use std::{cmp::Ordering, num::NonZeroUsize}; use tui::{ style::Style, text::{Line, Span, Text}, }; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr; use super::data_prefixes::*; /// Returns a tuple containing the value and the unit in bytes. In units of 1024. /// This only supports up to a tebi. Note the "single" unit will have a space appended to match the others if /// `spacing` is true. pub fn get_binary_bytes(bytes: u64) -> (f64, &'static str) { match bytes { b if b < KIBI_LIMIT => (bytes as f64, "B"), b if b < MEBI_LIMIT => (bytes as f64 / 1024.0, "KiB"), b if b < GIBI_LIMIT => (bytes as f64 / 1_048_576.0, "MiB"), b if b < TERA_LIMIT => (bytes as f64 / 1_073_741_824.0, "GiB"), _ => (bytes as f64 / 1_099_511_627_776.0, "TiB"), } } /// Returns a tuple containing the value and the unit in bytes. In units of 1000. /// This only supports up to a tera. Note the "single" unit will have a space appended to match the others if /// `spacing` is true. pub fn get_decimal_bytes(bytes: u64) -> (f64, &'static str) { match bytes { b if b < KILO_LIMIT => (bytes as f64, "B"), b if b < MEGA_LIMIT => (bytes as f64 / 1000.0, "KB"), b if b < GIGA_LIMIT => (bytes as f64 / 1_000_000.0, "MB"), b if b < TERA_LIMIT => (bytes as f64 / 1_000_000_000.0, "GB"), _ => (bytes as f64 / 1_000_000_000_000.0, "TB"), } } /// Returns a tuple containing the value and the unit. In units of 1024. /// This only supports up to a tebi. Note the "single" unit will have a space appended to match the others if /// `spacing` is true. pub fn get_binary_prefix(quantity: u64, unit: &str) -> (f64, String) { match quantity { b if b < KIBI_LIMIT => (quantity as f64, unit.to_string()), b if b < MEBI_LIMIT => (quantity as f64 / 1024.0, format!("Ki{unit}")), b if b < GIBI_LIMIT => (quantity as f64 / 1_048_576.0, format!("Mi{unit}")), b if b < TERA_LIMIT => (quantity as f64 / 1_073_741_824.0, format!("Gi{unit}")), _ => (quantity as f64 / 1_099_511_627_776.0, format!("Ti{unit}")), } } /// Returns a tuple containing the value and the unit. In units of 1000. /// This only supports up to a tera. Note the "single" unit will have a space appended to match the others if /// `spacing` is true. pub fn get_decimal_prefix(quantity: u64, unit: &str) -> (f64, String) { match quantity { b if b < KILO_LIMIT => (quantity as f64, unit.to_string()), b if b < MEGA_LIMIT => (quantity as f64 / 1000.0, format!("K{unit}")), b if b < GIGA_LIMIT => (quantity as f64 / 1_000_000.0, format!("M{unit}")), b if b < TERA_LIMIT => (quantity as f64 / 1_000_000_000.0, format!("G{unit}")), _ => (quantity as f64 / 1_000_000_000_000.0, format!("T{unit}")), } } /// Truncates text if it is too long, and adds an ellipsis at the end if needed. /// /// TODO: Maybe cache results from this function for some cases? e.g. columns pub fn truncate_to_text<'a, U: Into>(content: &str, width: U) -> Text<'a> { Text { lines: vec![Line::from(vec![Span::raw(truncate_str(content, width))])], style: Style::default(), alignment: None, } } /// Returns the width of a str `s`. This takes into account some things like /// joiners when calculating width. pub fn str_width(s: &str) -> usize { UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(s, true) .map(|g| { if g.contains('\u{200d}') { 2 } else { UnicodeWidthStr::width(g) } }) .sum() } /// Returns the "width" of grapheme `g`. This takes into account some things like /// joiners when calculating width. /// /// Note that while you *can* pass in an entire string, the point is to check /// individual graphemes (e.g. `"a"`, `"💎"`, `"大"`, `"🇨🇦"`). #[inline] fn grapheme_width(g: &str) -> usize { if g.contains('\u{200d}') { 2 } else { UnicodeWidthStr::width(g) } } enum AsciiIterationResult { Complete, Remaining(usize), } /// Greedily add characters to the output until a non-ASCII grapheme is found, or /// the output is `width` long. #[inline] fn greedy_ascii_add(content: &str, width: NonZeroUsize) -> (String, AsciiIterationResult) { let width: usize = width.into(); const SIZE_OF_ELLIPSIS: usize = 3; let mut text = Vec::with_capacity(width - 1 + SIZE_OF_ELLIPSIS); let s = content.as_bytes(); let mut current_index = 0; while current_index < width - 1 { let current_byte = s[current_index]; if current_byte.is_ascii() { text.push(current_byte); current_index += 1; } else { debug_assert!(text.is_ascii()); let current_index = AsciiIterationResult::Remaining(current_index); // SAFETY: This conversion is safe to do unchecked, we only push ASCII characters up to // this point. let current_text = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(text) }; return (current_text, current_index); } } // If we made it all the way through, then we probably hit the width limit. debug_assert!(text.is_ascii()); let current_index = if s[current_index].is_ascii() { let mut ellipsis = [0; SIZE_OF_ELLIPSIS]; '…'.encode_utf8(&mut ellipsis); text.extend_from_slice(&ellipsis); AsciiIterationResult::Complete } else { AsciiIterationResult::Remaining(current_index) }; // SAFETY: This conversion is safe to do unchecked, we only push ASCII characters up to // this point. let current_text = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(text) }; (current_text, current_index) } /// Truncates a string to the specified width with an ellipsis character. /// /// NB: This probably does not handle EVERY case, but I think it handles most cases /// we will use this function for fine... hopefully. /// /// TODO: Maybe fuzz this function? #[inline] fn truncate_str>(content: &str, width: U) -> String { let width = width.into(); if content.len() <= width { // If the entire string fits in the width, then we just // need to copy the entire string over. content.to_owned() } else if let Some(nz_width) = NonZeroUsize::new(width) { // What we are essentially doing is optimizing for the case that // most, if not all of the string is ASCII. As such: // - Step through each byte until (width - 1) is hit or we find a non-ascii // byte. // - If the byte is ascii, then add it. // // If we didn't get a complete truncated string, then continue on treating the rest as graphemes. let (mut text, res) = greedy_ascii_add(content, nz_width); match res { AsciiIterationResult::Complete => text, AsciiIterationResult::Remaining(current_index) => { let mut curr_width = text.len(); let mut early_break = false; // This tracks the length of the last added string - note this does NOT match the grapheme *width*. // Since the previous characters are always ASCII, this is always initialized as 1, unless the string // is empty. let mut last_added_str_len = if text.is_empty() { 0 } else { 1 }; // Cases to handle: // - Completes adding the entire string. // - Adds a character up to the boundary, then fails. // - Adds a character not up to the boundary, then fails. // Inspired by for g in UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(&content[current_index..], true) { let g_width = grapheme_width(g); if curr_width + g_width <= width { curr_width += g_width; last_added_str_len = g.len(); text.push_str(g); } else { early_break = true; break; } } if early_break { if curr_width == width { // Remove the last grapheme cluster added. text.truncate(text.len() - last_added_str_len); } text.push('…'); } text } } } else { String::default() } } #[inline] pub const fn sort_partial_fn(is_descending: bool) -> fn(T, T) -> Ordering { if is_descending { partial_ordering_desc } else { partial_ordering } } /// Returns an [`Ordering`] between two [`PartialOrd`]s. #[inline] pub fn partial_ordering(a: T, b: T) -> Ordering { a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal) } /// Returns a reversed [`Ordering`] between two [`PartialOrd`]s. /// /// This is simply a wrapper function around [`partial_ordering`] that reverses /// the result. #[inline] pub fn partial_ordering_desc(a: T, b: T) -> Ordering { partial_ordering(a, b).reverse() } /// Checks that the first string is equal to any of the other ones in a ASCII case-insensitive match. /// /// The generated code is the same as writing: /// `to_ascii_lowercase(a) == to_ascii_lowercase(b) || to_ascii_lowercase(a) == to_ascii_lowercase(c)`, /// but without allocating and copying temporaries. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// assert!(multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "test")); /// assert!(multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a" | "b" | "test")); /// assert!(!multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a" | "b" | "c")); /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case { ( $lhs:expr, $last:literal ) => { $lhs.eq_ignore_ascii_case($last) }; ( $lhs:expr, $head:literal | $($tail:tt)* ) => { $lhs.eq_ignore_ascii_case($head) || multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!($lhs, $($tail)*) }; } /// A trait for additional clamping functions on numeric types. pub trait ClampExt { /// Restrict a value by a lower bound. If the current value is _lower_ than `lower_bound`, /// it will be set to `_lower_bound`. fn clamp_lower(&self, lower_bound: Self) -> Self; /// Restrict a value by an upper bound. If the current value is _greater_ than `upper_bound`, /// it will be set to `upper_bound`. fn clamp_upper(&self, upper_bound: Self) -> Self; } macro_rules! clamp_num_impl { ( $($NumType:ty),+ $(,)? ) => { $( impl ClampExt for $NumType { fn clamp_lower(&self, lower_bound: Self) -> Self { if *self < lower_bound { lower_bound } else { *self } } fn clamp_upper(&self, upper_bound: Self) -> Self { if *self > upper_bound { upper_bound } else { *self } } } )* }; } clamp_num_impl!(u8, u16, u32, u64, usize); #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_sort_partial_fn() { let mut x = vec![9, 5, 20, 15, 10, 5]; let mut y = vec![1.0, 15.0, -1.0, -100.0, -100.1, 16.15, -100.0]; x.sort_by(|a, b| sort_partial_fn(false)(a, b)); assert_eq!(x, vec![5, 5, 9, 10, 15, 20]); x.sort_by(|a, b| sort_partial_fn(true)(a, b)); assert_eq!(x, vec![20, 15, 10, 9, 5, 5]); y.sort_by(|a, b| sort_partial_fn(false)(a, b)); assert_eq!(y, vec![-100.1, -100.0, -100.0, -1.0, 1.0, 15.0, 16.15]); y.sort_by(|a, b| sort_partial_fn(true)(a, b)); assert_eq!(y, vec![16.15, 15.0, 1.0, -1.0, -100.0, -100.0, -100.1]); } #[test] fn test_truncate_str() { let cpu_header = "CPU(c)▲"; assert_eq!( truncate_str(cpu_header, 8_usize), cpu_header, "should match base string as there is extra room" ); assert_eq!( truncate_str(cpu_header, 7_usize), cpu_header, "should match base string as there is enough room" ); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cpu_header, 6_usize), "CPU(c…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cpu_header, 5_usize), "CPU(…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cpu_header, 4_usize), "CPU…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cpu_header, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cpu_header, 0_usize), ""); } #[test] fn test_truncate_ascii() { let content = "0123456"; assert_eq!( truncate_str(content, 8_usize), content, "should match base string as there is extra room" ); assert_eq!( truncate_str(content, 7_usize), content, "should match base string as there is enough room" ); assert_eq!(truncate_str(content, 6_usize), "01234…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(content, 5_usize), "0123…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(content, 4_usize), "012…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(content, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(content, 0_usize), ""); } #[test] fn test_truncate_cjk() { let cjk = "施氏食獅史"; assert_eq!( truncate_str(cjk, 11_usize), cjk, "should match base string as there is extra room" ); assert_eq!( truncate_str(cjk, 10_usize), cjk, "should match base string as there is enough room" ); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cjk, 9_usize), "施氏食獅…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cjk, 8_usize), "施氏食…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cjk, 2_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cjk, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(cjk, 0_usize), ""); } #[test] fn test_truncate_mixed_one() { let test = "Test (施氏食獅史) Test"; assert_eq!( truncate_str(test, 30_usize), test, "should match base string as there is extra room" ); assert_eq!( truncate_str(test, 22_usize), test, "should match base string as there is just enough room" ); assert_eq!( truncate_str(test, 21_usize), "Test (施氏食獅史) Te…", "should truncate the t and replace the s with ellipsis" ); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 20_usize), "Test (施氏食獅史) T…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 19_usize), "Test (施氏食獅史) …"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 18_usize), "Test (施氏食獅史)…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 17_usize), "Test (施氏食獅史…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 16_usize), "Test (施氏食獅…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 15_usize), "Test (施氏食獅…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 14_usize), "Test (施氏食…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 13_usize), "Test (施氏食…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 8_usize), "Test (…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 7_usize), "Test (…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 6_usize), "Test …"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 5_usize), "Test…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 4_usize), "Tes…"); } #[test] fn test_truncate_mixed_two() { let test = "Test (施氏abc食abc獅史) Test"; assert_eq!( truncate_str(test, 30_usize), test, "should match base string as there is extra room" ); assert_eq!( truncate_str(test, 28_usize), test, "should match base string as there is just enough room" ); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 26_usize), "Test (施氏abc食abc獅史) T…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 21_usize), "Test (施氏abc食abc獅…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 20_usize), "Test (施氏abc食abc…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 16_usize), "Test (施氏abc食…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 15_usize), "Test (施氏abc…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 14_usize), "Test (施氏abc…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 11_usize), "Test (施氏…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 10_usize), "Test (施…"); } #[test] fn test_truncate_flags() { let flag = "🇨🇦"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag, 3_usize), flag); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag, 2_usize), flag); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag, 0_usize), ""); let flag_text = "oh 🇨🇦"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text, 6_usize), flag_text); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text, 5_usize), flag_text); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text, 4_usize), "oh …"); let flag_text_wrap = "!🇨🇦!"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text_wrap, 6_usize), flag_text_wrap); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text_wrap, 4_usize), flag_text_wrap); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text_wrap, 3_usize), "!…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text_wrap, 2_usize), "!…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_text_wrap, 1_usize), "…"); let flag_cjk = "加拿大🇨🇦"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_cjk, 9_usize), flag_cjk); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_cjk, 8_usize), flag_cjk); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_cjk, 7_usize), "加拿大…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_cjk, 6_usize), "加拿…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_cjk, 5_usize), "加拿…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_cjk, 4_usize), "加…"); let flag_mix = "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa大daai🇨🇦"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 20_usize), flag_mix); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 19_usize), "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa大daai…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 18_usize), "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa大daa…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 17_usize), "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa大da…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 15_usize), "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa大…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 14_usize), "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 13_usize), "🇨🇦加gaa拿naa…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 3_usize), "🇨🇦…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 2_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(flag_mix, 0_usize), ""); } /// This might not be the best way to handle it, but this at least tests that it doesn't crash... #[test] fn test_truncate_hindi() { // cSpell:disable let test = "हिन्दी"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 10_usize), test); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 6_usize), "हिन्दी"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 5_usize), "हिन्दी"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 4_usize), "हिन्…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 3_usize), "हि…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 2_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(test, 0_usize), ""); // cSpell:enable } #[test] fn truncate_emoji() { let heart = "❤️"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(heart, 2_usize), heart); assert_eq!(truncate_str(heart, 1_usize), heart); assert_eq!(truncate_str(heart, 0_usize), ""); let emote = "💎"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(emote, 2_usize), emote); assert_eq!(truncate_str(emote, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(emote, 0_usize), ""); let family = "👨‍👨‍👧‍👦"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(family, 2_usize), family); assert_eq!(truncate_str(family, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(family, 0_usize), ""); let scientist = "👩‍🔬"; assert_eq!(truncate_str(scientist, 2_usize), scientist); assert_eq!(truncate_str(scientist, 1_usize), "…"); assert_eq!(truncate_str(scientist, 0_usize), ""); } #[test] fn test_multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case() { assert!( multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "test"), "single comparison should succeed" ); assert!( multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a" | "test"), "double comparison should succeed" ); assert!( multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a" | "b" | "test"), "multi comparison should succeed" ); assert!( !multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a"), "single non-matching should fail" ); assert!( !multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a" | "b"), "double non-matching should fail" ); assert!( !multi_eq_ignore_ascii_case!("test", "a" | "b" | "c"), "multi non-matching should fail" ); } #[test] fn test_clamp_upper() { let val: usize = 100; assert_eq!(val.clamp_upper(150), 100); let val: usize = 100; assert_eq!(val.clamp_upper(100), 100); let val: usize = 100; assert_eq!(val.clamp_upper(50), 50); } #[test] fn test_clamp_lower() { let val: usize = 100; assert_eq!(val.clamp_lower(150), 150); let val: usize = 100; assert_eq!(val.clamp_lower(100), 100); let val: usize = 100; assert_eq!(val.clamp_lower(50), 100); } }