use { crate::{ display::{ cell_size_in_pixels, W, }, errors::ProgramError, }, base64, crossterm::{ cursor, QueueableCommand, }, image::{ DynamicImage, GenericImageView, RgbImage, RgbaImage, }, log::*, std::{ env, io::{self, Write}, }, tempfile, termimad::Area, }; pub type KittyImageSet = Vec; /// How to send the image to kitty /// /// Note that I didn't test yet the named shared memory /// solution offered by kitty. pub enum TransmissionMedium { /// write a temp file, then give its path to kitty /// in the payload of the escape sequence. It's quite /// fast on SSD but a big downside is that it doesn't /// work if you're distant TempFile, /// send the whole rgb or rgba data, encoded in base64, /// in the payloads of several escape sequence (each one /// containing at most 4096 bytes). Works if broot runs /// on remote. Chunks, } enum ImageData<'i> { RgbRef(&'i RgbImage), RgbaRef(&'i RgbaImage), Rgb(RgbImage), } impl<'i> From<&'i DynamicImage> for ImageData<'i> { fn from(img: &'i DynamicImage) -> Self { if let Some(rgb) = img.as_rgb8() { debug!("using rgb"); Self::RgbRef(rgb) } else if let Some(rgba) = img.as_rgba8() { debug!("using rgba"); Self::RgbaRef(rgba) } else { debug!("converting to rgb8"); Self::Rgb(img.to_rgb8()) } } } impl<'i> ImageData<'i> { fn kitty_format(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::RgbaRef(_) => "32", _ => "24", } } fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { match self { Self::RgbRef(img) => img.as_raw(), Self::RgbaRef(img) => img.as_raw(), Self::Rgb(img) => img.as_raw(), } } } /// The max size of a data payload in a kitty escape sequence /// according to kitty's documentation const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 4096; /// until I'm told there's another terminal supporting the kitty /// terminal, I think I can just check the name pub fn is_term_kitty() -> bool { if let Ok(term_name) = env::var("TERM") { if term_name.contains("kitty") { return true; } } false } fn div_ceil(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 { a / b + (0 != a % b) as u32 } /// the image renderer, with knowledge of the /// console cells dimensions, and built only on Kitty. /// pub struct KittyImageRenderer { cell_width: u32, cell_height: u32, next_id: usize, current_images: Option, pub transmission_medium: TransmissionMedium, } /// An image prepared for a precise area on screen /// struct KittyImage<'i> { id: usize, data: ImageData<'i>, img_width: u32, img_height: u32, area: Area, } impl<'i> KittyImage<'i> { fn new<'r>( src: &'i DynamicImage, available_area: &Area, renderer: &'r mut KittyImageRenderer, ) -> Self { let (img_width, img_height) = src.dimensions(); let area = renderer.rendering_area(img_width, img_height, available_area); let data = src.into(); let id = renderer.new_id(); Self { id, data, img_width, img_height, area, } } /// render the image by sending multiple kitty escape sequence, each /// one with part of the image raw data (encoded as base64) fn print_with_chunks( &self, w: &mut W, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { let encoded = base64::encode(; w.queue(cursor::MoveTo(self.area.left,; let mut pos = 0; loop { if pos + CHUNK_SIZE < encoded.len() { write!( w, "\u{1b}_Ga=T,f={},t=d,i={},s={},v={},c={},r={},m=1;{}\u{1b}\\",,, self.img_width, self.img_height, self.area.width, self.area.height, &encoded[pos..pos + CHUNK_SIZE], )?; pos += CHUNK_SIZE; } else { // last chunk write!(w, "\u{1b}_Gm=0;{}\u{1b}\\", &encoded[pos..encoded.len()],)?; break; } } Ok(()) } /// render the image by writing the raw data in a temporary file /// then giving to kitty the path to this file in the payload of /// a unique kitty ecape sequence pub fn print_with_temp_file( &self, w: &mut W, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { let (mut temp_file, path) = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("broot-img-preview") .tempfile()? .keep() .map_err(|_| io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "temp file can't be kept", ))?; temp_file.write_all(; temp_file.flush()?; let path = path.to_str() .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Path can't be converted to UTF8", ))?; let encoded_path = base64::encode(path); debug!("temp file written: {:?}", path); w.queue(cursor::MoveTo(self.area.left,; write!( w, "\u{1b}_Ga=T,f={},t=t,i={},s={},v={},c={},r={};{}\u{1b}\\",,, self.img_width, self.img_height, self.area.width, self.area.height, encoded_path, )?; debug!("file len: {}", temp_file.metadata().unwrap().len()); Ok(()) } } impl KittyImageRenderer { pub fn new() -> Option { if !is_term_kitty() { return None; } cell_size_in_pixels() .ok() .map(|(cell_width, cell_height)| Self { cell_width, cell_height, current_images: None, next_id: 1, transmission_medium: TransmissionMedium::Chunks, }) } pub fn take_current_images(&mut self) -> Option { self.current_images.take() } /// return a new image id which is assumed will be used fn new_id(&mut self) -> usize { let new_id = self.next_id; self.next_id += 1; self.current_images .get_or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(new_id); new_id } pub fn print( &mut self, w: &mut W, src: &DynamicImage, area: &Area, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { let img = KittyImage::new(src, area, self); match self.transmission_medium { TransmissionMedium::TempFile => img.print_with_temp_file(w), TransmissionMedium::Chunks => img.print_with_chunks(w), } } pub fn erase( &mut self, w: &mut W, ids: KittyImageSet, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { for id in ids { debug!("erase kitty image {}", id); write!(w, "\u{1b}_Ga=d,d=I,i={}\u{1b}\\", id)?; } Ok(()) } /// erase all kitty images, even the forgetted ones pub fn erase_all( &mut self, w: &mut W, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { write!(w, "\u{1b}_Ga=d,d=A\u{1b}\\")?; self.current_images = None; Ok(()) } fn rendering_area( &self, img_width: u32, img_height: u32, area: &Area, ) -> Area { let area_cols: u32 = area.width.into(); let area_rows: u32 = area.height.into(); let rdim = self.rendering_dim(img_width, img_height, area_cols, area_rows); Area::new( area.left + ((area_cols - rdim.0) / 2) as u16, + ((area_rows - rdim.1) / 2) as u16, rdim.0 as u16, rdim.1 as u16, ) } fn rendering_dim( &self, img_width: u32, img_height: u32, area_cols: u32, area_rows: u32, ) -> (u32, u32) { let optimal_cols = div_ceil(img_width, self.cell_width); let optimal_rows = div_ceil(img_height, self.cell_height); debug!("area: {:?}", (area_cols, area_rows)); debug!("optimal: {:?}", (optimal_cols, optimal_rows)); if optimal_cols <= area_cols && optimal_rows <= area_rows { // no constraint (TODO center?) (optimal_cols, optimal_rows) } else if optimal_cols * area_rows > optimal_rows * area_cols { // we're constrained in width debug!("constrained in width"); (area_cols, optimal_rows * area_cols / optimal_cols) } else { // we're constrained in height debug!("constrained in height"); (optimal_cols * area_rows / optimal_rows, area_rows) } } }