use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use tui::{ backend::Backend, layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect}, terminal::Frame, text::Span, text::{Spans, Text}, widgets::{Block, Borders, Row, Table}, }; use crate::{ app, canvas::{ drawing_utils::{get_column_widths, get_start_position}, Painter, }, constants::*, }; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; const TEMP_HEADERS: [&str; 2] = ["Sensor", "Temp"]; static TEMP_HEADERS_LENS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { TEMP_HEADERS .iter() .map(|entry| entry.len() as u16) .collect::>() }); pub trait TempTableWidget { fn draw_temp_table( &self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>, app_state: &mut app::App, draw_loc: Rect, draw_border: bool, widget_id: u64, ); } impl TempTableWidget for Painter { fn draw_temp_table( &self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>, app_state: &mut app::App, draw_loc: Rect, draw_border: bool, widget_id: u64, ) { let recalculate_column_widths = app_state.should_get_widget_bounds(); if let Some(temp_widget_state) = app_state.temp_state.widget_states.get_mut(&widget_id) { let table_gap = if draw_loc.height < TABLE_GAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT { 0 } else { app_state.app_config_fields.table_gap }; let start_position = get_start_position( usize::from( (draw_loc.height + (1 - table_gap)).saturating_sub(self.table_height_offset), ), &temp_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction, &mut temp_widget_state.scroll_state.previous_scroll_position, temp_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position, app_state.is_force_redraw, ); let is_on_widget = widget_id == app_state.current_widget.widget_id; let temp_table_state = &mut temp_widget_state.scroll_state.table_state; temp_widget_state .scroll_state .current_scroll_position .saturating_sub(start_position), )); let sliced_vec = &app_state.canvas_data.temp_sensor_data[start_position..]; // Calculate widths let hard_widths = [None, None]; if recalculate_column_widths { temp_widget_state.table_width_state.desired_column_widths = { let mut column_widths = TEMP_HEADERS_LENS.clone(); for row in sliced_vec { for (col, entry) in row.iter().enumerate() { if entry.len() as u16 > column_widths[col] { column_widths[col] = entry.len() as u16; } } } column_widths }; temp_widget_state.table_width_state.calculated_column_widths = get_column_widths( draw_loc.width, &hard_widths, &(TEMP_HEADERS_LENS .iter() .map(|width| Some(*width)) .collect::>()), &[Some(0.80), Some(-1.0)], &temp_widget_state .table_width_state .desired_column_widths .iter() .map(|width| Some(*width)) .collect::>(), false, ); } let dcw = &temp_widget_state.table_width_state.desired_column_widths; let ccw = &temp_widget_state.table_width_state.calculated_column_widths; let temperature_rows = sliced_vec.iter().map(|temp_row| { let truncated_data = temp_row.iter().zip(&hard_widths).enumerate().map( |(itx, (entry, width))| { if width.is_none() { if let (Some(desired_col_width), Some(calculated_col_width)) = (dcw.get(itx), ccw.get(itx)) { if *desired_col_width > *calculated_col_width && *calculated_col_width > 0 { let graphemes = UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(entry.as_str(), true) .collect::>(); if graphemes.len() > *calculated_col_width as usize && *calculated_col_width > 1 { // Truncate with ellipsis let first_n = graphemes [..(*calculated_col_width as usize - 1)] .concat(); Text::raw(format!("{}…", first_n)) } else { Text::raw(entry) } } else { Text::raw(entry) } } else { Text::raw(entry) } } else { Text::raw(entry) } }, ); Row::new(truncated_data) }); let (border_style, highlight_style) = if is_on_widget { ( self.colours.highlighted_border_style, self.colours.currently_selected_text_style, ) } else { (self.colours.border_style, self.colours.text_style) }; let title_base = if app_state.app_config_fields.show_table_scroll_position { let title_string = format!( " Temperatures ({} of {}) ", temp_widget_state .scroll_state .current_scroll_position .saturating_add(1), app_state.canvas_data.temp_sensor_data.len() ); if title_string.len() <= draw_loc.width as usize { title_string } else { " Temperatures ".to_string() } } else { " Temperatures ".to_string() }; let title = if app_state.is_expanded { const ESCAPE_ENDING: &str = "── Esc to go back "; let (chosen_title_base, expanded_title_base) = { let temp_title_base = format!("{}{}", title_base, ESCAPE_ENDING); if temp_title_base.len() > draw_loc.width as usize { ( " Temperatures ".to_string(), format!("{}{}", " Temperatures ".to_string(), ESCAPE_ENDING), ) } else { (title_base, temp_title_base) } }; Spans::from(vec![ Span::styled(chosen_title_base, self.colours.widget_title_style), Span::styled( format!( "─{}─ Esc to go back ", "─".repeat( usize::from(draw_loc.width).saturating_sub( UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes( expanded_title_base.as_str(), true ) .count() + 2 ) ) ), border_style, ), ]) } else { Spans::from(Span::styled(title_base, self.colours.widget_title_style)) }; let temp_block = if draw_border { Block::default() .title(title) .borders(Borders::ALL) .border_style(border_style) } else if is_on_widget { Block::default() .borders(*SIDE_BORDERS) .border_style(self.colours.highlighted_border_style) } else { Block::default().borders(Borders::NONE) }; let margined_draw_loc = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(100)]) .horizontal_margin(if is_on_widget || draw_border { 0 } else { 1 }) .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .split(draw_loc)[0]; // Draw f.render_stateful_widget( Table::new(temperature_rows) .header( Row::new(TEMP_HEADERS.to_vec()) .style(self.colours.table_header_style) .bottom_margin(table_gap), ) .block(temp_block) .highlight_style(highlight_style) .style(self.colours.text_style) .widths( &(temp_widget_state .table_width_state .calculated_column_widths .iter() .map(|calculated_width| Constraint::Length(*calculated_width as u16)) .collect::>()), ), margined_draw_loc, temp_table_state, ); if app_state.should_get_widget_bounds() { // Update draw loc in widget map // Note there is no difference between this and using draw_loc, but I'm too lazy to fix it. if let Some(widget) = app_state.widget_map.get_mut(&widget_id) { widget.top_left_corner = Some((margined_draw_loc.x, margined_draw_loc.y)); widget.bottom_right_corner = Some(( margined_draw_loc.x + margined_draw_loc.width, margined_draw_loc.y + margined_draw_loc.height, )); } } } } }