use { crate::{ errors::ProgramError, file_sizes::FileSize, flat_tree::{LineType, Tree, TreeLine}, task_sync::ComputationResult, git::GitStatusDisplay, pattern::Pattern, skin::Skin, }, chrono::{offset::Local, DateTime}, crossterm::{ cursor, style::{Color, SetBackgroundColor}, terminal::{Clear, ClearType}, QueueableCommand, }, git2::{ Status, }, std::{io::Write, time::SystemTime}, termimad::{CompoundStyle, ProgressBar}, }; #[cfg(unix)] use { crate::permissions, std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt, umask::*, }; /// declare a style named `$dst` which is usually a reference to the `$src` /// skin but, in case `selected` is true, is a clone with background changed /// to the one of selected lines. macro_rules! cond_bg { ($dst:ident, $self:ident, $selected:expr, $src:expr) => { let mut cloned_style; let $dst = if $selected { cloned_style = $src.clone(); if let Some(c) = $ { cloned_style.set_bg(c); } &cloned_style } else { &$src }; }; } /// A tree wrapper which can be used either /// - to write on the screen in the application, /// - or to write in a file or an exported string. /// Using it in the application (with in_app true) means that /// - the selection is drawn /// - a scrollbar may be drawn /// - the empty lines will be erased /// (cleaning while printing isn't clean but cleaning /// before would involve a visible flash on redraw) pub struct DisplayableTree<'s, 't> { pub tree: &'t Tree, pub skin: &'s Skin, pub area: termimad::Area, pub in_app: bool, // if true we show the selection and scrollbar } impl<'s, 't> DisplayableTree<'s, 't> { pub fn out_of_app(tree: &'t Tree, skin: &'s Skin, width: u16) -> DisplayableTree<'s, 't> { DisplayableTree { tree, skin, area: termimad::Area { left: 0, top: 0, width, height: tree.lines.len() as u16, }, in_app: false, } } fn name_style(&self, line: &TreeLine) -> &CompoundStyle { match &line.line_type { LineType::Dir => &, LineType::File => { if line.is_exe() { & } else { & } } LineType::SymLinkToFile(_) | LineType::SymLinkToDir(_) => &, LineType::Pruning => &, } } fn write_line_size( &self, f: &mut W, line: &TreeLine, total_size: FileSize, selected: bool, ) -> Result<(), termimad::Error> where W: Write { if let Some(s) = line.size { let pb = ProgressBar::new(s.part_of(total_size), 10); cond_bg!(size_style, self, selected, self.name_style(&line)); cond_bg!(sparse_style, self, selected,; size_style.queue(f, format!("{:>5}", s.to_string()))?; sparse_style.queue(f, if s.sparse { 's' } else { ' ' })?; size_style.queue(f, format!("{:<10} ", pb)) } else {, "──────────────── ") } } fn write_line_git_status( &self, f: &mut W, line: &TreeLine, ) -> Result<(), termimad::Error> where W: Write { if !line.is_selectable() {, ' ') } else { match|s| s.status) { Some(Status::CURRENT) =>, ' '), Some(Status::WT_NEW) =>, 'N'), Some(Status::CONFLICTED) =>, 'C'), Some(Status::WT_MODIFIED) =>, 'M'), Some(Status::IGNORED) =>, 'I'), None =>, ' '), _ =>, "?"), } } } fn write_date( &self, f: &mut W, system_time: SystemTime, selected: bool, ) -> Result<(), termimad::Error> where W: Write { let date_time: DateTime = system_time.into(); cond_bg!(date_style, self, selected,; date_style.queue(f, date_time.format("%Y/%m/%d %R ").to_string()) } #[cfg(unix)] fn write_mode( &self, f: &mut W, mode: Mode, selected: bool, ) -> Result<(), termimad::Error> where W: Write { cond_bg!(n_style, self, selected,; cond_bg!(r_style, self, selected,; cond_bg!(w_style, self, selected,; cond_bg!(x_style, self, selected,; if mode.has(USER_READ) { r_style.queue(f, 'r')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(USER_WRITE) { w_style.queue(f, 'w')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(USER_EXEC) { x_style.queue(f, 'x')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(GROUP_READ) { r_style.queue(f, 'r')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(GROUP_WRITE) { w_style.queue(f, 'w')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(GROUP_EXEC) { x_style.queue(f, 'x')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(OTHERS_READ) { r_style.queue(f, 'r')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(OTHERS_WRITE) { w_style.queue(f, 'w')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } if mode.has(OTHERS_EXEC) { x_style.queue(f, 'x')?; } else { n_style.queue(f, '_')?; } Ok(()) } fn write_line_name( &self, f: &mut W, line: &TreeLine, pattern: &Pattern, selected: bool, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> where W: Write { let style = match &line.line_type { LineType::Dir => &, LineType::File => { if line.is_exe() { & } else { & } } LineType::SymLinkToFile(_) | LineType::SymLinkToDir(_) => &, LineType::Pruning => &, }; cond_bg!(style, self, selected, style); cond_bg!(char_match_style, self, selected,;, &style, &char_match_style).write_on(f)?; match &line.line_type { LineType::Dir => { if line.unlisted > 0 { style.queue_str(f, " …")?; } } LineType::SymLinkToFile(target) | LineType::SymLinkToDir(target) => { style.queue_str(f, " -> ")?; if line.has_error {, &target)?; } else { let target_style = if line.is_dir() { & } else { & }; cond_bg!(target_style, self, selected, target_style); target_style.queue(f, &target)?; } } _ => {} } Ok(()) } pub fn write_root_line( &self, f: &mut W, selected: bool, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> where W: Write { cond_bg!(style, self, selected,; let title = self.tree.lines[0].path.to_string_lossy(); style.queue_str(f, &title)?; if self.in_app { self.extend_line(f, selected)?; let title_len = title.chars().count(); if title_len < self.area.width as usize { if let ComputationResult::Done(git_status) = &self.tree.git_status { let git_status_display = GitStatusDisplay::from( git_status, &, self.area.width as usize - title_len, ); git_status_display.write(f, selected)?; } } } Ok(()) } /// if in app, extend the background till the end of screen row pub fn extend_line( &self, f: &mut W, selected: bool, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> where W: Write { if self.in_app { if selected {; } else {; } f.queue(Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine))?; } Ok(()) } /// write the whole tree on the given `W` pub fn write_on( &self, f: &mut W, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> where W: Write { let tree = self.tree; #[cfg(unix)] let user_group_max_lengths = user_group_max_lengths(&tree); let total_size = tree.total_size(); let scrollbar = if self.in_app { self.area.scrollbar(tree.scroll, tree.lines.len() as i32 - 1) } else { None }; if self.in_app { f.queue(cursor::MoveTo(self.area.left,; } self.write_root_line(f, tree.selection==0)?; f.queue(SetBackgroundColor(Color::Reset))?; for y in 1..self.area.height { if self.in_app { f.queue(cursor::MoveTo(self.area.left, y +; } else { write!(f, "\r\n")?; } let mut line_index = y as usize; if line_index > 0 { line_index += tree.scroll as usize; } let mut selected = false; if line_index < tree.lines.len() { let line = &tree.lines[line_index]; selected = self.in_app && line_index == tree.selection; if !tree.git_status.is_none() { self.write_line_git_status(f, line)?; } for depth in 0..line.depth { f, if line.left_branchs[depth as usize] { if self.tree.has_branch(line_index + 1, depth as usize) { if depth == line.depth - 1 { "├──" } else { "│ " } } else { "└──" } } else { " " }, )?; } if tree.options.show_sizes { self.write_line_size(f, line, total_size, selected)?; } #[cfg(unix)] { if tree.options.show_permissions { if line.is_selectable() { self.write_mode(f, line.mode(), selected)?; let owner = permissions::user_name(line.metadata.uid()); cond_bg!(owner_style, self, selected,; owner_style.queue(f, format!(" {:w$}", &owner, w = user_group_max_lengths.0,))?; let group = permissions::group_name(line.metadata.gid()); cond_bg!(group_style, self, selected,; group_style.queue(f, format!(" {:w$} ", &group, w = user_group_max_lengths.1,))?; } else { let length = 9 + 1 +user_group_max_lengths.0 + 1 + user_group_max_lengths.1 + 1; for _ in 0..length {, "─")?; } } } } if tree.options.show_dates { if let Some(date) = line.modified() { self.write_date(f, date, selected)?; } else {, "─────────────────")?; } } self.write_line_name(f, line, &tree.options.pattern, selected)?; } self.extend_line(f, selected)?; f.queue(SetBackgroundColor(Color::Reset))?; if self.in_app && y > 0 { if let Some((sctop, scbottom)) = scrollbar { f.queue(cursor::MoveTo(self.area.width, y))?; let style = if sctop <= y && y <= scbottom { & } else { & }; style.queue_str(f, "▐")?; } } } if !self.in_app { write!(f, "\r\n")?; } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(unix)] fn user_group_max_lengths(tree: &Tree) -> (usize, usize) { let mut max_user_len = 0; let mut max_group_len = 0; if tree.options.show_permissions { for i in 1..tree.lines.len() { let line = &tree.lines[i]; let user = permissions::user_name(line.metadata.uid()); max_user_len = max_user_len.max(user.len()); let group = permissions::group_name(line.metadata.gid()); max_group_len = max_group_len.max(group.len()); } } (max_user_len, max_group_len) }