use { super::*, crate::{ app::*, path, }, ahash::AHashMap, regex::Captures, std::path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; /// a temporary structure gathering selection and invocation /// parameters and able to generate an executable string from /// a verb's execution pattern pub struct ExecutionStringBuilder<'b> { /// the current file selection pub sel_info: SelInfo<'b>, /// the current root of the app root: &'b Path, /// the selection in the other panel, when there are exactly two other_file: Option<&'b PathBuf>, /// parsed arguments invocation_values: Option>, } impl<'b> ExecutionStringBuilder<'b> { /// constructor to use when there's no invocation string /// (because we're in the process of building one, for example /// when a verb is triggered from a key shortcut) pub fn without_invocation( sel_info: SelInfo<'b>, app_state: &'b AppState, ) -> Self { Self { sel_info, root: &app_state.root, other_file: app_state.other_panel_path.as_ref(), invocation_values: None, } } pub fn with_invocation( invocation_parser: &Option, sel_info: SelInfo<'b>, app_state: &'b AppState, invocation_args: Option<&String>, ) -> Self { let invocation_values = invocation_parser .as_ref() .zip(invocation_args.as_ref()) .and_then(|(parser, args)| parser.parse(args)); Self { sel_info, root: &app_state.root, other_file: app_state.other_panel_path.as_ref(), invocation_values, } } fn get_raw_replacement( &self, f: F ) -> Option where F: Fn(Option>) -> Option { match self.sel_info { SelInfo::None => f(None), SelInfo::One(sel) => f(Some(sel)), SelInfo::More(stage) => { let mut sels = stage.paths().iter() .map(|path| Selection { path, line: 0, stype: SelectionType::from(path), is_exe: false, }); f( .filter(|first_rcr| { for sel in sels { let rcr = f(Some(sel)); if rcr.as_ref() != Some(first_rcr) { return false; } } true }) } } } fn get_raw_capture_replacement(&self, ec: &Captures<'_>) -> Option { self.get_raw_replacement(|sel| { self.get_raw_sel_capture_replacement(ec, sel) }) } /// return the standard replacement (ie not one from the invocation) fn get_raw_sel_name_standard_replacement( &self, name: &str, sel: Option>, ) -> Option { debug!("repl name : {:?}", name); match name { "root" => Some(path_to_string(self.root)), "line" =>|s| s.line.to_string()), "file" =>|s| s.path) .map(path_to_string), "file-name" =>|s| s.path) .and_then(|path| path.file_name()) .and_then(|oss| oss.to_str()) .map(|s| s.to_string()), "file-stem" =>|s| s.path) .and_then(|path| path.file_stem()) .and_then(|oss| oss.to_str()) .map(|s| s.to_string()), "file-extension" => { debug!("expending file extension");|s| s.path) .and_then(|path| path.extension()) .and_then(|oss| oss.to_str()) .map(|s| s.to_string()) } "file-dot-extension" => { debug!("expending file dot extension");|s| s.path) .and_then(|path| path.extension()) .and_then(|oss| oss.to_str()) .map(|ext| format!(".{}", ext)) .or_else(|| Some("".to_string())) } "directory" =>|s| path::closest_dir(s.path)) .map(path_to_string), "parent" => sel.and_then(|s| s.path.parent()) .map(path_to_string), "other-panel-file" => self.other_file .map(path_to_string), "other-panel-filename" => self.other_file .and_then(|path| path.file_name()) .and_then(|oss| oss.to_str()) .map(|s| s.to_string()), "other-panel-directory" => self .other_file .map(|p| path::closest_dir(p)) .as_ref() .map(path_to_string), "other-panel-parent" => self .other_file .and_then(|p| p.parent()) .map(path_to_string), _ => None, } } fn get_raw_sel_capture_replacement( &self, ec: &Captures<'_>, sel: Option>, ) -> Option { let name = ec.get(1).unwrap().as_str(); self.get_raw_sel_name_standard_replacement(name, sel) .or_else(||{ // it's not one of the standard group names, so we'll look // into the ones provided by the invocation pattern self.invocation_values.as_ref() .and_then(|map| map.get(name)) .and_then(|value| { if let Some(fmt) = ec.get(2) { match fmt.as_str() { "path-from-directory" => {|s| path::closest_dir(s.path)) .map(|dir| path::path_str_from(dir, value)) } "path-from-parent" => { sel.and_then(|s| s.path.parent()) .map(|dir| path::path_str_from(dir, value)) } _ => Some(format!("invalid format: {:?}", fmt.as_str())), } } else { Some(value.to_string()) } }) }) } fn get_capture_replacement(&self, ec: &Captures<'_>) -> String { self.get_raw_capture_replacement(ec) .unwrap_or_else(|| ec[0].to_string()) } fn get_sel_capture_replacement( &self, ec: &Captures<'_>, sel: Option>, ) -> String { self.get_raw_sel_capture_replacement(ec, sel) .unwrap_or_else(|| ec[0].to_string()) } /// fills groups having a default value (after the colon) /// /// This is used to fill the input in case on non auto_exec /// verb triggered with a key pub fn invocation_with_default( &self, verb_invocation: &VerbInvocation, ) -> VerbInvocation { VerbInvocation { name:, args: verb_invocation.args.as_ref().map(|a| { GROUP.replace_all( a.as_str(), |ec: &Captures<'_>| { ec.get(2) .map(|default_name| default_name.as_str()) .and_then(|default_name| self.get_raw_replacement(|sel| self.get_raw_sel_name_standard_replacement(default_name, sel) ) ) .unwrap_or_default() }, ).to_string() }), bang: verb_invocation.bang, } } fn base_dir(&self) -> &Path { self.sel_info .one_sel() .map_or(self.root, |sel| sel.path) } /// build a path pub fn path( &self, pattern: &str, ) -> PathBuf { path::path_from( self.base_dir(), path::PathAnchor::Unspecified, &GROUP.replace_all( pattern, |ec: &Captures<'_>| self.get_capture_replacement(ec), ) ) } /// build a shell compatible command, with escapings pub fn shell_exec_string( &self, exec_pattern: &ExecPattern, ) -> String { exec_pattern .apply(&|s| { GROUP.replace_all( s, |ec: &Captures<'_>| self.get_capture_replacement(ec), ).to_string() }) .fix_paths() .to_string() } /// build a shell compatible command, with escapings, for a specific /// selection (this is intended for execution on all selections of a /// stage) pub fn sel_shell_exec_string( &self, exec_pattern: &ExecPattern, sel: Option>, ) -> String { exec_pattern .apply(&|s| { GROUP.replace_all( s, |ec: &Captures<'_>| self.get_sel_capture_replacement(ec, sel), ).to_string() }) .fix_paths() .to_string() } /// build a vec of tokens which can be passed to Command to /// launch an executable pub fn exec_token( &self, exec_pattern: &ExecPattern, ) -> Vec { exec_pattern .apply(&|s| { GROUP.replace_all( s, |ec: &Captures<'_>| self.get_capture_replacement(ec), ).to_string() }) .fix_paths() .into_array() } /// build a vec of tokens which can be passed to Command to /// launch an executable pub fn sel_exec_token( &self, exec_pattern: &ExecPattern, sel: Option>, ) -> Vec { exec_pattern .apply(&|s| { GROUP.replace_all( s, |ec: &Captures<'_>| self.get_sel_capture_replacement(ec, sel), ).to_string() }) .fix_paths() .into_array() } } #[cfg(test)] mod execution_builder_test { // allows writing vo!["a", "b"] to build a vec of strings macro_rules! vo { ($($item:literal),* $(,)?) => {{ let mut vec = Vec::new(); $( vec.push($item.to_owned()); )* vec }} } use { super::*, crate::{ stage::*, }, }; fn check_build_execution_from_sel( exec_patterns: Vec, path: &str, replacements: Vec<(&str, &str)>, chk_exec_token: Vec<&str>, ) { let path = PathBuf::from(path); let sel = Selection { path: &path, line: 0, stype: SelectionType::File, is_exe: false, }; let app_state = AppState { stage: Stage::default(), root: PathBuf::from("/".to_owned()), other_panel_path: None, }; let mut builder = ExecutionStringBuilder::without_invocation( SelInfo::One(sel), &app_state, ); let mut map = AHashMap::default(); for (k, v) in replacements { map.insert(k.to_owned(), v.to_owned()); } builder.invocation_values = Some(map); for exec_pattern in exec_patterns { let exec_token = builder.exec_token(&exec_pattern); assert_eq!(exec_token, chk_exec_token); } } #[test] fn test_build_execution() { check_build_execution_from_sel( vec![ExecPattern::from_string("vi {file}")], "/home/dys/dev", vec![], vec!["vi", "/home/dys/dev"], ); check_build_execution_from_sel( vec![ ExecPattern::from_string("/bin/e.exe -a {arg} -e {file}"), ExecPattern::from_array(vo!["/bin/e.exe","-a", "{arg}", "-e", "{file}"]), ], "expérimental & 试验性", vec![("arg", "deux mots")], vec!["/bin/e.exe", "-a", "deux mots", "-e", "expérimental & 试验性"], ); check_build_execution_from_sel( vec![ ExecPattern::from_string("xterm -e \"kak {file}\""), ExecPattern::from_array(vo!["xterm", "-e", "kak {file}"]), ], "/path/to/file", vec![], vec!["xterm", "-e", "kak /path/to/file"], ); } } fn path_to_string>(path: P) -> String { path.as_ref().to_string_lossy().to_string() }