use tui::{ layout::Rect, text::Span, widgets::{Block, Borders}, }; use crate::canvas::Painter; /// A factory pattern builder for a tui [`Block`]. pub struct BlockBuilder { borders: Borders, selected: bool, show_esc: bool, name: &'static str, hide_title: bool, extra_text: Option, } impl BlockBuilder { /// Creates a new [`BlockBuilder`] with the name of block. pub fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self { Self { borders: Borders::ALL, selected: false, show_esc: false, name, hide_title: false, extra_text: None, } } /// Indicates that this block is currently selected, and should be drawn as such. pub fn selected(mut self, selected: bool) -> Self { self.selected = selected; self } /// Indicates that this block should show esc, and should be drawn as such. pub fn show_esc(mut self, show_esc: bool) -> Self { self.show_esc = show_esc; self } /// Indicates that this block has some extra text beyond the name. pub fn extra_text(mut self, extra_text: Option) -> Self { self.extra_text = extra_text; self } /// Determines the borders of the built [`Block`]. pub fn borders(mut self, borders: Borders) -> Self { self.borders = borders; self } /// Forcibly hides the title of the built [`Block`]. pub fn hide_title(mut self, hide_title: bool) -> Self { self.hide_title = hide_title; self } /// Converts the [`BlockBuilder`] into an actual [`Block`]. pub fn build(self, painter: &Painter, area: Rect) -> Block<'static> { let has_title = !self.hide_title && (self.borders.contains(Borders::TOP) || self.borders.contains(Borders::BOTTOM)); let border_style = if self.selected { painter.colours.highlighted_border_style } else { painter.colours.border_style }; let block = Block::default() .border_style(border_style) .borders(self.borders); let inner_width = block.inner(area).width as usize; if has_title { let name = Span::styled( format!(" {} ",, painter.colours.widget_title_style, ); let mut title_len = name.width(); let mut title = vec![name, Span::from(""), Span::from(""), Span::from("")]; if self.show_esc { const EXPAND_TEXT: &str = " Esc to go back "; const EXPAND_TEXT_LEN: usize = EXPAND_TEXT.len(); let expand_span = Span::styled(EXPAND_TEXT, border_style); if title_len + EXPAND_TEXT_LEN <= inner_width { title_len += EXPAND_TEXT_LEN; title[3] = expand_span; } } if let Some(extra_text) = self.extra_text { let extra_span = Span::styled( format!("{} ", extra_text), painter.colours.widget_title_style, ); let width = extra_span.width(); if title_len + width <= inner_width { title_len += width; title[1] = extra_span; } } if self.show_esc { let difference = inner_width.saturating_sub(title_len); title[2] = Span::styled("─".repeat(difference), border_style); } block.title(title) } else { block } } }