use { crate::{ app::*, command::{Command, TriggerType}, display::{DisplayableTree, Screen, W}, errors::{ProgramError, TreeBuildError}, flag::Flag, git, pattern::*, path::{self, PathAnchor}, print, skin::PanelSkin, task_sync::Dam, tree::*, tree_build::TreeBuilder, verb::*, }, open, std::path::{Path, PathBuf}, termimad::Area, }; /// An application state dedicated to displaying a tree. /// It's the first and main screen of broot. pub struct BrowserState { pub tree: Tree, pub filtered_tree: Option, pub pending_pattern: InputPattern, // a pattern (or not) which has not yet be applied pub total_search_required: bool, // whether the pending pattern should be in total search mode mode: Mode, } impl BrowserState { /// build a new tree state if there's no error and there's no cancellation. /// /// In case of cancellation return `Ok(None)`. If dam is `unlimited()` then /// this can't be returned. pub fn new( path: PathBuf, mut options: TreeOptions, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext, dam: &Dam, ) -> Result, TreeBuildError> { let pending_pattern = options.pattern.take(); let builder = TreeBuilder::from( path, options, BrowserState::page_height(screen) as usize, con, )?; Ok(, dam).map(move |tree| BrowserState { tree, filtered_tree: None, pending_pattern, total_search_required: false, mode: initial_mode(con), })) } pub fn root(&self) -> &Path { self.tree.root() } pub fn page_height(screen: Screen) -> i32 { i32::from(screen.height) - 2 } /// return a reference to the currently displayed tree, which /// is the filtered tree if there's one, the base tree if not. pub fn displayed_tree(&self) -> &Tree { self.filtered_tree.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.tree) } /// return a mutable reference to the currently displayed tree, which /// is the filtered tree if there's one, the base tree if not. pub fn displayed_tree_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Tree { self.filtered_tree.as_mut().unwrap_or(&mut self.tree) } pub fn open_selection_stay_in_broot( &mut self, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext, in_new_panel: bool, keep_pattern: bool, ) -> Result { let tree = self.displayed_tree(); let line = tree.selected_line(); let mut target =; if line.is_dir() { if tree.selection == 0 { // opening the root would be going to where we already are. // We go up one level instead if let Some(parent) = target.parent() { target = PathBuf::from(parent); } } let dam = Dam::unlimited(); Ok(AppStateCmdResult::from_optional_state( BrowserState::new( target, if keep_pattern { tree.options.clone() } else { tree.options.without_pattern() }, screen, con, &dam, ), in_new_panel, )) } else { match open::that(&target) { Ok(exit_status) => { info!("open returned with exit_status {:?}", exit_status); Ok(AppStateCmdResult::Keep) } Err(e) => Ok(AppStateCmdResult::DisplayError(format!("{:?}", e))), } } } pub fn go_to_parent( &mut self, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext, in_new_panel: bool, ) -> AppStateCmdResult { match &self.displayed_tree().selected_line().path.parent() { Some(path) => AppStateCmdResult::from_optional_state( BrowserState::new( path.to_path_buf(), self.displayed_tree().options.without_pattern(), screen, con, &Dam::unlimited(), ), in_new_panel, ), None => AppStateCmdResult::DisplayError("no parent found".to_string()), } } } impl AppState for BrowserState { fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode) { debug!("BrowserState::set_mode({:?})", mode); self.mode = mode; } fn get_mode(&self) -> Mode { self.mode } fn get_pending_task(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { if self.pending_pattern.is_some() { Some("searching") } else if self.displayed_tree().has_dir_missing_sum() { Some("computing stats") } else if self.displayed_tree().is_missing_git_status_computation() { Some("computing git status") } else { None } } fn selected_path(&self) -> &Path { &self.displayed_tree().selected_line().path } fn selection(&self) -> Selection<'_> { self.displayed_tree().selected_line().as_selection() } fn tree_options(&self) -> TreeOptions { self.displayed_tree().options.clone() } /// build a cmdResult asking for the addition of a new state /// being a browser state similar to the current one but with /// different options fn with_new_options( &mut self, screen: Screen, change_options: &dyn Fn(&mut TreeOptions), in_new_panel: bool, con: &AppContext, ) -> AppStateCmdResult { let tree = self.displayed_tree(); let mut options = tree.options.clone(); change_options(&mut options); AppStateCmdResult::from_optional_state( BrowserState::new(tree.root().clone(), options, screen, con, &Dam::unlimited()), in_new_panel, ) } fn clear_pending(&mut self) { self.pending_pattern = InputPattern::none(); } fn on_click( &mut self, _x: u16, y: u16, _screen: Screen, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_y(y as i32); Ok(AppStateCmdResult::Keep) } fn on_double_click( &mut self, _x: u16, y: u16, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { if self.displayed_tree().selection == y as usize { self.open_selection_stay_in_broot(screen, con, false, false) } else { // A double click always come after a simple click at // same position. If it's not the selected line, it means // the click wasn't on a selectable/openable tree line Ok(AppStateCmdResult::Keep) } } fn on_pattern( &mut self, pat: InputPattern, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { if pat.is_none() { self.filtered_tree = None; } self.pending_pattern = pat; Ok(AppStateCmdResult::Keep) } fn on_internal( &mut self, w: &mut W, internal_exec: &InternalExecution, input_invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, trigger_type: TriggerType, cc: &CmdContext, screen: Screen, ) -> Result { let con = &cc.con; let page_height = BrowserState::page_height(screen); let bang = input_invocation .map(|inv| inv.bang) .unwrap_or(internal_exec.bang); Ok(match internal_exec.internal { Internal::back => { if let Some(filtered_tree) = &self.filtered_tree { let filtered_selection = &filtered_tree.selected_line().path; if self.tree.try_select_path(filtered_selection) { self.tree.make_selection_visible(page_height); } self.filtered_tree = None; AppStateCmdResult::Keep } else if self.tree.selection > 0 { self.tree.selection = 0; AppStateCmdResult::Keep } else { AppStateCmdResult::PopState } } Internal::focus => internal_focus::on_internal( internal_exec, input_invocation, trigger_type, self.selected_path(), screen, con, self.displayed_tree().options.clone(), ), Internal::up_tree => match self.displayed_tree().root().parent() { Some(path) => internal_focus::on_path( path.to_path_buf(), screen, self.displayed_tree().options.clone(), bang, con, ), None => AppStateCmdResult::DisplayError("no parent found".to_string()), }, Internal::open_stay => self.open_selection_stay_in_broot(screen, con, bang, false)?, Internal::open_stay_filter => self.open_selection_stay_in_broot(screen, con, bang, true)?, Internal::line_down => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.displayed_tree_mut().move_selection(count, page_height, true); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::line_up => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.displayed_tree_mut().move_selection(-count, page_height, true); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::line_down_no_cycle => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.displayed_tree_mut().move_selection(count, page_height, false); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::line_up_no_cycle => { let count = get_arg(input_invocation, internal_exec, 1); self.displayed_tree_mut().move_selection(-count, page_height, false); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::previous_match => { self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_previous_match(); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::next_match => { self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_next_match(); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::previous_same_depth => { self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_previous_same_depth(); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::next_same_depth => { self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_next_same_depth(); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::page_down => { let tree = self.displayed_tree_mut(); if page_height < tree.lines.len() as i32 { tree.try_scroll(page_height, page_height); } AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::page_up => { let tree = self.displayed_tree_mut(); if page_height < tree.lines.len() as i32 { tree.try_scroll(-page_height, page_height); } AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::panel_left => { if cc.areas.is_first() { if cc.preview.is_some() && cc.areas.nb_pos == 2 { AppStateCmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, id: cc.preview, } } else { // we ask for the creation of a panel to the left internal_focus::new_panel_on_path( self.selected_path().to_path_buf(), screen, self.displayed_tree().options.clone(), PanelPurpose::None, con, HDir::Left, ) } } else { // we ask the app to focus the panel to the left AppStateCmdResult::HandleInApp(Internal::panel_left) } } Internal::panel_right => { if cc.areas.is_last() { let purpose = if self.selected_path().is_file() && cc.preview.is_none() { PanelPurpose::Preview } else { PanelPurpose::None }; // we ask for the creation of a panel to the right internal_focus::new_panel_on_path( self.selected_path().to_path_buf(), screen, self.displayed_tree().options.clone(), purpose, con, HDir::Right, ) } else { // we ask the app to focus the panel to the right AppStateCmdResult::HandleInApp(Internal::panel_right) } } Internal::parent => self.go_to_parent(screen, con, bang), Internal::print_path => { let path = &self.displayed_tree().selected_line().target(); print::print_path(path, con)? } Internal::print_relative_path => { let path = &self.displayed_tree().selected_line().target(); print::print_relative_path(path, con)? } Internal::print_tree => { print::print_tree(&self.displayed_tree(), screen, &cc.panel_skin, con)? } Internal::select_first => { self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_first(); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::select_last => { let page_height = BrowserState::page_height(screen); self.displayed_tree_mut().try_select_last(page_height); AppStateCmdResult::Keep } Internal::start_end_panel => { if cc.panel_purpose.is_arg_edition() { debug!("start_end understood as end"); AppStateCmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: true, id: None, } } else { debug!("start_end understood as start"); let tree_options = self.displayed_tree().options.clone(); if let Some(input_invocation) = input_invocation { // we'll go for input arg editing let path = if let Some(input_arg) = &input_invocation.args { path::path_from(self.root(), PathAnchor::Unspecified, input_arg) } else { self.root().to_path_buf() }; let arg_type = SelectionType::Any; // We might do better later let purpose = PanelPurpose::ArgEdition { arg_type }; internal_focus::new_panel_on_path( path, screen, tree_options, purpose, con, HDir::Right, ) } else { // we just open a new panel on the selected path, // without purpose internal_focus::new_panel_on_path( self.selected_path().to_path_buf(), screen, tree_options, PanelPurpose::None, con, HDir::Right, ) } } } Internal::total_search => { if let Some(tree) = &self.filtered_tree { if tree.total_search { AppStateCmdResult::DisplayError( "search was already total - all children have been rated".to_owned(), ) } else { self.pending_pattern = tree.options.pattern.clone(); self.total_search_required = true; AppStateCmdResult::Keep } } else { AppStateCmdResult::DisplayError( "this verb can be used only after a search".to_owned(), ) } } Internal::quit => AppStateCmdResult::Quit, _ => self.on_internal_generic( w, internal_exec, input_invocation, trigger_type, cc, screen, )?, }) } fn no_verb_status( &self, has_previous_state: bool, con: &AppContext, ) -> Status { let mut ssb = con.standard_status.builder( AppStateType::Tree, self.selection(), ); ssb.has_previous_state = has_previous_state; ssb.is_filtered = self.filtered_tree.is_some(); ssb.has_removed_pattern = false; ssb.on_tree_root = self.displayed_tree().selection == 0; ssb.status() } /// do some work, totally or partially, if there's some to do. /// Stop as soon as the dam asks for interruption fn do_pending_task( &mut self, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext, dam: &mut Dam, ) { if self.pending_pattern.is_some() { let pattern_str = self.pending_pattern.raw.clone(); let mut options = self.tree.options.clone(); options.pattern = self.pending_pattern.take(); let root = self.tree.root().clone(); let page_height = BrowserState::page_height(screen) as usize; let builder = match TreeBuilder::from(root, options, page_height, con) { Ok(builder) => builder, Err(e) => { warn!("Error while preparing tree builder: {:?}", e); return; } }; let mut filtered_tree = time!( Info, "tree filtering", &pattern_str,, dam), ); // can be None if a cancellation was required self.total_search_required = false; if let Some(ref mut ft) = filtered_tree { ft.try_select_best_match(); ft.make_selection_visible(BrowserState::page_height(screen)); self.filtered_tree = filtered_tree; } } else if self.displayed_tree().is_missing_git_status_computation() { let root_path = self.displayed_tree().root(); let git_status = git::get_tree_status(root_path, dam); self.displayed_tree_mut().git_status = git_status; } else { self.displayed_tree_mut().fetch_some_missing_dir_sum(dam, con); } } fn display( &mut self, w: &mut W, _screen: Screen, area: Area, panel_skin: &PanelSkin, con: &AppContext, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { let dp = DisplayableTree { tree: &self.displayed_tree(), skin: &panel_skin.styles, ext_colors: &con.ext_colors, area, in_app: true, }; dp.write_on(w) } fn refresh(&mut self, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext) -> Command { let page_height = BrowserState::page_height(screen) as usize; // refresh the base tree if let Err(e) = self.tree.refresh(page_height, con) { warn!("refreshing base tree failed : {:?}", e); } // refresh the filtered tree, if any Command::from_pattern(match self.filtered_tree { Some(ref mut tree) => { if let Err(e) = tree.refresh(page_height, con) { warn!("refreshing filtered tree failed : {:?}", e); } &tree.options.pattern } None => &self.tree.options.pattern, }) } fn get_flags(&self) -> Vec { let options = &self.displayed_tree().options; vec![ Flag { name: "h", value: if options.show_hidden { "y" } else { "n" }, }, Flag { name: "gi", value: if options.respect_git_ignore { "y" } else { "n" }, }, ] } fn get_starting_input(&self) -> String { if self.pending_pattern.is_some() { self.pending_pattern.raw.clone() } else { self.displayed_tree().options.pattern.raw.clone() } } }