use { super::*, crate::{ command::*, display::{Screen, W}, errors::ProgramError, flag::Flag, help::HelpState, pattern::*, preview::{PreviewMode, PreviewState}, print, stage::*, task_sync::Dam, tree::*, verb::*, }, std::{ path::{Path, PathBuf}, str::FromStr, }, }; /// a panel state, stackable to allow reverting /// to a previous one pub trait PanelState { fn get_type(&self) -> PanelStateType; fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode); fn get_mode(&self) -> Mode; /// called on start of on_command fn clear_pending(&mut self) {} fn on_click( &mut self, _x: u16, _y: u16, _screen: Screen, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { Ok(CmdResult::Keep) } fn on_double_click( &mut self, _x: u16, _y: u16, _screen: Screen, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { Ok(CmdResult::Keep) } fn on_pattern( &mut self, _pat: InputPattern, _app_state: &AppState, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Result { Ok(CmdResult::Keep) } fn on_mode_verb( &mut self, mode: Mode, con: &AppContext, ) -> CmdResult { if con.modal { self.set_mode(mode); CmdResult::Keep } else { CmdResult::error("modal mode not enabled in configuration") } } /// execute the internal with the optional given invocation. /// /// The invocation comes from the input and may be related /// to a different verb (the verb may have been triggered /// by a key shortcut) fn on_internal( &mut self, w: &mut W, internal_exec: &InternalExecution, input_invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, trigger_type: TriggerType, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result; /// a generic implementation of on_internal which may be /// called by states when they don't have a specific /// behavior to execute fn on_internal_generic( &mut self, _w: &mut W, internal_exec: &InternalExecution, input_invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, _trigger_type: TriggerType, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result { let con = &; let screen =; let bang = input_invocation .map(|inv| inv.bang) .unwrap_or(internal_exec.bang); Ok(match internal_exec.internal { Internal::back => CmdResult::PopState, Internal::copy_line | Internal::copy_path => { #[cfg(not(feature = "clipboard"))] { CmdResult::error("Clipboard feature not enabled at compilation") } #[cfg(feature = "clipboard")] { if let Some(path) = self.selected_path() { let path = path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); match terminal_clipboard::set_string(path) { Ok(()) => CmdResult::Keep, Err(_) => CmdResult::error("Clipboard error while copying path"), } } else { CmdResult::error("Nothing to copy") } } } Internal::close_panel_ok => CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: true, panel_ref: PanelReference::Active, }, Internal::close_panel_cancel => CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Active, }, #[cfg(unix)] Internal::filesystems => { let fs_state = crate::filesystems::FilesystemState::new( self.selected_path(), self.tree_options(), con, ); match fs_state { Ok(state) => { let bang = input_invocation .map(|inv| inv.bang) .unwrap_or(internal_exec.bang); if bang && { CmdResult::NewPanel { state: Box::new(state), purpose: PanelPurpose::None, direction: HDir::Right, } } else { CmdResult::new_state(Box::new(state)) } } Err(e) => CmdResult::DisplayError(format!("{}", e)), } } Internal::help => { let bang = input_invocation .map(|inv| inv.bang) .unwrap_or(internal_exec.bang); if bang && { CmdResult::NewPanel { state: Box::new(HelpState::new(self.tree_options(), screen, con)), purpose: PanelPurpose::None, direction: HDir::Right, } } else { CmdResult::new_state(Box::new( HelpState::new(self.tree_options(), screen, con) )) } } Internal::mode_input => self.on_mode_verb(Mode::Input, con), Internal::mode_command => self.on_mode_verb(Mode::Command, con), Internal::open_leave => { if let Some(selection) = self.selection() { selection.to_opener(con)? } else { CmdResult::error("no selection to open") } } Internal::open_preview => self.open_preview(None, false, cc), Internal::preview_image => self.open_preview(Some(PreviewMode::Image), false, cc), Internal::preview_text => self.open_preview(Some(PreviewMode::Text), false, cc), Internal::preview_binary => self.open_preview(Some(PreviewMode::Hex), false, cc), Internal::toggle_preview => self.open_preview(None, true, cc), Internal::sort_by_count => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.sort == Sort::Count { o.sort = Sort::None; o.show_counts = false; "*not sorting anymore*" } else { o.sort = Sort::Count; o.show_counts = true; "*now sorting by file count*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::sort_by_date => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.sort == Sort::Date { o.sort = Sort::None; o.show_dates = false; "*not sorting anymore*" } else { o.sort = Sort::Date; o.show_dates = true; "*now sorting by last modified date*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::sort_by_size => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.sort == Sort::Size { o.sort = Sort::None; o.show_sizes = false; "*not sorting anymore*" } else { o.sort = Sort::Size; o.show_sizes = true; o.show_root_fs = true; "*now sorting files and directories by total size*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::sort_by_type => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { match o.sort { Sort::TypeDirsFirst => { o.sort = Sort::TypeDirsLast; "*sorting by type, directories last*" } Sort::TypeDirsLast => { o.sort = Sort::None; "*not sorting anymore*" } _ => { o.sort = Sort::TypeDirsFirst; "*sorting by type, directories first*" } } }, bang, con, ), Internal::sort_by_type_dirs_first => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.sort == Sort::TypeDirsFirst { o.sort = Sort::None; "*not sorting anymore*" } else { o.sort = Sort::TypeDirsFirst; "*now sorting by type, directories first*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::sort_by_type_dirs_last => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.sort == Sort::TypeDirsLast { o.sort = Sort::None; "*not sorting anymore*" } else { o.sort = Sort::TypeDirsLast; "*now sorting by type, directories last*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::no_sort => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.sort == Sort::None { "*still not searching*" } else { o.sort = Sort::None; "*not sorting anymore*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::toggle_counts => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_counts ^= true; if o.show_counts { "*displaying file counts*" } else { "*hiding file counts*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_dates => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_dates ^= true; if o.show_dates { "*displaying last modified dates*" } else { "*hiding last modified dates*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_device_id => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_device_id ^= true; if o.show_device_id { "*displaying device id*" } else { "*hiding device id*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_files => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.only_folders ^= true; if o.only_folders { "*displaying only directories*" } else { "*displaying both files and directories*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_hidden => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_hidden ^= true; if o.show_hidden { "h:**y** - *Hidden files displayed*" } else { "h:**n** - *Hidden files not displayed*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_root_fs => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_root_fs ^= true; if o.show_root_fs { "*displaying filesystem info for the tree's root directory*" } else { "*removing filesystem info*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_git_ignore => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.respect_git_ignore ^= true; if o.respect_git_ignore { "gi:**y** - *applying gitignore rules*" } else { "gi:**n** - *not applying gitignore rules*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_git_file_info => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_git_file_info ^= true; if o.show_git_file_info { "*displaying git info next to files*" } else { "*removing git file info*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_git_status => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.filter_by_git_status { o.filter_by_git_status = false; "*not filtering according to git status anymore*" } else { o.filter_by_git_status = true; o.show_hidden = true; "*only displaying new or modified files*" } }, bang, con ) } Internal::toggle_perm => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.show_permissions ^= true; if o.show_permissions { "*displaying file permissions*" } else { "*removing file permissions*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::toggle_sizes => self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { if o.show_sizes { o.show_sizes = false; o.show_root_fs = false; "*removing sizes of files and directories*" } else { o.show_sizes = true; o.show_root_fs = true; "*now diplaying sizes of files and directories*" } }, bang, con, ), Internal::toggle_trim_root => { self.with_new_options( screen, &|o| { o.trim_root ^= true; if o.trim_root { "*now trimming root from excess files*" } else { "*not trimming root files anymore*" } }, bang, con, ) } Internal::close_preview => { if let Some(id) = { CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(id), } } else { CmdResult::Keep } } Internal::panel_left | Internal::panel_left_no_open => { CmdResult::HandleInApp(Internal::panel_left_no_open) } Internal::panel_right | Internal::panel_right_no_open => { CmdResult::HandleInApp(Internal::panel_right_no_open) } Internal::toggle_second_tree => { CmdResult::HandleInApp(Internal::toggle_second_tree) } Internal::clear_stage => { app_state.stage.clear(); if let Some(panel_id) = { CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(panel_id), } } else { CmdResult::Keep } } Internal::stage => self.stage(app_state, cc, con), Internal::unstage => self.unstage(app_state, cc, con), Internal::toggle_stage => self.toggle_stage(app_state, cc, con), Internal::close_staging_area => { if let Some(id) = { CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(id), } } else { CmdResult::Keep } } Internal::open_staging_area => { if { CmdResult::NewPanel { state: Box::new(StageState::new(app_state, self.tree_options(), con)), purpose: PanelPurpose::None, direction: HDir::Right, } } else { CmdResult::Keep } } Internal::toggle_staging_area => { if let Some(id) = { CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(id), } } else { CmdResult::NewPanel { state: Box::new(StageState::new(app_state, self.tree_options(), con)), purpose: PanelPurpose::None, direction: HDir::Right, } } } Internal::set_syntax_theme => CmdResult::HandleInApp(Internal::set_syntax_theme), Internal::print_path => print::print_paths(self.sel_info(app_state), con)?, Internal::print_relative_path => print::print_relative_paths(self.sel_info(app_state), con)?, Internal::refresh => CmdResult::RefreshState { clear_cache: true }, Internal::quit => CmdResult::Quit, _ => CmdResult::Keep, }) } fn stage( &self, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, con: &AppContext, ) -> CmdResult { if let Some(path) = self.selected_path() { let path = path.to_path_buf(); app_state.stage.add(path); if { return CmdResult::NewPanel { state: Box::new(StageState::new(app_state, self.tree_options(), con)), purpose: PanelPurpose::None, direction: HDir::Right, }; } } else { // TODO display error ? warn!("no path in state"); } CmdResult::Keep } fn unstage( &self, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, _con: &AppContext, ) -> CmdResult { if let Some(path) = self.selected_path() { if app_state.stage.remove(path) && app_state.stage.is_empty() { if let Some(panel_id) = { return CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(panel_id), }; } } } CmdResult::Keep } fn toggle_stage( &self, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, con: &AppContext, ) -> CmdResult { if let Some(path) = self.selected_path() { if app_state.stage.contains(path) { self.unstage(app_state, cc, con) } else { self.stage(app_state, cc, con) } } else { CmdResult::error("no selection") } } fn execute_verb( &mut self, w: &mut W, // needed because we may want to switch from alternate in some externals verb: &Verb, invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, trigger_type: TriggerType, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result { if verb.needs_selection && !self.has_at_least_one_selection(app_state) { return Ok(CmdResult::error("This verb needs a selection")); } if verb.needs_another_panel && app_state.other_panel_path.is_none() { return Ok(CmdResult::error("This verb needs another panel")); } let res = match &verb.execution { VerbExecution::Internal(internal_exec) => { self.on_internal( w, internal_exec, invocation, trigger_type, app_state, cc, ) } VerbExecution::External(external) => { self.execute_external(w, verb, external, invocation, app_state, cc) } VerbExecution::Sequence(seq_ex) => { self.execute_sequence(w, verb, seq_ex, invocation, app_state, cc) } }; if res.is_ok() { // if the stage has been emptied by the operation (eg a "rm"), we // close it app_state.stage.refresh(); if app_state.stage.is_empty() { if let Some(id) = { return Ok(CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(id), }); } } } res } fn execute_external( &mut self, w: &mut W, verb: &Verb, external_execution: &ExternalExecution, invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result { let sel_info = self.sel_info(app_state); if let Some(invocation) = &invocation { if let Some(error) = verb.check_args(sel_info, invocation, &app_state.other_panel_path) { debug!("verb.check_args prevented execution: {:?}", &error); return Ok(CmdResult::error(error)); } } let exec_builder = ExecutionStringBuilder::with_invocation( &verb.invocation_parser, sel_info, app_state, if let Some(inv) = invocation { inv.args.as_ref() } else { None }, ); external_execution.to_cmd_result(w, exec_builder, } fn execute_sequence( &mut self, _w: &mut W, verb: &Verb, seq_ex: &SequenceExecution, invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, app_state: &mut AppState, _cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result { let sel_info = self.sel_info(app_state); if matches!(sel_info, SelInfo::More(_)) { // sequences would be hard to execute as the execution on a file can change the // state in too many ways (changing selection, focused panel, parent, unstage or // stage files, removing the staged paths, etc.) return Ok(CmdResult::error("sequences can't be executed on multiple selections")); } let exec_builder = ExecutionStringBuilder::with_invocation( &verb.invocation_parser, sel_info, app_state, if let Some(inv) = invocation { inv.args.as_ref() } else { None }, ); // TODO what follows is dangerous: if an inserted group value contains the separator, // the parsing will cut on this separator let sequence = Sequence { raw: exec_builder.shell_exec_string(&ExecPattern::from_string(&seq_ex.sequence.raw)), separator: seq_ex.sequence.separator.clone(), }; Ok(CmdResult::ExecuteSequence { sequence }) } /// change the state, does no rendering fn on_command( &mut self, w: &mut W, app_state: &mut AppState, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> Result { self.clear_pending(); let con = &; let screen =; match &cc.cmd { Command::Click(x, y) => self.on_click(*x, *y, screen, con), Command::DoubleClick(x, y) => self.on_double_click(*x, *y, screen, con), Command::PatternEdit { raw, expr } => { match InputPattern::new(raw.clone(), expr, con) { Ok(pattern) => self.on_pattern(pattern, app_state, con), Err(e) => Ok(CmdResult::DisplayError(format!("{}", e))), } } Command::VerbTrigger { index, input_invocation, } => self.execute_verb( w, &con.verb_store.verbs[*index], input_invocation.as_ref(), TriggerType::Other, app_state, cc, ), Command::Internal { internal, input_invocation, } => self.on_internal( w, &InternalExecution::from_internal(*internal), input_invocation.as_ref(), TriggerType::Other, app_state, cc, ), Command::VerbInvocate(invocation) => { let sel_info = self.sel_info(app_state); match con.verb_store.search_sel_info( &, sel_info, ) { PrefixSearchResult::Match(_, verb) => { self.execute_verb( w, verb, Some(invocation), TriggerType::Input(verb), app_state, cc, ) } _ => Ok(CmdResult::verb_not_found(&, } } Command::None | Command::VerbEdit(_) => { // we do nothing here, the real job is done in get_status Ok(CmdResult::Keep) } } } /// return a cmdresult asking for the opening of a preview fn open_preview( &mut self, prefered_mode: Option, close_if_open: bool, cc: &CmdContext, ) -> CmdResult { if let Some(id) = { if close_if_open { CmdResult::ClosePanel { validate_purpose: false, panel_ref: PanelReference::Id(id), } } else { if prefered_mode.is_some() { // we'll make the preview mode change be // applied on the preview panel CmdResult::ApplyOnPanel { id } } else { CmdResult::Keep } } } else { if let Some(path) = self.selected_path() { if path.is_file() { CmdResult::NewPanel { state: Box::new(PreviewState::new( path.to_path_buf(), InputPattern::none(), prefered_mode, self.tree_options(),, )), purpose: PanelPurpose::Preview, direction: HDir::Right, } } else { CmdResult::error("only regular files can be previewed") } } else { CmdResult::error("no selected file") } } } /// must return None if the state doesn't display a file tree fn tree_root(&self) -> Option<&Path> { None } fn selected_path(&self) -> Option<&Path>; fn selection(&self) -> Option>; fn sel_info<'c>(&'c self, _app_state: &'c AppState) -> SelInfo<'c> { // overloaded in stage_state match self.selection() { None => SelInfo::None, Some(selection) => SelInfo::One(selection), } } fn has_at_least_one_selection(&self, _app_state: &AppState) -> bool { true // overloaded in stage_state } fn refresh(&mut self, screen: Screen, con: &AppContext) -> Command; fn tree_options(&self) -> TreeOptions; /// Build a cmdResult in response to a command being a change of /// tree options. This may or not be a new state. /// /// The provided `change_options` function returns a status message /// explaining the change fn with_new_options( &mut self, screen: Screen, change_options: &dyn Fn(&mut TreeOptions) -> &'static str, in_new_panel: bool, con: &AppContext, ) -> CmdResult; fn do_pending_task( &mut self, _app_state: &mut AppState, _screen: Screen, _con: &AppContext, _dam: &mut Dam, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError> { // no pending task in default impl unreachable!(); } fn get_pending_task( &self, ) -> Option<&'static str> { None } fn display( &mut self, w: &mut W, disc: &DisplayContext, ) -> Result<(), ProgramError>; /// return the flags to display fn get_flags(&self) -> Vec { vec![] } fn get_starting_input(&self) -> String { String::new() } fn set_selected_path(&mut self, _path: PathBuf, _con: &AppContext) { // this function is useful for preview states } /// return the status which should be used when there's no verb edited fn no_verb_status( &self, _has_previous_state: bool, _con: &AppContext, ) -> Status { Status::from_message( "Hit *esc* to get back, or a space to start a verb" ) } fn get_status( &self, app_state: &AppState, cc: &CmdContext, has_previous_state: bool, ) -> Status { match &cc.cmd { Command::PatternEdit { .. } => self.no_verb_status(has_previous_state,, Command::VerbEdit(invocation) => { if { Status::new( "Type a verb then *enter* to execute it (*?* for the list of verbs)", false, ) } else { let sel_info = self.sel_info(app_state); match &, sel_info, ) { PrefixSearchResult::NoMatch => { Status::new("No matching verb (*?* for the list of verbs)", true) } PrefixSearchResult::Match(_, verb) => { self.get_verb_status(verb, invocation, sel_info, cc, app_state) } PrefixSearchResult::Matches(completions) => Status::new( format!( "Possible verbs: {}", completions .iter() .map(|c| format!("*{}*", c)) .collect::>() .join(", "), ), false, ), } } } _ => self.no_verb_status(has_previous_state,, } } fn get_verb_status( &self, verb: &Verb, invocation: &VerbInvocation, sel_info: SelInfo<'_>, _cc: &CmdContext, app_state: &AppState, ) -> Status { if sel_info.count_paths() > 1 { if let VerbExecution::External(external) = &verb.execution { if external.exec_mode != ExternalExecutionMode::StayInBroot { return Status::new( "only verbs returning to broot on end can be executed on a multi-selection".to_owned(), true, ); } } // right now there's no check for sequences but they're inherently dangereous } if let Some(err) = verb.check_args(sel_info, invocation, &app_state.other_panel_path) { Status::new(err, true) } else { Status::new( verb.get_status_markdown( sel_info, app_state, invocation, ), false, ) } } } pub fn get_arg( verb_invocation: Option<&VerbInvocation>, internal_exec: &InternalExecution, default: T, ) -> T { verb_invocation .and_then(|vi| vi.args.as_ref()) .or(internal_exec.arg.as_ref()) .and_then(|s| s.parse::().ok()) .unwrap_or(default) } pub fn initial_mode(con: &AppContext) -> Mode { if con.modal { Mode::Command } else { Mode::Input } }