// // Copyright (c) 2020-2021 science+computing ag and other contributors // // This program and the accompanying materials are made // available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 // which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ // // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // //! Implementation of the 'db' subcommand use std::io::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use std::str::FromStr; use anyhow::Context; use anyhow::Error; use anyhow::Result; use anyhow::anyhow; use clap::ArgMatches; use colored::Colorize; use diesel::BelongingToDsl; use diesel::ExpressionMethods; use diesel::JoinOnDsl; use diesel::QueryDsl; use diesel::RunQueryDsl; use itertools::Itertools; use log::debug; use log::info; use log::trace; use crate::commands::util::get_date_filter; use crate::config::Configuration; use crate::db::models; use crate::db::DbConnectionConfig; use crate::log::JobResult; use crate::package::Script; use crate::schema; diesel_migrations::embed_migrations!("migrations"); /// Implementation of the "db" subcommand pub fn db( db_connection_config: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, config: &Configuration, matches: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result<()> { match matches.subcommand() { Some(("cli", matches)) => cli(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("setup", _matches)) => setup(db_connection_config), Some(("artifacts", matches)) => artifacts(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("envvars", matches)) => envvars(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("images", matches)) => images(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("submit", matches)) => submit(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("submits", matches)) => submits(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("jobs", matches)) => jobs(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("job", matches)) => job(db_connection_config, config, matches), Some(("log-of", matches)) => log_of(db_connection_config, matches), Some(("releases", matches)) => releases(db_connection_config, config, matches), Some((other, _)) => Err(anyhow!("Unknown subcommand: {}", other)), None => Err(anyhow!("No subcommand")), } } /// Implementation of the "db cli" subcommand fn cli(db_connection_config: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { trait PgCliCommand { fn run_for_uri(&self, dbcc: DbConnectionConfig<'_>) -> Result<()>; } struct Psql(PathBuf); impl PgCliCommand for Psql { fn run_for_uri(&self, dbcc: DbConnectionConfig<'_>) -> Result<()> { Command::new(&self.0) .arg(format!("--dbname={}", dbcc.database_name())) .arg(format!("--host={}", dbcc.database_host())) .arg(format!("--port={}", dbcc.database_port())) .arg(format!("--username={}", dbcc.database_user())) .stdin(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|out| { if out.status.success() { info!("pgcli exited successfully"); Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!("gpcli did not exit successfully")) .with_context(|| match String::from_utf8(out.stderr) { Ok(log) => anyhow!("{}", log), Err(e) => anyhow!("Cannot parse log into valid UTF-8: {}", e), }) .map_err(Error::from) } }) } } struct PgCli(PathBuf); impl PgCliCommand for PgCli { fn run_for_uri(&self, dbcc: DbConnectionConfig<'_>) -> Result<()> { Command::new(&self.0) .arg("--host") .arg(dbcc.database_host()) .arg("--port") .arg(dbcc.database_port().to_string()) .arg("--username") .arg(dbcc.database_user()) .arg(dbcc.database_name()) .stdin(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(std::process::Stdio::inherit()) .output() .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|out| { if out.status.success() { info!("pgcli exited successfully"); Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!("gpcli did not exit successfully")) .with_context(|| match String::from_utf8(out.stderr) { Ok(log) => anyhow!("{}", log), Err(e) => anyhow!("Cannot parse log into valid UTF-8: {}", e), }) .map_err(Error::from) } }) } } matches .value_of("tool") .map(|s| vec![s]) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec!["psql", "pgcli"]) .into_iter() .filter_map(|s| which::which(&s).ok().map(|path| (path, s))) .map(|(path, s)| match s { "psql" => Ok(Box::new(Psql(path)) as Box), "pgcli" => Ok(Box::new(PgCli(path)) as Box), prog => Err(anyhow!("Unsupported pg CLI program: {}", prog)), }) .next() .transpose()? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No Program found"))? .run_for_uri(db_connection_config) } fn setup(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>) -> Result<()> { let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; embedded_migrations::run_with_output(&conn, &mut std::io::stdout()).map_err(Error::from) } /// Implementation of the "db artifacts" subcommand fn artifacts(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { use crate::schema::artifacts::dsl; let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let hdrs = crate::commands::util::mk_header(vec!["Path", "Released", "Job"]); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let data = matches .value_of("job_uuid") .map(uuid::Uuid::parse_str) .transpose()? .map(|job_uuid| -> Result<_> { dsl::artifacts .inner_join(schema::jobs::table) .left_join(schema::releases::table) .filter(schema::jobs::dsl::uuid.eq(job_uuid)) .load::<(models::Artifact, models::Job, Option)>(&conn) .map_err(Error::from) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { dsl::artifacts .inner_join(schema::jobs::table) .left_join(schema::releases::table) .order_by(schema::artifacts::id.asc()) .load::<(models::Artifact, models::Job, Option)>(&conn) .map_err(Error::from) })? .into_iter() .map(|(artifact, job, rel)| { let rel = rel .map(|r| r.release_date.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("no")); vec![ artifact.path, rel, job.uuid.to_string(), ] }) .collect::>(); if data.is_empty() { info!("No artifacts in database"); } else { crate::commands::util::display_data(hdrs, data, csv)?; } Ok(()) } /// Implementation of the "db envvars" subcommand fn envvars(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { use crate::schema::envvars::dsl; let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let hdrs = crate::commands::util::mk_header(vec!["Name", "Value"]); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let data = dsl::envvars .load::(&conn)? .into_iter() .map(|evar| vec![evar.name, evar.value]) .collect::>(); if data.is_empty() { info!("No environment variables in database"); } else { crate::commands::util::display_data(hdrs, data, csv)?; } Ok(()) } /// Implementation of the "db images" subcommand fn images(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { use crate::schema::images::dsl; let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let hdrs = crate::commands::util::mk_header(vec!["Name"]); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let data = dsl::images .load::(&conn)? .into_iter() .map(|image| vec![image.name]) .collect::>(); if data.is_empty() { info!("No images in database"); } else { crate::commands::util::display_data(hdrs, data, csv)?; } Ok(()) } /// Implementation of the "db submit" subcommand fn submit(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let submit_id = matches.value_of("submit") .map(uuid::Uuid::from_str) .transpose() .context("Parsing submit UUID")? .unwrap(); // safe by clap let submit = models::Submit::with_id(&conn, &submit_id) .with_context(|| anyhow!("Loading submit '{}' from DB", submit_id))?; let githash = models::GitHash::with_id(&conn, submit.repo_hash_id) .with_context(|| anyhow!("Loading GitHash '{}' from DB", submit.repo_hash_id))?; let jobs = schema::submits::table .inner_join(schema::jobs::table) .filter(schema::submits::uuid.eq(&submit_id)) .select(schema::jobs::all_columns) .load::(&conn) .with_context(|| anyhow!("Loading jobs for submit = {}", submit_id))?; let n_jobs = jobs.len(); let (jobs_unknown, jobs_success, jobs_err) = { let mut unkn = 0; let mut succ = 0; let mut err = 0; for j in jobs.iter() { match crate::log::ParsedLog::from_str(&j.log_text)?.is_successfull() { JobResult::Unknown => unkn += 1, JobResult::Success => succ += 1, JobResult::Errored => err += 1, } } (unkn, succ, err) }; let out = std::io::stdout(); let mut outlock = out.lock(); indoc::writedoc!(outlock, r#" Submit {submit_id} Date: {submit_dt} Commit: {submit_commit} Jobs: {n_jobs} Success: {n_jobs_success} Unknown: {n_jobs_unknown} Errored: {n_jobs_err} "#, submit_id = submit.uuid.to_string().cyan(), submit_dt = submit.submit_time.to_string().cyan(), submit_commit = githash.hash.cyan(), n_jobs = n_jobs.to_string().cyan(), n_jobs_success = jobs_success.to_string().green(), n_jobs_unknown = jobs_unknown.to_string().red(), n_jobs_err = jobs_err.to_string().red(), )?; let header = crate::commands::util::mk_header(["Job", "Success", "Package", "Version", "Container", "Endpoint", "Image"].to_vec()); let data = jobs.iter() .map(|job| { let image = models::Image::fetch_for_job(&conn, job)? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Image for job {} not found", job.uuid))?; let package = models::Package::fetch_for_job(&conn, job)? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Package for job {} not found", job.uuid))?; let endpoint = models::Endpoint::fetch_for_job(&conn, job)? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Endpoint for job {} not found", job.uuid))?; Ok(vec![ job.uuid.to_string().cyan(), match is_job_successfull(job)? { Some(true) => "Success".green(), Some(false) => "Error".red(), None => "Unknown".yellow(), }, package.name.cyan(), package.version.cyan(), job.container_hash.normal(), endpoint.name.normal(), image.name.normal(), ]) }) .collect::>>>()?; crate::commands::util::display_data(header, data, false) } /// Implementation of the "db submits" subcommand fn submits(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let limit = matches.value_of("limit").map(i64::from_str).transpose()?; let hdrs = crate::commands::util::mk_header(vec!["Time", "UUID", "For Package", "For Package Version"]); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let commit = matches.value_of("for-commit"); let query = schema::submits::table .order_by(schema::submits::id.desc()) // required for the --limit implementation .inner_join(schema::githashes::table.on(schema::submits::repo_hash_id.eq(schema::githashes::id))) .inner_join(schema::images::table) .into_boxed(); let query = if let Some(commithash) = commit.as_ref() { query.filter(schema::githashes::hash.eq(commithash)) } else { query }; let query = if let Some(image) = matches.value_of("image") { query.filter(schema::images::name.eq(image)) } else { query }; let submits = if let Some(pkgname) = matches.value_of("with_pkg").map(String::from) { // In the case of a with_pkg command, we must execute two queries on the database, as the // diesel framework does not yet support aliases for queries (see // https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/pull/2254). // This is due to the fact that we need to join the packages table twice, once to filter // out all submits that did not include the "with pkg" and once to join the requested // package for the output. // Get all submits which included the package, but were not necessarily made _for_ the package let query = query .inner_join(schema::jobs::table) .inner_join(schema::packages::table.on(schema::jobs::package_id.eq(schema::packages::id))) .filter(schema::packages::name.eq(&pkgname)); let query = if let Some(limit) = limit { query.limit(limit) } else { query }; // Only load the IDs of the submits, so we can later use them to filter the submits let submit_ids = query.select(schema::submits::id).load::(&conn)?; schema::submits::table .order_by(schema::submits::id.desc()) // required for the --limit implementation .inner_join({ schema::packages::table.on(schema::submits::requested_package_id.eq(schema::packages::id)) }) .filter(schema::submits::id.eq_any(submit_ids)) .select((schema::submits::all_columns, schema::packages::all_columns)) .load::<(models::Submit, models::Package)>(&conn)? } else if let Some(pkgname) = matches.value_of("for_pkg") { // Get all submits _for_ the package let query = query .inner_join({ schema::packages::table.on(schema::submits::requested_package_id.eq(schema::packages::id)) }) .filter(schema::packages::dsl::name.eq(&pkgname)); if let Some(limit) = limit { query.limit(limit) } else { query } .select((schema::submits::all_columns, schema::packages::all_columns)) .load::<(models::Submit, models::Package)>(&conn)? } else if let Some(limit) = limit { query .inner_join({ schema::packages::table.on(schema::submits::requested_package_id.eq(schema::packages::id)) }) .select((schema::submits::all_columns, schema::packages::all_columns)) .limit(limit) .load::<(models::Submit, models::Package)>(&conn)? } else { query.inner_join({ schema::packages::table.on(schema::submits::requested_package_id.eq(schema::packages::id)) }) .select((schema::submits::all_columns, schema::packages::all_columns)) .load::<(models::Submit, models::Package)>(&conn)? }; // Helper to map (Submit, Package) -> Vec let submit_to_vec = |(submit, package): (models::Submit, models::Package)| { vec![ submit.submit_time.to_string(), submit.uuid.to_string(), package.name, package.version, ] }; let data = submits.into_iter().rev().map(submit_to_vec).collect::>(); if data.is_empty() { info!("No submits in database"); } else { crate::commands::util::display_data(hdrs, data, csv)?; } Ok(()) } /// Implementation of the "db jobs" subcommand fn jobs(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let hdrs = crate::commands::util::mk_header(vec![ "Submit", "Job", "Time", "Endpoint", "Success", "Package", "Version", ]); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let older_than_filter = get_date_filter("older_than", matches)?; let newer_than_filter = get_date_filter("newer_than", matches)?; let mut sel = schema::jobs::table .inner_join(schema::submits::table) .inner_join(schema::endpoints::table) .inner_join(schema::packages::table) .into_boxed(); if let Some(submit_uuid) = matches.value_of("submit_uuid").map(uuid::Uuid::parse_str).transpose()? { sel = sel.filter(schema::submits::uuid.eq(submit_uuid)) } // Filter for environment variables from the CLI // // If we get a filter for environment on CLI, we fetch all job ids that are associated with the // passed environment variables and make `sel` filter for those. if let Some((name, val)) = matches.value_of("env_filter").map(crate::util::env::parse_to_env).transpose()? { debug!("Filtering for ENV: {} = {}", name, val); let jids = schema::envvars::table .filter({ use crate::diesel::BoolExpressionMethods; schema::envvars::dsl::name.eq(name.as_ref()) .and(schema::envvars::dsl::value.eq(val)) }) .inner_join(schema::job_envs::table) .select(schema::job_envs::job_id) .load::(&conn)?; debug!("Filtering for these IDs (because of env filter): {:?}", jids); sel = sel.filter(schema::jobs::dsl::id.eq_any(jids)); } if let Some(datetime) = older_than_filter.as_ref() { sel = sel.filter(schema::submits::dsl::submit_time.lt(datetime)) } if let Some(datetime) = newer_than_filter.as_ref() { sel = sel.filter(schema::submits::dsl::submit_time.gt(datetime)) } if let Some(limit) = matches.value_of("limit").map(i64::from_str).transpose()? { sel = sel.limit(limit) } if let Some(ep_name) = matches.value_of("endpoint") { sel = sel.filter(schema::endpoints::name.eq(ep_name)) } if let Some(pkg_name) = matches.value_of("package") { sel = sel.filter(schema::packages::name.eq(pkg_name)) } let data = sel .order_by(schema::jobs::id.desc()) // required for the --limit implementation .load::<(models::Job, models::Submit, models::Endpoint, models::Package)>(&conn)? .into_iter() .rev() // required for the --limit implementation .map(|(job, submit, ep, package)| { let success = is_job_successfull(&job)? .map(|b| if b { "yes" } else { "no" }) .map(String::from) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("unknown")); Ok(vec![ submit.uuid.to_string(), job.uuid.to_string(), submit.submit_time.to_string(), ep.name, success, package.name, package.version, ]) }) .collect::>>()?; if data.is_empty() { info!("No submits in database"); } else { crate::commands::util::display_data(hdrs, data, csv)?; } Ok(()) } /// Implementation of the "db job" subcommand fn job(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, config: &Configuration, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let script_highlight = !matches.is_present("no_script_highlight"); let script_line_numbers = !matches.is_present("no_script_line_numbers"); let configured_theme = config.script_highlight_theme(); let show_log = matches.is_present("show_log"); let show_script = matches.is_present("show_script"); let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let job_uuid = matches .value_of("job_uuid") .map(uuid::Uuid::parse_str) .transpose()? .unwrap(); let data = schema::jobs::table .filter(schema::jobs::dsl::uuid.eq(job_uuid)) .inner_join(schema::submits::table) .inner_join(schema::endpoints::table) .inner_join(schema::packages::table) .inner_join(schema::images::table) .first::<( models::Job, models::Submit, models::Endpoint, models::Package, models::Image, )>(&conn)?; trace!("Parsing log"); let parsed_log = crate::log::ParsedLog::from_str(&data.0.log_text)?; trace!("Parsed log = {:?}", parsed_log); let success = parsed_log.is_successfull(); trace!("log successfull = {:?}", success); if csv { let hdrs = crate::commands::util::mk_header(vec![ "UUID", "Success", "Package Name", "Package Version", "Ran on", "Image Name", "Container", ]); let data = vec![vec![ data.0.uuid.to_string(), String::from(match success { JobResult::Success => "yes", JobResult::Errored => "no", JobResult::Unknown => "unknown", }), data.3.name.to_string(), data.3.version.to_string(), data.2.name.to_string(), data.4.name.to_string(), data.0.container_hash, ]]; crate::commands::util::display_data(hdrs, data, csv) } else { let env_vars = if matches.is_present("show_env") { Some({ models::JobEnv::belonging_to(&data.0) .inner_join(schema::envvars::table) .load::<(models::JobEnv, models::EnvVar)>(&conn)? .into_iter() .map(|tpl| tpl.1) .enumerate() .map(|(i, env)| format!("\t{:>3}. {}={}", i, env.name, env.value)) .join("\n") }) } else { None }; let mut out = std::io::stdout(); let s = indoc::formatdoc!( r#" Job: {job_uuid} Submit: {submit_uuid} Succeeded: {succeeded} Package: {package_name} {package_version} Ran on: {endpoint_name} Image: {image_name} Container: {container_hash} Script: {script_len} lines Log: {log_len} lines "#, job_uuid = match success { JobResult::Success => data.0.uuid.to_string().green(), JobResult::Errored => data.0.uuid.to_string().red(), JobResult::Unknown => data.0.uuid.to_string().cyan(), }, submit_uuid = data.1.uuid.to_string().cyan(), succeeded = match success { JobResult::Success => String::from("yes").green(), JobResult::Errored => String::from("no").red(), JobResult::Unknown => String::from("unknown").cyan(), }, package_name = data.3.name.cyan(), package_version = data.3.version.cyan(), endpoint_name = data.2.name.cyan(), image_name = data.4.name.cyan(), container_hash = data.0.container_hash.cyan(), script_len = format!("{:<4}", data.0.script_text.lines().count()).cyan(), log_len = format!("{:<4}", data.0.log_text.lines().count()).cyan(), ); let _ = writeln!(out, "{}", s)?; if let Some(envs) = env_vars { let s = indoc::formatdoc!( r#" --- {envs} "#, envs = envs ); let _ = writeln!(out, "{}", s)?; } if show_script { let theme = configured_theme.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("Highlighting for script enabled, but no theme configured") })?; let script = Script::from(data.0.script_text); let script = crate::ui::script_to_printable( &script, script_highlight, theme, script_line_numbers, )?; let s = indoc::formatdoc!( r#" --- {script} "#, script = script ); let _ = writeln!(out, "{}", s)?; } if show_log { let log = parsed_log .into_iter() .map(|line_item| line_item.display().map(|d| d.to_string())) .collect::>>()? .into_iter() // ugly, but hey... not important right now. .join("\n"); let s = indoc::formatdoc!( r#" --- {log} "#, log = log ); let _ = writeln!(out, "{}", s)?; } Ok(()) } } /// Implementation of the subcommand "db log-of" fn log_of(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let job_uuid = matches .value_of("job_uuid") .map(uuid::Uuid::parse_str) .transpose()? .unwrap(); let out = std::io::stdout(); let mut lock = out.lock(); schema::jobs::table .filter(schema::jobs::dsl::uuid.eq(job_uuid)) .select(schema::jobs::dsl::log_text) .first::(&conn) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|s| crate::log::ParsedLog::from_str(&s))? .into_iter() .map(|line| line.display().and_then(|d| writeln!(lock, "{}", d).map_err(Error::from))) .collect::>>() .map(|_| ()) } /// Implementation of the "db releases" subcommand fn releases(conn_cfg: DbConnectionConfig<'_>, config: &Configuration, matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> { let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); let conn = conn_cfg.establish_connection()?; let header = crate::commands::util::mk_header(["Package", "Version", "Date", "Path"].to_vec()); let mut query = schema::jobs::table .inner_join(schema::packages::table) .inner_join(schema::artifacts::table) .inner_join(schema::releases::table .on(schema::releases::artifact_id.eq(schema::artifacts::id))) .inner_join(schema::release_stores::table .on(schema::release_stores::id.eq(schema::releases::release_store_id))) .order_by(schema::packages::dsl::name.asc()) .then_order_by(schema::packages::dsl::version.asc()) .then_order_by(schema::releases::release_date.asc()) .into_boxed(); if let Some(date) = crate::commands::util::get_date_filter("older_than", matches)? { query = query.filter(schema::releases::release_date.lt(date)); } if let Some(date) = crate::commands::util::get_date_filter("newer_than", matches)? { query = query.filter(schema::releases::release_date.gt(date)); } if let Some(store) = matches.value_of("store") { query = query.filter(schema::release_stores::dsl::store_name.eq(store)); } if let Some(pkg) = matches.value_of("package") { query = query.filter(schema::packages::dsl::name.eq(pkg)); } let data = query .select({ let art = schema::artifacts::all_columns; let pac = schema::packages::all_columns; let rel = schema::releases::all_columns; let rst = schema::release_stores::all_columns; (art, pac, rel, rst) }) .load::<(models::Artifact, models::Package, models::Release, models::ReleaseStore)>(&conn)? .into_iter() .filter_map(|(art, pack, rel, rstore)| { let p = config.releases_directory().join(rstore.store_name).join(&art.path); if p.is_file() { Some(vec![ pack.name, pack.version, rel.release_date.to_string(), p.display().to_string(), ]) } else { log::warn!("Released file for {} {} not found: {}", pack.name, pack.version, p.display()); None } }) .collect::>>(); crate::commands::util::display_data(header, data, csv) } /// Check if a job is successful /// /// Returns Ok(None) if cannot be decided fn is_job_successfull(job: &models::Job) -> Result> { crate::log::ParsedLog::from_str(&job.log_text).map(|pl| pl.is_successfull().to_bool()) }