use { super::*, crate::{ app::*, command::*, display::{MatchedString, Screen, W}, errors::ProgramError, pattern::*, skin::*, task_sync::Dam, tree::*, verb::*, }, crokey::crossterm::{ cursor, QueueableCommand, }, std::path::{Path}, termimad::{Area, CropWriter, SPACE_FILLING}, unicode_width::{UnicodeWidthChar, UnicodeWidthStr}, }; static TITLE: &str = "Staging Area"; // no wide char allowed here static COUNT_LABEL: &str = " count: "; static SIZE_LABEL: &str = " size: "; static ELLIPSIS: char = '…'; pub struct StageState { filtered_stage: FilteredStage, scroll: usize, tree_options: TreeOptions, /// the 'modal' mode mode: Mode, page_height: usize, stage_sum: StageSum, } impl StageState { pub fn new( app_state: &AppState, tree_options: TreeOptions, con: &AppContext, ) -> StageState { let filtered_stage = FilteredStage::filtered( &app_state.stage, tree_options.pattern.clone(), ); Self { filtered_stage, scroll: 0, tree_options, mode: initial_mode(con), page_height: 0, stage_sum: StageSum::default(), } } fn need_sum_computation(&self) -> bool { self.tree_options.show_sizes && !self.stage_sum.is_up_to_date() } pub fn try_scroll( &mut self, cmd: ScrollCommand, ) -> bool { let old_scroll = self.scroll; self.scroll = cmd.apply(self.scroll, self.filtered_stage.len(), self.page_height); self.scroll != old_scroll } pub fn fix_scroll(&mut self) { let len = self.filtered_stage.len(); if self.scroll + self.page_height > len { self.scroll = if len > self.page_height { len - self.page_height } else { 0 }; } } fn write_title_line( &self, stage: &Stage, cw: &mut CropWriter<'_, W>, styles: &StyleMap, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { let total_count = format!("{}", stage.len()); let mut count_len = total_count.len(); if self.filtered_stage.pattern().is_some() { count_len += total_count.len() + 1; // 1 for '/' } if cw.allowed < count_len { return Ok(()); } if TITLE.len() + 1 + count_len <= cw.allowed { cw.queue_str( &styles.staging_area_title, TITLE, )?; } let mut show_count_label = false; let mut rem = cw.allowed - count_len; if COUNT_LABEL.len() < rem { rem -= COUNT_LABEL.len(); show_count_label = true; if self.tree_options.show_sizes { if let Some(sum) = self.stage_sum.computed() { let size = file_size::fit_4(sum.to_size()); let size_len = SIZE_LABEL.len() + size.len(); if size_len < rem { rem -= size_len; // we display the size in the middle, so we cut rem in two let left_rem = rem / 2; rem -= left_rem; cw.repeat(&styles.staging_area_title, &SPACE_FILLING, left_rem)?; cw.queue_g_string( &styles.staging_area_title, SIZE_LABEL.to_string(), )?; cw.queue_g_string( &styles.staging_area_title, size, )?; } } } } cw.repeat(&styles.staging_area_title, &SPACE_FILLING, rem)?; if show_count_label { cw.queue_g_string( &styles.staging_area_title, COUNT_LABEL.to_string(), )?; } if self.filtered_stage.pattern().is_some() { cw.queue_g_string( &styles.char_match, format!("{}", self.filtered_stage.len()), )?; cw.queue_char( &styles.staging_area_title, '/', )?; } cw.queue_g_string( &styles.staging_area_title, total_count, )?; cw.fill(&styles.staging_area_title, &SPACE_FILLING)?; Ok(()) } fn move_selection(&mut self, dy: i32, cycle: bool) -> CmdResult { self.filtered_stage.move_selection(dy, cycle); if let Some(sel) = self.filtered_stage.selection() { if sel < self.scroll + 5 { self.scroll = (sel as i32 -5).max(0) as usize; } else if sel > self.scroll + self.page_height - 5 { self.scroll = (sel + 5 - self.page_height) .min(self.filtered_stage.len() - self.page_height); } } CmdResult::Keep } } impl PanelState for StageState { fn get_type(&self) -> PanelStateType { PanelStateType::Stage } fn selected_path(&self) -> Option<&Path> { None } fn selection(&self) -> Option> { None } fn clear_pending(&mut self) { self.stage_sum.clear(); } fn do_pending_task( &mut self, app_state: &mut AppState, _screen: Screen, con: &AppContext, dam: &mut Dam, // need the stage here ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { if self.need_sum_computation() { self.stage_sum.compute(&app_state.stage, dam, con); } Ok(()) } fn get_pending_task(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { if self.need_sum_computation() { Some("stage size summing") } else { None } } fn sel_info<'c>(&'c self, app_state: &'c AppState) -> SelInfo<'c> { match app_state.stage.len() { 0 => SelInfo::None, 1 => SelInfo::One(Selection { path: &app_state.stage.paths()[0], stype: SelectionType::File, is_exe: false, line: 0, }), _ => SelInfo::More(&app_state.stage), } } fn has_at_least_one_selection(&self, app_state: &AppState) -> bool { !app_state.stage.is_empty() } fn tree_options(&self) -> TreeOptions { self.tree_options.clone() } /// option changing is unlikely to be done on this state, but /// we'll still do it in case a future scenario makes it possible /// to open a different state from this state fn with_new_options( &mut self, _screen: Screen, change_options: &dyn Fn(&mut TreeOptions) -> &'static str, in_new_panel: bool, con: &AppContext, ) -> CmdResult { if in_new_panel { CmdResult::error("stage can't be displayed in two panels") } else { let mut new_options= self.tree_options(); let message = change_options(&mut new_options); let state = Box::new(StageState { filtered_stage: self.filtered_stage.clone(), scroll: self.scroll, mode: initial_mode(con), tree_options: new_options, page_height: self.page_height, stage_sum: self.stage_sum, }); CmdResult::NewState { state, message: Some(message) } } } fn on_click( &mut self, _x: u16, y: u16, _screen: Screen, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { if y > 0 { // the list starts on the second row self.filtered_stage.try_select_idx(y as usize - 1 + self.scroll); } Ok(CmdResult::Keep) } fn on_pattern( &mut self, pat: InputPattern, app_state: &AppState, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { self.filtered_stage.set_pattern(&app_state.stage, pat); self.fix_scroll(); Ok(CmdResult::Keep) } fn display( &mut self, w: &mut W, disc: &DisplayContext, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { let stage = &disc.app_state.stage; self.stage_sum.see_stage(stage); // this may invalidate the sum if self.filtered_stage.update(stage) { self.fix_scroll(); } let area = &disc.state_area; let styles = &disc.panel_skin.styles; let width = area.width as usize; w.queue(cursor::MoveTo(area.left, 0))?; let mut cw = CropWriter::new(w, width); self.write_title_line(stage, &mut cw, styles)?; let list_area = Area::new(area.left, + 1, area.width, area.height - 1); self.page_height = list_area.height as usize; let pattern = &self.filtered_stage.pattern().pattern; let pattern_object = pattern.object(); let scrollbar = list_area.scrollbar(self.scroll, self.filtered_stage.len()); for idx in 0..self.page_height { let y = + idx as u16; let stage_idx = idx + self.scroll; w.queue(cursor::MoveTo(area.left, y))?; let mut cw = CropWriter::new(w, width - 1); let cw = &mut cw; if let Some((path, selected)) = self.filtered_stage.path_sel(stage, stage_idx) { let mut style = if path.is_dir() { & } else { &styles.file }; let mut bg_style; if selected { bg_style = style.clone(); if let Some(c) = styles.selected_line.get_bg() { bg_style.set_bg(c); } style = &bg_style; } let mut bg_style_match; let mut style_match = &styles.char_match; if selected { bg_style_match = style_match.clone(); if let Some(c) = styles.selected_line.get_bg() { bg_style_match.set_bg(c); } style_match = &bg_style_match; } if disc.con.show_selection_mark && self.filtered_stage.has_selection() { cw.queue_char(style, if selected { '▶' } else { ' ' })?; } if pattern_object.subpath { let label = path.to_string_lossy(); // we must display the matching on the whole path // (subpath is the path for the staging area) let name_match = pattern.search_string(&label); let matched_string = MatchedString::new( name_match, &label, style, style_match, ); matched_string.queue_on(cw)?; } else if let Some(file_name) = path.file_name() { let label = file_name.to_string_lossy(); let label_cols = label.width(); if label_cols + 2 < cw.allowed { if let Some(parent_path) = path.parent() { let mut parent_style = &styles.parent; let mut bg_style; if selected { bg_style = parent_style.clone(); if let Some(c) = styles.selected_line.get_bg() { bg_style.set_bg(c); } parent_style = &bg_style; } let cols_max = cw.allowed - label_cols - 3; let parent_path = parent_path.to_string_lossy(); let parent_cols = parent_path.width(); if parent_cols <= cols_max { cw.queue_str( parent_style, &parent_path, )?; } else { // TODO move to (crop_writer ? termimad ?) // we'll compute the size of the tail fitting // the width minus one (for the ellipsis) let mut bytes_count = 0; let mut cols_count = 0; for c in parent_path.chars().rev() { let char_width = UnicodeWidthChar::width(c).unwrap_or(0); let next_str_width = cols_count + char_width; if next_str_width > cols_max { break; } cols_count = next_str_width; bytes_count += c.len_utf8(); } cw.queue_char( parent_style, ELLIPSIS, )?; cw.queue_str( parent_style, &parent_path[parent_path.len()-bytes_count..], )?; } cw.queue_char( parent_style, '/', )?; } } let name_match = pattern.search_string(&label); let matched_string = MatchedString::new( name_match, &label, style, style_match, ); matched_string.queue_on(cw)?; } else { // this should not happen warn!("how did we fall on a path without filename?"); } cw.fill(style, &SPACE_FILLING)?; } cw.fill(&styles.default, &SPACE_FILLING)?; let scrollbar_style = if ScrollCommand::is_thumb(y, scrollbar) { &styles.scrollbar_thumb } else { &styles.scrollbar_track }; scrollbar_style.queue_str(w, "▐")?; } Ok(()) } fn refresh(&mut self, _screen: Screen, _con: &AppContext) -> Command { Command::empty() } fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode) { self.mode = mode; } fn get_mode(&self) -> Mode { self.mode } fn on_internal( &mut self, w: &mut W, internal_exec: &InternalExecution, input_invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, trigger_type: TriggerType, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result { Ok(match internal_exec.internal { Internal::back if self.filtered_stage.pattern().is_some() => { self.filtered_stage = FilteredStage::unfiltered(&app_state.stage); CmdResult::Keep } Internal::back if self.filtered_stage.has_selection() => { self.filtered_stage.unselect(); CmdResult::Keep } Internal::line_down => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.move_selection(count, true) } Internal::line_up => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.move_selection(-count, true) } Internal::line_down_no_cycle => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.move_selection(count, false) } Internal::line_up_no_cycle => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.move_selection(-count, false) } Internal::page_down => { self.try_scroll(ScrollCommand::Pages(1)); CmdResult::Keep } Internal::page_up => { self.try_scroll(ScrollCommand::Pages(-1)); CmdResult::Keep } Internal::stage => { // shall we restage what we just unstaged ? CmdResult::error("nothing to stage here") } Internal::unstage | Internal::toggle_stage => { if self.filtered_stage.unstage_selection(&mut app_state.stage) { CmdResult::Keep } else { CmdResult::error("you must select a path to unstage") } } _ => self.on_internal_generic( w, internal_exec, input_invocation, trigger_type, app_state, cc, )?, }) } }