mod bash; mod fish; mod nushell; mod state; mod util; use { crate::{ cli, errors::*, skin, }, std::{ fs, os, path::Path, }, termimad::{mad_print_inline, MadSkin}, }; pub use { state::ShellInstallState, }; const MD_INSTALL_REQUEST: &str = r#" **Broot** should be launched using a shell function. This function most notably makes it possible to `cd` from inside broot (see ** for explanations). Can I install it now? [**Y**/n] "#; const MD_UPGRADE_REQUEST: &str = r#" Broot's shell function should be upgraded. Can I proceed? [**Y**/n] "#; const MD_INSTALL_CANCELLED: &str = r#" You refused the installation (for now). You can still used `broot` but some features won't be available. If you want the `br` shell function, you may either * do `broot --install` * install the various pieces yourself (see ** for details). "#; const MD_PERMISSION_DENIED: &str = r#" Installation check resulted in **Permission Denied**. Please relaunch with elevated privilege. This is typically only needed once. Error details: "#; const MD_INSTALL_DONE: &str = r#" The **br** function has been successfully installed. You may have to restart your shell or source your shell init files. Afterwards, you should start broot with `br` in order to use its full power. "#; pub struct ShellInstall { force_install: bool, // when the program was launched with --install skin: MadSkin, pub should_quit: bool, authorization: Option, done: bool, // true if the installation was just made } impl ShellInstall { pub fn new(force_install: bool) -> Self { Self { force_install, skin: skin::make_cli_mad_skin(), should_quit: false, authorization: if force_install { Some(true) } else { None }, done: false, } } /// write on stdout the script building the function for /// the given shell pub fn print(shell: &str) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { match shell { "bash" | "zsh" => println!("{}", bash::get_script()), "fish" => println!("{}", fish::get_script()), "nushell" => println!("{}", nushell::get_script()), _ => { return Err(ProgramError::UnknowShell { shell: shell.to_string(), }); } } Ok(()) } /// check whether the shell function is installed an up to date, /// install it if it wasn't refused before or if broot is launched /// with --install. pub fn check(&mut self) -> Result<(), ShellInstallError> { let install_state = ShellInstallState::detect(); info!("Shell installation state: {install_state:?}"); if self.force_install {"You requested a clean (re)install."); ShellInstallState::remove(self)?; } else { match install_state { ShellInstallState::Refused => { return Ok(()); } ShellInstallState::UpToDate => { return Ok(()); } ShellInstallState::Obsolete => { if !self.can_upgrade()? { debug!("User refuses the upgrade. Doing nothing."); return Ok(()); } } ShellInstallState::NotInstalled => { if !self.can_install()? { debug!("User refuses the installation. Doing nothing."); return Ok(()); } } } // even if the installation isn't really complete (for example // when no bash file was found), we don't want to ask the user // again, we'll assume it's done ShellInstallState::UpToDate.write(self)?; } debug!("Starting install"); bash::install(self)?; fish::install(self)?; nushell::install(self)?; self.should_quit = true; if self.done {; } Ok(()) } /// print some additional information on the error (typically before /// the error itself is dumped) pub fn comment_error(&self, err: &ShellInstallError) { if err.is_permission_denied() {; } } pub fn remove(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), ShellInstallError> { // path.exists() doesn't work when the file is a link (it checks whether // the link destination exists instead of checking the link exists // so we first check whether the link exists if fs::read_link(path).is_ok() || path.exists() { mad_print_inline!(, "Removing `$0`.\n", path.to_string_lossy()); fs::remove_file(path) .context(&|| format!("removing {path:?}"))?; } Ok(()) } /// check whether we're allowed to install. fn can_install(&mut self) -> Result { self.can_do(false) } fn can_upgrade(&mut self) -> Result { self.can_do(true) } fn can_do(&mut self, upgrade: bool) -> Result { if let Some(authorization) = self.authorization { return Ok(authorization); } let refused_path = ShellInstallState::get_refused_path(); if refused_path.exists() { debug!("User already refused the installation"); return Ok(false); } upgrade { MD_UPGRADE_REQUEST } else { MD_INSTALL_REQUEST }); let proceed = cli::ask_authorization() .context(&|| "asking user".to_string())?; // read_line failure debug!("proceed: {:?}", proceed); self.authorization = Some(proceed); if !proceed { ShellInstallState::Refused.write(self)?;; } Ok(proceed) } /// write the script at the given path fn write_script(&self, script_path: &Path, content: &str) -> Result<(), ShellInstallError> { self.remove(script_path)?; info!("Writing `br` shell function in `{:?}`", &script_path); mad_print_inline!( &, "Writing *br* shell function in `$0`.\n", script_path.to_string_lossy(), ); fs::create_dir_all(script_path.parent().unwrap()) .context(&|| format!("creating parent dirs to {script_path:?}"))?; fs::write(script_path, content) .context(&|| format!("writing script in {script_path:?}"))?; Ok(()) } /// create a link fn create_link(&self, link_path: &Path, script_path: &Path) -> Result<(), ShellInstallError> { info!("Creating link from {:?} to {:?}", &link_path, &script_path); self.remove(link_path)?; let link_path_str = link_path.to_string_lossy(); let script_path_str = script_path.to_string_lossy(); mad_print_inline!( &, "Creating link from `$0` to `$1`.\n", &link_path_str, &script_path_str, ); let parent = link_path.parent().unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(parent) .context(&|| format!("creating directory {parent:?}"))?; #[cfg(unix)] os::unix::fs::symlink(script_path, link_path) .context(&|| format!("linking from {link_path:?} to {script_path:?}"))?; #[cfg(windows)] os::windows::fs::symlink_file(&script_path, &link_path) .context(&|| format!("linking from {link_path:?} to {script_path:?}"))?; Ok(()) } }