_map(|tpl| { if tpl.1 { Some(tpl.0) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); if relevant_endpoints.len() > 1 { return Err(anyhow!("Found more than one container for id {}", container_id)) } let relevant_endpoint = relevant_endpoints.get(0).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("Found no container for id {}", container_id) })?; let container = relevant_endpoint.get_container_by_id(container_id) .await? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Cannot find container {} on {}", container_id, relevant_endpoint.name()))?; let confirm = |prompt: String| dialoguer::Confirm::new().with_prompt(prompt).interact(); match matches.subcommand() { Some(("top", matches)) => top(matches, container).await, Some(("kill", matches)) => { confirm({ if let Some(sig) = matches.value_of("signal").as_ref() { format!("Really kill {} with {}?", container_id, sig) } else { format!("Really kill {}?", container_id) } })?; kill(matches, container).await }, Some(("delete", _)) => { confirm(format!("Really delete {}?", container_id))?; delete(container).await }, Some(("start", _)) => { confirm(format!("Really start {}?", container_id))?; start(container).await }, Some(("stop", matches)) => { confirm(format!("Really stop {}?", container_id))?; stop(matches, container).await }, Some(("exec", matches)) => { confirm({ let commands = matches.values_of("commands").unwrap().collect::>(); format!("Really run '{}' in {}?", commands.join(" "), container_id) })?; exec(matches, container).await }, Some(("inspect", _)) => inspect(container).await, Some((other, _)) => Err(anyhow!("Unknown subcommand: {}", other)), None => Err(anyhow!("No subcommand")), } } async fn top(matches: &ArgMatches, container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { let top = container.top(None).await?; let hdr = crate::commands::util::mk_header(top.titles.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect()); crate::commands::util::display_data(hdr, top.processes, matches.is_present("csv")) } async fn kill(matches: &ArgMatches, container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { let signal = matches.value_of("signal"); container.kill(signal).await.map_err(Error::from) } async fn delete(container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { container.delete().await.map_err(Error::from) } async fn start(container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { container.start().await.map_err(Error::from) } async fn stop(matches: &ArgMatches, container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { container.stop({ matches .value_of("timeout") .map(u64::from_str) .transpose()? .map(std::time::Duration::from_secs) }) .await .map_err(Error::from) } async fn exec(matches: &ArgMatches, container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { use std::io::Write; use futures::TryStreamExt; let execopts = shiplift::builder::ExecContainerOptions::builder() .cmd({ matches.values_of("commands").unwrap().collect::>() }) .attach_stdout(true) .attach_stderr(true) .build(); container.exec(&execopts) .map_err(Error::from) .try_for_each(|chunk| async { match chunk { shiplift::tty::TtyChunk::StdIn(_) => Err(anyhow!("Cannot handle STDIN TTY chunk")), shiplift::tty::TtyChunk::StdOut(v) => { std::io::stdout().write(&v).map_err(Error::from).map(|_| ()) }, shiplift::tty::TtyChunk::StdErr(v) => { std::io::stderr().write(&v).map_err(Error::from).map(|_| ()) }, } }) .await } // Print inspect details about the container // // // ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE // // (Dante) // // This is the most ugly function of the whole codebase. As ugly as it is: It is simply printing // things, nothing here is too complex code-wise (except some nested formatting stuff...) async fn inspect(container: Container<'_>) -> Result<()> { use std::io::Write; use itertools::Itertools; let d = container.inspect().await?; fn option_vec(ov: Option<&Vec>) -> String { ov.map(|v| format!("Some({})", v.iter().join(", "))).unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) } fn option_vec_nl(ov: Option<&Vec>, ind: usize) -> String { ov.map(|v| v.iter().map(|s| format!("{:ind$}{s}", "", ind = ind, s = s)).join("\n")).map(|s| format!("\n{}", s)).unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) } fn option_tostr(ots: Option) -> String { ots.map(|s| format!("Some({})", s.to_string())).unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) } writeln!(std::io::stdout(), "{}", indoc::formatdoc!(r#" Container: {container_id} app_armor_profile: {app_armor_profile} args: {args} config: attach_stderr: {config_attach_stderr} attach_stdin: {config_attach_stdin} attach_stdout: {config_attach_stdout} cmd: {config_cmd} domainname: {config_domainname} entrypoint: {config_entrypoint} env: {config_env} exposed_ports: {config_exposed_ports} hostname: {config_hostname} image: {config_image} labels: {config_labels} on_build: {config_on_build} open_stdin: {config_open_stdin} stdin_once: {config_stdin_once} tty: {config_tty} user: {config_user} working_dir: {config_working_dir} created: {created} driver: {driver} host_config: cgroup_parent: {host_config_cgroup_parent} container_id_file: {host_config_container_id_file} cpu_shares: {host_config_cpu_shares} cpuset_cpus: {host_config_cpuset_cpus} memory: {host_config_memory} memory_swap: {host_config_memory_swap} network_mode: {host_config_network_mode} pid_mode: {host_config_pid_mode} port_bindings: {host_config_port_bindings} privileged: {host_config_privileged} publish_all_ports: {host_config_publish_all_ports} readonly_rootfs: {host_config_readonly_rootfs} hostname_path: {hostname_path} hosts_path: {hosts_path} log_path: {log_path} id: {id} image: {image} mount_label: {mount_label} name: {name} network_settings: bridge: {network_settings_bridge} gateway: {network_settings_gateway} ip_address: {network_settings_ip_address} ip_prefix_len: {network_settings_ip_prefix_len} mac_address: {network_settings_mac_address} ports: {network_settings_ports} networks: {network_settings_networks} path: {path} process_label: {process_label} resolv_conf_path: {resolv_conf_path} restart_count: {restart_count} state: error: {state_error} exit_code: {state_exit_code} finished_at: {state_finished_at} oom_killed: {state_oom_killed} paused: {state_paused} pid: {state_pid} restarting: {state_restarting} running: {state_running} started_at: {state_started_at} status: {state_status} mounts: {mounts} "#, container_id = container.id(), app_armor_profile = d.app_armor_profile, args = d.args.iter().join(", "), config_attach_stderr = d.config.attach_stderr.to_string(), config_attach_stdin = d.config.attach_stdin.to_string(), config_attach_stdout = d.config.attach_stdout.to_string(), config_cmd = option_vec(d.config.cmd.as_ref()), config_domainname = d.config.domainname, config_entrypoint = option_vec(d.config.entrypoint.as_ref()), config_env = option_vec_nl(d.config.env.as_ref(), 8), config_exposed_ports = { d.config.exposed_ports.map(|hm| { let s = hm.iter() .map(|(k, v_hm)| { format!("{:ind$}{k}:\n{hm}", "", ind = 8, k = k, hm = v_hm.iter() .map(|(k, v)| format!("{:ind$}{k}: {v}", "", ind = 12, k = k, v = v)) .collect::>() .join("\n") ) }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{s}", s = s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) }, config_hostname = d.config.hostname, config_image = d.config.image, config_labels = { d.config.labels .map(|hm| { let s = hm.iter() .map(|(k, v)| format!("{:ind$}{k}: {v}", "", ind = 8, k = k, v = v)) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{s}", s = s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) }, config_on_build = option_vec(d.config.on_build.as_ref()), config_open_stdin = d.config.open_stdin.to_string(), config_stdin_once = d.config.stdin_once.to_string(), config_tty = d.config.tty.to_string(), config_user = d.config.user, config_working_dir = d.config.working_dir, created = d.created.to_string(), driver = d.driver, host_config_cgroup_parent = option_tostr(d.host_config.cgroup_parent.as_ref()), host_config_container_id_file = d.host_config.container_id_file, host_config_cpu_shares = option_tostr(d.host_config.cpu_shares.as_ref()), host_config_cpuset_cpus = option_tostr(d.host_config.cpuset_cpus.as_ref()), host_config_memory = option_tostr(d.host_config.memory.as_ref()), host_config_memory_swap = option_tostr(d.host_config.memory_swap.as_ref()), host_config_network_mode = d.host_config.network_mode, host_config_pid_mode = option_tostr(d.host_config.pid_mode.as_ref()), host_config_port_bindings = { d.host_config.port_bindings .map(|hm| { let s = hm.iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let v = v.iter() .map(|hm| { hm.iter() .map(|(k, v)| { format!("{:ind$}{k}: {v}", "", ind = 12, k = k, v = v) }) .collect::>() .join("\n") }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("{:ind$}{k}: {v}", "", ind = 8, k = k, v = format!("\n{}", v)) }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{s}", s = s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) }, host_config_privileged = d.host_config.privileged.to_string(), host_config_publish_all_ports = d.host_config.publish_all_ports.to_string(), host_config_readonly_rootfs = option_tostr(d.host_config.readonly_rootfs.as_ref()), hostname_path = d.hostname_path, hosts_path = d.hosts_path, log_path = d.log_path, id = d.id, image = d.image, mount_label = d.mount_label, name = d.name, network_settings_bridge = d.network_settings.bridge, network_settings_gateway = d.network_settings.gateway, network_settings_ip_address = d.network_settings.ip_address, network_settings_ip_prefix_len = d.network_settings.ip_prefix_len.to_string(), network_settings_mac_address = d.network_settings.mac_address, network_settings_ports = { d.network_settings.ports .map(|hm| { let s = hm.iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let v = v.as_ref().map(|v| { v.iter() .map(|hm| { let s = hm.iter() .map(|(k, v)| format!("{:ind$}{k}: {v}", "", ind = 12, k = k, v = v)) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{s}", s = s) }) .collect::>() .join("\n") }).unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")); format!("{:ind$}{k}: {v}", "", ind = 8, k = k, v = format!("\n{}", v)) }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{s}", s = s) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")) }, network_settings_networks = { let s = d.network_settings.networks.iter().map(|(k, v)| { indoc::formatdoc!(r#" {k}: network_id: {network_id} endpoint_id: {endpoint_id} gateway: {gateway} ip_address: {ip_address} ip_prefix_len: {ip_prefix_len} ipv6_gateway: {ipv6_gateway} global_ipv6_address: {global_ipv6_address} global_ipv6_prefix_len: {global_ipv6_prefix_len} mac_address: {mac_address} "#, k = k, network_id = v.network_id, endpoint_id = v.endpoint_id, gateway = v.gateway, ip_address = v.ip_address, ip_prefix_len = v.ip_prefix_len, ipv6_gateway = v.ipv6_gateway, global_ipv6_address = v.global_ipv6_address, global_ipv6_prefix_len = v.global_ipv6_prefix_len.to_string(), mac_address = v.mac_address, ) .lines() .map(|s| format!("{:ind$}{s}", "", ind = 8, s = s)) .join("\n") }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{}", s) }, path = d.path, process_label = d.process_label, resolv_conf_path = d.resolv_conf_path, restart_count = d.restart_count.to_string(), state_error = d.state.error, state_exit_code = d.state.exit_code.to_string(), state_finished_at = d.state.finished_at.to_string(), state_oom_killed = d.state.oom_killed.to_string(), state_paused = d.state.paused.to_string(), state_pid = d.state.pid.to_string(), state_restarting = d.state.restarting.to_string(), state_running = d.state.running.to_string(), state_started_at = d.state.started_at.to_string(), state_status = d.state.status, mounts = { let s = d.mounts.iter() .map(|mount| { indoc::formatdoc!(r#" source: {source} destination: {destination} mode: {mode} rw: {rw} "#, source = mount.source, destination = mount.destination, mode = mount.mode, rw = mount.rw.to_string() ) .lines() .map(|s| format!("{:ind$}{s}", "", ind = 4, s = s)) .join("\n") }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!("\n{}", s) } )).map_err(Error::from) }