use crate::{ app::App, canvas::{drawing_utils::calculate_basic_use_bars, Painter}, constants::*, }; use tui::{ backend::Backend, layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect}, terminal::Frame, text::{Span, Spans}, widgets::{Block, Borders, Paragraph, Row, Table, Tabs}, }; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; pub trait BatteryDisplayWidget { fn draw_battery_display( &self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>, app_state: &mut App, draw_loc: Rect, draw_border: bool, widget_id: u64, ); } impl BatteryDisplayWidget for Painter { fn draw_battery_display( &self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>, app_state: &mut App, draw_loc: Rect, draw_border: bool, widget_id: u64, ) { let should_get_widget_bounds = app_state.should_get_widget_bounds(); if let Some(battery_widget_state) = app_state.battery_state.widget_states.get_mut(&widget_id) { let is_on_widget = widget_id == app_state.current_widget.widget_id; let border_style = if is_on_widget { self.colours.highlighted_border_style } else { self.colours.border_style }; let table_gap = if draw_loc.height < TABLE_GAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT { 0 } else { app_state.app_config_fields.table_gap }; let title = if app_state.is_expanded { const TITLE_BASE: &str = " Battery ── Esc to go back "; Spans::from(vec![ Span::styled(" Battery ".to_string(), self.colours.widget_title_style), Span::styled( format!( "─{}─ Esc to go back ", "─".repeat(usize::from(draw_loc.width).saturating_sub( UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(TITLE_BASE, true).count() + 2 )) ), border_style, ), ]) } else { Spans::from(Span::styled( " Battery ".to_string(), self.colours.widget_title_style, )) }; let battery_block = if draw_border { Block::default() .title(title) .borders(Borders::ALL) .border_style(border_style) } else if is_on_widget { Block::default() .borders(*SIDE_BORDERS) .border_style(self.colours.highlighted_border_style) } else { Block::default().borders(Borders::NONE) }; let battery_names = app_state .canvas_data .battery_data .iter() .map(|battery| &battery.battery_name) .collect::>(); let tab_draw_loc = Layout::default() .constraints([ Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(2), Constraint::Min(0), ]) .direction(Direction::Vertical) .split(draw_loc)[1]; f.render_widget( Tabs::new( battery_names .iter() .map(|name| Spans::from((*name).clone())) .collect::>(), ) .block(Block::default()) .divider(tui::symbols::line::VERTICAL) .style(self.colours.text_style) .highlight_style(self.colours.currently_selected_text_style) .select(battery_widget_state.currently_selected_battery_index), tab_draw_loc, ); let margined_draw_loc = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(100)]) .horizontal_margin(if is_on_widget || draw_border { 0 } else { 1 }) .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .split(draw_loc)[0]; if let Some(battery_details) = app_state .canvas_data .battery_data .get(battery_widget_state.currently_selected_battery_index) { // Assuming a 50/50 split in width let bar_length = usize::from((draw_loc.width.saturating_sub(2) / 2).saturating_sub(8)); let charge_percentage = battery_details.charge_percentage; let num_bars = calculate_basic_use_bars(charge_percentage, bar_length); let bars = format!( "[{}{}{:3.0}%]", "|".repeat(num_bars), " ".repeat(bar_length - num_bars), charge_percentage, ); let battery_items: Vec> = vec![ vec!["Charge %", &bars], vec!["Consumption", &battery_details.watt_consumption], if let Some(duration_until_full) = &battery_details.duration_until_full { vec!["Time to full", duration_until_full] } else if let Some(duration_until_empty) = &battery_details.duration_until_empty { vec!["Time to empty", duration_until_empty] } else { vec!["Time to full/empty", "N/A"] }, vec!["Health %", &], ]; let battery_rows = battery_items.into_iter().map(|item| { Row::new(item).style(if charge_percentage < 10.0 { self.colours.low_battery_colour } else if charge_percentage < 50.0 { self.colours.medium_battery_colour } else { self.colours.high_battery_colour }) }); // Draw f.render_widget( Table::new(battery_rows) .block(battery_block) .header(Row::new(vec![""]).bottom_margin(table_gap)) .widths(&[Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)]), margined_draw_loc, ); } else { let mut contents = vec![Spans::default(); table_gap as usize]; contents.push(Spans::from(Span::styled( "No data found for this battery", self.colours.text_style, ))); f.render_widget( Paragraph::new(contents).block(battery_block), margined_draw_loc, ); } if should_get_widget_bounds { // Tab wizardry if !battery_names.is_empty() { let mut current_x = tab_draw_loc.x; let current_y = tab_draw_loc.y; let mut tab_click_locs: Vec<((u16, u16), (u16, u16))> = vec![]; for battery in battery_names { // +1 because there's a space after the tab label. let width = unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr::width(battery.as_str()) as u16 + 1; tab_click_locs .push(((current_x, current_y), (current_x + width, current_y))); // +2 because we want to go one space past to get to the '|', then one MORE // to start at the blank space before the tab label. current_x = current_x + width + 2; } battery_widget_state.tab_click_locs = Some(tab_click_locs); } // Update draw loc in widget map if let Some(widget) = app_state.widget_map.get_mut(&widget_id) { widget.top_left_corner = Some((margined_draw_loc.x, margined_draw_loc.y)); widget.bottom_right_corner = Some(( margined_draw_loc.x + margined_draw_loc.width, margined_draw_loc.y + margined_draw_loc.height, )); } } } } }