# Configuration file for BUTIDO for this repository # In the example, these are configured via the environment. # See README.md #releases = "/tmp/example-1-releases" #staging = "/tmp/example-1-staging" #source_cache = "/tmp/example-1-sources" #log_dir = "/tmp/example-1-logs" #database_host = "localhost" #database_port = 5432 #database_user = "pgdev" #database_password = "password" #database_name = "butido" script_highlight_theme = "Solarized (dark)" script_linter = "linterscript" # Phases which can be configured in the packages available_phases = [ "checksource", "unpack", "build", "package" ] [docker] # Images which can be used to build # images not listed here are automatically rejected images = [ "debian:bullseye" ] verify_images_present = true # List of docker endpoints [[docker.endpoints]] name = "localhost" uri = "" endpoint_type = "http" speed = 1 maxjobs = 10 [containers] # environment variables which are allowed during container start # This way, errors (typos) when passing environment to a build can be prevented check_env_names = true allowed_env = [ "FOO", "BAR" ]