//! Definitions of custom errors used in broot use custom_error::custom_error; use opener; use regex; use std::io; custom_error! {pub TreeBuildError NotADirectory { path: String } = "Not a directory: {}", FileNotFound { path: String } = "File not found: {}", } custom_error! {pub ProgramError Io {source: io::Error} = "IO Error : {:?}", Conf {source: ConfError} = "Bad configuration: {}", ArgParse {bad: String, valid: String} = "{:?} can't be parsed (valid values: {:?})", UnknownVerb {key: String} = "No verb matches {:?}", AmbiguousVerbKey {key: String} = "Ambiguous key: More than one verb matches {:?}", UnmatchingVerbArgs {key: String} = "No matching argument found for verb {:?}", TreeBuild {source: TreeBuildError} = "{}", OpenError {err: opener::OpenError} = "{}", LaunchError {program: String, source: io::Error} = "Unable to launch {program}: {source}", } custom_error! {pub RegexError Parsing {source: regex::Error} = @{ format!("Invalid Regular Expression: {}", source.to_string().lines().last().unwrap_or("")) }, UnknownFlag {bad: char} = "Unknown regular expression flag: {:?}", } custom_error! {pub InvalidSkinError InvalidColor { raw : String } = "'{}' is not a valid color", InvalidAttribute { raw : String } = "'{}' is not a valid style attribute", InvalidGreyLevel { level: u8 } = "grey level must be between 0 and 23 (got {})", InvalidStyle {style: String} = "Invalid skin style : {}", //BadKey = "not a valid skin configuration key", } custom_error! {pub ConfError Io {source: io::Error} = "unable to read from the file", Toml {source: toml::de::Error} = "unable to parse TOML", MissingField {txt: String} = "missing field in conf", InvalidVerbInvocation {invocation: String} = "invalid verb invocation: {}", InvalidKey {raw: String} = "not a valid key: {}", }