use tui::{ backend::Backend, layout::{Alignment, Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect}, terminal::Frame, text::Line, text::Span, widgets::{Block, Paragraph}, }; use crate::{ app::{layout_manager::BottomWidgetType, App}, canvas::Painter, }; impl Painter { pub fn draw_basic_table_arrows( &self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>, app_state: &mut App, draw_loc: Rect, widget_id: u64, ) { if let Some(current_table) = app_state.widget_map.get(&widget_id) { let current_table = if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSort = current_table.widget_type { current_table .right_neighbour .map(|id| app_state.widget_map.get(&id).unwrap()) .unwrap() } else { current_table }; let (left_table, right_table) = ( { current_table .left_neighbour .map(|left_widget_id| { app_state .widget_map .get(&left_widget_id) .map(|left_widget| { if left_widget.widget_type == BottomWidgetType::ProcSort { left_widget .left_neighbour .map(|left_left_widget_id| { app_state.widget_map.get(&left_left_widget_id).map( |left_left_widget| { &left_left_widget.widget_type }, ) }) .unwrap_or(Some(&BottomWidgetType::Temp)) .unwrap_or(&BottomWidgetType::Temp) } else { &left_widget.widget_type } }) .unwrap_or(&BottomWidgetType::Temp) }) .unwrap_or(&BottomWidgetType::Temp) }, { current_table .right_neighbour .map(|right_widget_id| { app_state .widget_map .get(&right_widget_id) .map(|right_widget| { if right_widget.widget_type == BottomWidgetType::ProcSort { right_widget .right_neighbour .map(|right_right_widget_id| { app_state .widget_map .get(&right_right_widget_id) .map(|right_right_widget| { &right_right_widget.widget_type }) }) .unwrap_or(Some(&BottomWidgetType::Disk)) .unwrap_or(&BottomWidgetType::Disk) } else { &right_widget.widget_type } }) .unwrap_or(&BottomWidgetType::Disk) }) .unwrap_or(&BottomWidgetType::Disk) }, ); let left_name = left_table.get_pretty_name(); let right_name = right_table.get_pretty_name(); let num_spaces = usize::from(draw_loc.width).saturating_sub(6 + left_name.len() + right_name.len()); let left_arrow_text = vec![ Line::default(), Line::from(Span::styled( format!("◄ {}", left_name), self.colours.text_style, )), ]; let right_arrow_text = vec![ Line::default(), Line::from(Span::styled( format!("{} ►", right_name), self.colours.text_style, )), ]; let margined_draw_loc = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([ Constraint::Length(2 + left_name.len() as u16), Constraint::Length(num_spaces as u16), Constraint::Length(2 + right_name.len() as u16), ]) .horizontal_margin(1) .split(draw_loc); f.render_widget( Paragraph::new(left_arrow_text).block(Block::default()), margined_draw_loc[0], ); f.render_widget( Paragraph::new(right_arrow_text) .block(Block::default()) .alignment(Alignment::Right), margined_draw_loc[2], ); if app_state.should_get_widget_bounds() { // Some explanations for future readers: // - The "height" as of writing of this entire widget is 2. If it's 1, it occasionally doesn't draw. // - As such, the buttons are only on the lower part of this 2-high widget. // - So, we want to only check at one location, the `draw_loc.y + 1`, and that's it. // - But why is it "+2" then? Well, it's because I have a REALLY ugly hack // for mouse button checking, since most button checks are of the form `(draw_loc.y + draw_loc.height)`, // and the same for the x and width. Unfortunately, if you check using >= and <=, the outer bound is // actually too large - so, we assume all of them are one too big and check via < (see // for details). // - So in other words, to make it simple, we keep this to a standard and overshoot by one here. if let Some(basic_table) = &mut app_state.states.basic_table_widget_state { basic_table.left_tlc = Some((margined_draw_loc[0].x, margined_draw_loc[0].y + 1)); basic_table.left_brc = Some(( margined_draw_loc[0].x + margined_draw_loc[0].width, margined_draw_loc[0].y + 2, )); basic_table.right_tlc = Some((margined_draw_loc[2].x, margined_draw_loc[2].y + 1)); basic_table.right_brc = Some(( margined_draw_loc[2].x + margined_draw_loc[2].width, margined_draw_loc[2].y + 2, )); } } } } }