use crate::options::ConfigColours; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; // Default widget ID pub const DEFAULT_WIDGET_ID: u64 = 56709; // How long to store data. pub const STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 600 * 1000; // Keep 10 minutes of data. // How much data is SHOWN pub const DEFAULT_TIME_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 60 * 1000; // Defaults to 1 min. pub const STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 30 * 1000; // Lowest is 30 seconds pub const TIME_CHANGE_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 15 * 1000; // How much to increment each time pub const AUTOHIDE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 5000; // 5 seconds to autohide pub const TICK_RATE_IN_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 200; // How fast the screen refreshes pub const DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE_IN_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 1000; pub const MAX_KEY_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 1000; // Limits for when we should stop showing table gaps/labels (anything less means not shown) pub const TABLE_GAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT: u16 = 5; pub const TIME_LABEL_HEIGHT_LIMIT: u16 = 5; // For kill signals #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub const MAX_SIGNAL: usize = 1; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub const MAX_SIGNAL: usize = 64; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] pub const MAX_SIGNAL: usize = 31; // Side borders pub static SIDE_BORDERS: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| tui::widgets::Borders::from_bits_truncate(20)); pub static TOP_LEFT_RIGHT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| tui::widgets::Borders::from_bits_truncate(22)); pub static BOTTOM_LEFT_RIGHT: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| tui::widgets::Borders::from_bits_truncate(28)); pub static DEFAULT_TEXT_STYLE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| tui::style::Style::default().fg(tui::style::Color::Gray)); pub static DEFAULT_HEADER_STYLE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| tui::style::Style::default().fg(tui::style::Color::LightBlue)); // Colour profiles pub static DEFAULT_LIGHT_MODE_COLOUR_PALETTE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| ConfigColours { text_color: Some("black".to_string()), border_color: Some("black".to_string()), table_header_color: Some("black".to_string()), widget_title_color: Some("black".to_string()), selected_text_color: Some("white".to_string()), graph_color: Some("black".to_string()), disabled_text_color: Some("gray".to_string()), ram_color: Some("blue".to_string()), swap_color: Some("red".to_string()), rx_color: Some("blue".to_string()), tx_color: Some("red".to_string()), rx_total_color: Some("LightBlue".to_string()), tx_total_color: Some("LightRed".to_string()), cpu_core_colors: Some(vec![ "LightMagenta".to_string(), "LightBlue".to_string(), "LightRed".to_string(), "Cyan".to_string(), "Green".to_string(), "Blue".to_string(), "Red".to_string(), ]), ..ConfigColours::default() }); pub static GRUVBOX_COLOUR_PALETTE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| ConfigColours { table_header_color: Some("#83a598".to_string()), all_cpu_color: Some("#8ec07c".to_string()), avg_cpu_color: Some("#fb4934".to_string()), cpu_core_colors: Some(vec![ "#cc241d".to_string(), "#98971a".to_string(), "#d79921".to_string(), "#458588".to_string(), "#b16286".to_string(), "#689d6a".to_string(), "#fe8019".to_string(), "#b8bb26".to_string(), "#fabd2f".to_string(), "#83a598".to_string(), "#d3869b".to_string(), "#d65d0e".to_string(), "#9d0006".to_string(), "#79740e".to_string(), "#b57614".to_string(), "#076678".to_string(), "#8f3f71".to_string(), "#427b58".to_string(), "#d65d03".to_string(), "#af3a03".to_string(), ]), ram_color: Some("#8ec07c".to_string()), swap_color: Some("#fabd2f".to_string()), rx_color: Some("#8ec07c".to_string()), tx_color: Some("#fabd2f".to_string()), rx_total_color: Some("#689d6a".to_string()), tx_total_color: Some("#d79921".to_string()), border_color: Some("#ebdbb2".to_string()), highlighted_border_color: Some("#fe8019".to_string()), disabled_text_color: Some("#665c54".to_string()), text_color: Some("#ebdbb2".to_string()), selected_text_color: Some("#1d2021".to_string()), selected_bg_color: Some("#ebdbb2".to_string()), widget_title_color: Some("#ebdbb2".to_string()), graph_color: Some("#ebdbb2".to_string()), high_battery_color: Some("#98971a".to_string()), medium_battery_color: Some("#fabd2f".to_string()), low_battery_color: Some("#fb4934".to_string()), }); pub static GRUVBOX_LIGHT_COLOUR_PALETTE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| ConfigColours { table_header_color: Some("#076678".to_string()), all_cpu_color: Some("#8ec07c".to_string()), avg_cpu_color: Some("#fb4934".to_string()), cpu_core_colors: Some(vec![ "#cc241d".to_string(), "#98971a".to_string(), "#d79921".to_string(), "#458588".to_string(), "#b16286".to_string(), "#689d6a".to_string(), "#fe8019".to_string(), "#b8bb26".to_string(), "#fabd2f".to_string(), "#83a598".to_string(), "#d3869b".to_string(), "#d65d0e".to_string(), "#9d0006".to_string(), "#79740e".to_string(), "#b57614".to_string(), "#076678".to_string(), "#8f3f71".to_string(), "#427b58".to_string(), "#d65d03".to_string(), "#af3a03".to_string(), ]), ram_color: Some("#427b58".to_string()), swap_color: Some("#cc241d".to_string()), rx_color: Some("#427b58".to_string()), tx_color: Some("#cc241d".to_string()), rx_total_color: Some("#689d6a".to_string()), tx_total_color: Some("#9d0006".to_string()), border_color: Some("#3c3836".to_string()), highlighted_border_color: Some("#af3a03".to_string()), disabled_text_color: Some("#d5c4a1".to_string()), text_color: Some("#3c3836".to_string()), selected_text_color: Some("#ebdbb2".to_string()), selected_bg_color: Some("#3c3836".to_string()), widget_title_color: Some("#3c3836".to_string()), graph_color: Some("#3c3836".to_string()), high_battery_color: Some("#98971a".to_string()), medium_battery_color: Some("#d79921".to_string()), low_battery_color: Some("#cc241d".to_string()), }); pub static NORD_COLOUR_PALETTE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| ConfigColours { table_header_color: Some("#81a1c1".to_string()), all_cpu_color: Some("#88c0d0".to_string()), avg_cpu_color: Some("#8fbcbb".to_string()), cpu_core_colors: Some(vec![ "#5e81ac".to_string(), "#81a1c1".to_string(), "#d8dee9".to_string(), "#b48ead".to_string(), "#a3be8c".to_string(), "#ebcb8b".to_string(), "#d08770".to_string(), "#bf616a".to_string(), ]), ram_color: Some("#88c0d0".to_string()), swap_color: Some("#d08770".to_string()), rx_color: Some("#88c0d0".to_string()), tx_color: Some("#d08770".to_string()), rx_total_color: Some("#5e81ac".to_string()), tx_total_color: Some("#8fbcbb".to_string()), border_color: Some("#88c0d0".to_string()), highlighted_border_color: Some("#5e81ac".to_string()), disabled_text_color: Some("#4c566a".to_string()), text_color: Some("#e5e9f0".to_string()), selected_text_color: Some("#2e3440".to_string()), selected_bg_color: Some("#88c0d0".to_string()), widget_title_color: Some("#e5e9f0".to_string()), graph_color: Some("#e5e9f0".to_string()), high_battery_color: Some("#a3be8c".to_string()), medium_battery_color: Some("#ebcb8b".to_string()), low_battery_color: Some("#bf616a".to_string()), }); pub static NORD_LIGHT_COLOUR_PALETTE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| ConfigColours { table_header_color: Some("#5e81ac".to_string()), all_cpu_color: Some("#81a1c1".to_string()), avg_cpu_color: Some("#8fbcbb".to_string()), cpu_core_colors: Some(vec![ "#5e81ac".to_string(), "#88c0d0".to_string(), "#4c566a".to_string(), "#b48ead".to_string(), "#a3be8c".to_string(), "#ebcb8b".to_string(), "#d08770".to_string(), "#bf616a".to_string(), ]), ram_color: Some("#81a1c1".to_string()), swap_color: Some("#d08770".to_string()), rx_color: Some("#81a1c1".to_string()), tx_color: Some("#d08770".to_string()), rx_total_color: Some("#5e81ac".to_string()), tx_total_color: Some("#8fbcbb".to_string()), border_color: Some("#2e3440".to_string()), highlighted_border_color: Some("#5e81ac".to_string()), disabled_text_color: Some("#d8dee9".to_string()), text_color: Some("#2e3440".to_string()), selected_text_color: Some("#f5f5f5".to_string()), selected_bg_color: Some("#5e81ac".to_string()), widget_title_color: Some("#2e3440".to_string()), graph_color: Some("#2e3440".to_string()), high_battery_color: Some("#a3be8c".to_string()), medium_battery_color: Some("#ebcb8b".to_string()), low_battery_color: Some("#bf616a".to_string()), }); // Help text pub const HELP_CONTENTS_TEXT: [&str; 8] = [ "Press the corresponding numbers to jump to that section, or just scroll down:", "[1] General", "[2] CPU widget", "[3] Process widget", "[4] Process search widget", "[5] Process sort widget", "[6] Battery widget", "[7] Basic memory widget", ]; pub const GENERAL_HELP_TITLE: &str = "General"; pub const GENERAL_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 21] = [ ["q, Ctrl-c", "Quit"], [ "Esc", "Close dialog windows, search, widgets, or exit expanded mode", ], ["Ctrl-r", "Resets any collected data"], ["f", "Toggles freezing, stopping new data from being shown"], ["Ctrl-Left\nShift-Left\nH, A", "Move widget selection left"], [ "Ctrl-Right\nShift-Right\nL, D", "Move widget selection right", ], ["Ctrl-Up\nShift-Up\nK, W", "Move widget selection up"], ["Ctrl-Down\nShift-Dow\nJ, S", "Move widget selection down"], ["Left, h", "Move left within widget"], ["Down, j", "Move down within widget"], ["Up, k", "Move up within widget"], ["Right, l", "Move right within widget"], ["?", "Open help menu"], ["gg", "Jump to the first entry"], ["G", "Jump to the last entry"], ["e", "Toggle expanding the currently selected widget"], ["+", "Zoom in on chart (decrease time range)"], ["-", "Zoom out on chart (increase time range)"], ["=", "Reset zoom"], [ "Mouse scroll", "Scroll through the tables or zoom in/out of charts by scrolling up/down", ], [ "Mouse click", "Selects the clicked widget, table entry, dialog option, or tab", ], ]; pub const CPU_HELP_TITLE: &str = "CPU Widget"; pub const CPU_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 1] = [[ "Mouse scroll", "Scrolling over an CPU core/average shows only that entry on the chart", ]]; pub const PROCESS_HELP_TITLE: &str = "Process Widget"; pub const PROCESS_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 14] = [ ["dd, F9", "Kill the selected process"], [ "c", "Sort by CPU usage, press again to reverse sorting order", ], [ "m", "Sort by memory usage, press again to reverse sorting order", ], [ "p", "Sort by PID name, press again to reverse sorting order", ], [ "n", "Sort by process name, press again to reverse sorting order", ], ["Tab", "Group/un-group processes with the same name"], ["Ctrl-f, /", "Open process search widget"], [ "P", "Toggle between showing the full command or just the process name", ], ["s, F6", "Open process sort widget"], ["I", "Invert current sort"], [ "%", "Toggle between values and percentages for memory usage", ], ["t, F5", "Toggle tree mode"], ["+, -, click", "Collapse/expand a branch while in tree mode"], [ "click on header", "Sorts the entries by that column, click again to invert the sort", ], ]; pub const SEARCH_TEXT_HELP_TITLE: &str = "Process Search"; pub const SEARCH_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 48] = [ ["Tab", "Toggle between searching for PID and name"], ["Esc", "Close the search widget (retains the filter)"], ["Ctrl-a", "Skip to the start of the search query"], ["Ctrl-e", "Skip to the end of the search query"], ["Ctrl-u", "Clear the current search query"], ["Ctrl-w", "Delete a word behind the cursor"], ["Ctrl-h", "Delete the character behind the cursor"], ["Backspace", "Delete the character behind the cursor"], ["Delete", "Delete the character at the cursor"], ["Alt-c, F1", "Toggle matching case"], ["Alt-w, F2", "Toggle matching the entire word"], ["Alt-r, F3", "Toggle using regex"], ["Left, Alt-h", "Move cursor left"], ["Right, Alt-l", "Move cursor right"], ["\n", "\n"], ["Supported search types:", ""], ["", "ex: btm"], ["pid", "ex: pid 825"], ["cpu, cpu%", "ex: cpu > 4.2"], ["mem, mem%", "ex: mem < 4.2"], ["memb", "ex: memb < 100 kb"], ["read, r/s", "ex: read >= 1 b"], ["write, w/s", "ex: write <= 1 tb"], ["tread,", "ex: tread = 1"], ["twrite, t.write", "ex: twrite = 1"], ["user", "ex: user = root"], ["state", "ex: state = running"], ["\n", "\n"], ["Comparison operators:", ""], ["=", "ex: cpu = 1"], [">", "ex: cpu > 1"], ["<", "ex: cpu < 1"], [">=", "ex: cpu >= 1"], ["<=", "ex: cpu <= 1"], ["\n", "\n"], ["Logical operators:", ""], ["and, &&, ", ": btm and cpu > 1 and mem > 1"], ["or, ||", "ex: btm or firefox"], ["\n", "\n"], ["Supported units:", ""], ["B", "ex: read > 1 b"], ["KB", "ex: read > 1 kb"], ["MB", "ex: read > 1 mb"], ["TB", "ex: read > 1 tb"], ["KiB", "ex: read > 1 kib"], ["MiB", "ex: read > 1 mib"], ["GiB", "ex: read > 1 gib"], ["TiB", "ex: read > 1 tib"], ]; pub const PROCESS_SORT_HELP_TITLE: &str = "Process Sort"; pub const PROCESS_SORT_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 5] = [ ["Down, 'j'", "Scroll down in list"], ["Up, 'k'", "Scroll up in list"], ["Mouse scroll", "Scroll through sort widget"], ["Esc", "Close the sort widget"], ["Enter", "Sort by current selected column"], ]; pub const BATTERY_HELP_TITLE: &str = "Battery Widget"; pub const BATTERY_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 2] = [ ["Left", "Go to previous battery"], ["Right", "Go to next battery"], ]; pub const BASIC_MEM_HELP_TITLE: &str = "Basic Memory Widget"; pub const BASIC_MEM_HELP_TEXT: [[&str; 2]; 1] = [[ "%", "Toggle between values and percentages for memory usage", ]]; pub static HELP_TEXT: Lazy<[Vec<[&'static str; 2]>; 7]> = Lazy::new(|| { [ GENERAL_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), CPU_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), PROCESS_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), SEARCH_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), PROCESS_SORT_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), BATTERY_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), BASIC_MEM_HELP_TEXT.to_vec(), ] }); pub const HELP_TITLES: [&str; 7] = [ GENERAL_HELP_TITLE, CPU_HELP_TITLE, PROCESS_HELP_TITLE, SEARCH_TEXT_HELP_TITLE, PROCESS_SORT_HELP_TITLE, BATTERY_HELP_TITLE, BASIC_MEM_HELP_TITLE, ]; // Default layouts pub const DEFAULT_LAYOUT: &str = r##" [[row]] ratio=32 [[row.child]] type="cpu" [[row]] ratio=36 [[row.child]] ratio=4 type="mem" [[row.child]] ratio=3 [[row.child.child]] type="temp" [[row.child.child]] type="disk" [[row]] ratio=32 [[row.child]] type="net" [[row.child]] type="proc" default=true "##; pub const DEFAULT_BATTERY_LAYOUT: &str = r##" [[row]] ratio=32 [[row.child]] ratio=2 type="cpu" [[row.child]] ratio=1 type="battery" [[row]] ratio=36 [[row.child]] ratio=4 type="mem" [[row.child]] ratio=3 [[row.child.child]] type="temp" [[row.child.child]] type="disk" [[row]] ratio=32 [[row.child]] type="net" [[row.child]] type="proc" default=true "##; pub const DEFAULT_BASIC_LAYOUT: &str = r##" [[row]] [[row.child]] type = "bcpu" [[row]] [[row.child]] type = "bmem" [[row.child]] type = "bnet" [[row]] [[row.child]] [[row.child.child]] length = 1 type = "empty" [[row]] [[row.child]] default = true carousel_children = ["proc", "temp", "disk"] "##; pub const DEFAULT_BASIC_BATTERY_LAYOUT: &str = r##" [[row]] [[row.child]] type = "bcpu" [[row]] [[row.child]] type = "bmem" [[row.child]] type = "bnet" [[row]] [[row.child]] [[row.child.child]] length = 1 type = "empty" [[row]] [[row.child]] default = true carousel_children = ["proc", "temp", "disk", "battery"] "##; // Config and flags pub const DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH: &str = "bottom/bottom.toml"; // TODO: Eventually deprecate this. pub const CONFIG_TEXT: &str = r##"# This is a default config file for bottom. All of the settings are commented # out by default; if you wish to change them uncomment and modify as you see # fit. # This group of options represents a command-line flag/option. Flags explicitly # added when running (ie: btm -a) will override this config file if an option # is also set here. [flags] # Whether to hide the average cpu entry. #hide_avg_cpu = false # Whether to use dot markers rather than braille. #dot_marker = false # The update rate of the application. #rate = 1000 # Whether to put the CPU legend to the left. #left_legend = false # Whether to set CPU% on a process to be based on the total CPU or just current usage. #current_usage = false # Whether to group processes with the same name together by default. #group_processes = false # Whether to make process searching case sensitive by default. #case_sensitive = false # Whether to make process searching look for matching the entire word by default. #whole_word = false # Whether to make process searching use regex by default. #regex = false # Defaults to Celsius. Temperature is one of: #temperature_type = "k" #temperature_type = "f" #temperature_type = "c" #temperature_type = "kelvin" #temperature_type = "fahrenheit" #temperature_type = "celsius" # The default time interval (in milliseconds). #default_time_value = 60000 # The time delta on each zoom in/out action (in milliseconds). #time_delta = 15000 # Hides the time scale. #hide_time = false # Override layout default widget #default_widget_type = "proc" #default_widget_count = 1 # Use basic mode #basic = false # Use the old network legend style #use_old_network_legend = false # Remove space in tables #hide_table_gap = false # Show the battery widgets #battery = false # Disable mouse clicks #disable_click = false # Built-in themes. Valid values are "default", "default-light", "gruvbox", "gruvbox-light", "nord", "nord-light" #color = "default" # Show memory values in the processes widget as values by default #mem_as_value = false # Show tree mode by default in the processes widget. #tree = false # Shows an indicator in table widgets tracking where in the list you are. #show_table_scroll_position = false # Show processes as their commands by default in the process widget. #process_command = false # Displays the network widget with binary prefixes. #network_use_binary_prefix = false # Displays the network widget using bytes. #network_use_bytes = false # Displays the network widget with a log scale. #network_use_log = false # Hides advanced options to stop a process on Unix-like systems. #disable_advanced_kill = false # These are all the components that support custom theming. Note that colour support # will depend on terminal support. #[colors] # Uncomment if you want to use custom colors # Represents the colour of table headers (processes, CPU, disks, temperature). #table_header_color="LightBlue" # Represents the colour of the label each widget has. #widget_title_color="Gray" # Represents the average CPU color. #avg_cpu_color="Red" # Represents the colour the core will use in the CPU legend and graph. #cpu_core_colors=["LightMagenta", "LightYellow", "LightCyan", "LightGreen", "LightBlue", "LightRed", "Cyan", "Green", "Blue", "Red"] # Represents the colour RAM will use in the memory legend and graph. #ram_color="LightMagenta" # Represents the colour SWAP will use in the memory legend and graph. #swap_color="LightYellow" # Represents the colour rx will use in the network legend and graph. #rx_color="LightCyan" # Represents the colour tx will use in the network legend and graph. #tx_color="LightGreen" # Represents the colour of the border of unselected widgets. #border_color="Gray" # Represents the colour of the border of selected widgets. #highlighted_border_color="LightBlue" # Represents the colour of most text. #text_color="Gray" # Represents the colour of text that is selected. #selected_text_color="Black" # Represents the background colour of text that is selected. #selected_bg_color="LightBlue" # Represents the colour of the lines and text of the graph. #graph_color="Gray" # Represents the colours of the battery based on charge #high_battery_color="green" #medium_battery_color="yellow" #low_battery_color="red" # Layout - layouts follow a pattern like this: # [[row]] represents a row in the application. # [[row.child]] represents either a widget or a column. # [[row.child.child]] represents a widget. # # All widgets must have the type value set to one of ["cpu", "mem", "proc", "net", "temp", "disk", "empty"]. # All layout components have a ratio value - if this is not set, then it defaults to 1. # The default widget layout: #[[row]] # ratio=30 # [[row.child]] # type="cpu" #[[row]] # ratio=40 # [[row.child]] # ratio=4 # type="mem" # [[row.child]] # ratio=3 # [[row.child.child]] # type="temp" # [[row.child.child]] # type="disk" #[[row]] # ratio=30 # [[row.child]] # type="net" # [[row.child]] # type="proc" # default=true # Filters - you can hide specific temperature sensors, network interfaces, and disks using filters. This is admittedly # a bit hard to use as of now, and there is a planned in-app interface for managing this in the future: #[disk_filter] #is_list_ignored = true #list = ["/dev/sda\\d+", "/dev/nvme0n1p2"] #regex = true #case_sensitive = false #whole_word = false #[mount_filter] #is_list_ignored = true #list = ["/mnt/.*", "/boot"] #regex = true #case_sensitive = false #whole_word = false #[temp_filter] #is_list_ignored = true #list = ["cpu", "wifi"] #regex = false #case_sensitive = false #whole_word = false #[net_filter] #is_list_ignored = true #list = ["virbr0.*"] #regex = true #case_sensitive = false #whole_word = false "##; pub const CONFIG_TOP_HEAD: &str = r##"# This is bottom's config file. # Values in this config file will change when changed in the interface. # You can also manually change these values. # Be aware that contents of this file will be overwritten if something is # changed in the application; you can disable writing via the # --no_write flag or no_write config option. "##; pub const CONFIG_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_HEAD: &str = r##" # These options represent settings that affect how bottom functions. # If a setting here corresponds to command-line flag, then the flag will temporarily override # the setting. "##; pub const CONFIG_COLOUR_HEAD: &str = r##" # These options represent colour values for various parts of bottom. Note that colour support # will ultimately depend on the terminal - for example, the Terminal for macOS does NOT like # custom colours and it may glitch out. "##; pub const CONFIG_LAYOUT_HEAD: &str = r##" # These options represent how bottom will lay out its widgets. Layouts follow a pattern like this: # [[row]] represents a row in the application. # [[row.child]] represents either a widget or a column. # [[row.child.child]] represents a widget. # # All widgets must have the valid type value set to one of ["cpu", "mem", "proc", "net", "temp", "disk", "empty"]. # All layout components have a ratio value - if this is not set, then it defaults to 1. "##; pub const CONFIG_FILTER_HEAD: &str = r##" # These options represent disabled entries for the temperature and disk widgets. "##;