use { crossterm::{ QueueableCommand, style::Print, }, termimad::{ CompoundStyle, Result, }, }; const FILLING_STRING_CHAR_LEN: usize = 1000; pub struct Filling { filling_string: String, char_size: usize, } impl Filling { // TODO as soon as const fn are capable enough, this should be const // to allow normal static fillings pub fn from_char(filling_char: char) -> Self { let char_size = String::from(filling_char).len(); let mut filling_string = String::with_capacity(char_size * FILLING_STRING_CHAR_LEN); for _ in 0..FILLING_STRING_CHAR_LEN { filling_string.push(filling_char); } Self { filling_string, char_size, } } pub fn queue_unstyled( &self, w: &mut W, mut len: usize, ) -> Result<()> where W: std::io::Write { while len > 0 { let sl = len.min(FILLING_STRING_CHAR_LEN); w.queue(Print(&self.filling_string[ * self.char_size]))?; len -= sl; } Ok(()) } pub fn queue_styled( &self, w: &mut W, cs: &CompoundStyle, mut len: usize, ) -> Result<()> where W: std::io::Write { while len > 0 { let sl = len.min(FILLING_STRING_CHAR_LEN); cs.queue_str(w, &self.filling_string[ * self.char_size])?; len -= sl; } Ok(()) } }