#WARNING: This script is NOT meant for normal installation, it's dedicated # to the compilation of all supported targets. # This is a long process and it involves specialized toolchains. # For usual compilation do # cargo build --release # or read all possible installation solutions on # https://dystroy.org/broot/documentation/installation/ H1="\n\e[30;104;1m\e[2K\n\e[A" # style first header H2="\n\e[30;104m\e[1K\n\e[A" # style second header EH="\e[00m\n\e[2K" # end header NAME=broot version=$(./version.sh) echo -e "${H1}Compilation of all targets for $NAME $version${EH}" # clean previous build rm -rf build mkdir build echo " build cleaned" # build the default linux version (with clipboard support) # recent glibc echo -e "${H2}Compiling the standard linux version${EH}" cargo build --release --features "clipboard" strip "target/release/$NAME" mkdir build/x86_64-linux/ cp "target/release/$NAME" build/x86_64-linux/ # build, find, and copy the completion scripts # (they're built as part of the normal compilation) echo -e "${H2}building and copying completion scripts${EH}" mkdir build/completion cp "$(broot -c ":gi;release;:focus;broot.bash;:parent;:pp" target)/"* build/completion echo " Done" # copy the default conf echo -e "${H2}copying default configuration${EH}" cp resources/default-conf.hjson build echo " Done" # add the resource (the icons font) echo -e "${H2}copying vscode-icon font${EH}" mkdir build/resources cp resources/icons/vscode/vscode.ttf build/resources echo "the font file comes from https://github.com/vscode-icons/vscode-icons/ and is licensed as MIT" > build/resources/README.md echo " Done" # build versions for other platforms using cargo cross cross_build() { target_name="$1" target="$2" features="$3" echo -e "${H2}Compiling the $target_name version (target=$target, features='$features')${EH}" if [[ -n $features ]] then cross build --target "$target" --release --features "$features" else cross build --target "$target" --release fi mkdir "build/$target" if [[ $target_name == 'Windows' ]] then exec="$NAME.exe" else exec="$NAME" fi cp "target/$target/release/$exec" "build/$target/" } cross_build "Android" "aarch64-linux-android" "clipboard" cross_build "Linux GLIBC" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "" cross_build "MUSL" "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" "" cross_build "Raspberry 32" "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" "" cross_build "Windows" "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" "clipboard" # add a summary of content echo ' This archive contains pre-compiled binaries: x86_64-linux/broot : standard Linux, clipboard support, most optimized aarch64-linux-android/broot : Android, clipboard support x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu : Linux/glibc, no clipboard support, compatible with older GLIBC x86_64-unknown-linux-musl : Linux/musl, no clipboard support armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf : Raspberry | no clipboard support x86_64-pc-windows-gnu : Windows 10+, clipboard support For more information, or if you prefer to compile yourself, see https://dystroy.org/broot/install ' > build/install.md echo -e "${H1}FINISHED${EH}"