version_is_semver = false patches = [] [dependencies] build = [] runtime = [] [sources.src] hash.type = "sha1" download_manually = false [phases] sourcecheck.script = ''' filename="/inputs/src-{{this.sources.src.hash.hash}}.source" [[ -e $filename ]] || { echo "MISSING: $filename" {{state "ERR" "Missing input"}} exit 1 } ''' patchcheck.script = ''' {{#if this.patches[0]}} {{#each this.patches}} if [[ ! -e "/patches/{{this}}" ]]; then echo "Does not exist: /patches/{{this}}" {{state "ERR" "Missing patch"}} exit 1 fi {{/each}} {{/if}} ''' depcheck.script = ''' {{#each this.dependencies.runtime}} # Try to find sha of dependency {{this}} exp_sha="$(echo {{this}} | sed 's,.*\ =,,' | sha1sum | sed 's,\ \ -,,')" sha1sum /inputs/*pkg | grep "$exp_sha" || { echo "FAILED TO FIND SHA: $exp_sha" {{state "ERR" "Failed to find SHA"}} exit 1 } {{/each}} ''' build.script = ''' mkdir /outputs echo "{{this.version}}" > /outputs/{{}}-{{this.version}}.pkg {{state "OK"}} '''