use std::{ borrow::Cow, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use crossterm::event::{KeyEvent, KeyModifiers, MouseEvent, MouseEventKind}; use tui::{ backend::Backend, layout::{Constraint, Rect}, style::Style, symbols::Marker, text::Span, widgets::{Block, GraphType}, }; use crate::{ app::{ event::ComponentEventResult, widgets::tui_stuff::{ custom_legend_chart::{Axis, Dataset}, TimeChart, }, AppConfigFields, Component, }, canvas::Painter, constants::{ AUTOHIDE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS, STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS, TIME_LABEL_HEIGHT_LIMIT, }, }; #[derive(Clone)] pub enum AutohideTimerState { Hidden, Running(Instant), } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum AutohideTimer { AlwaysShow, AlwaysHide, Enabled { state: AutohideTimerState, show_duration: Duration, }, } // TODO: [AUTOHIDE] Not a fan of how this is done, as this should really "trigger" a draw when it's done. impl AutohideTimer { fn start_display_timer(&mut self) { match self { AutohideTimer::AlwaysShow | AutohideTimer::AlwaysHide => { // Do nothing. } AutohideTimer::Enabled { state, show_duration: _, } => { *state = AutohideTimerState::Running(Instant::now()); } } } pub fn update_display_timer(&mut self) { match self { AutohideTimer::AlwaysShow | AutohideTimer::AlwaysHide => { // Do nothing. } AutohideTimer::Enabled { state, show_duration, } => match state { AutohideTimerState::Hidden => {} AutohideTimerState::Running(trigger_instant) => { if trigger_instant.elapsed() > *show_duration { *state = AutohideTimerState::Hidden; } } }, } } pub fn is_showing(&mut self) -> bool { self.update_display_timer(); match self { AutohideTimer::AlwaysShow => true, AutohideTimer::AlwaysHide => false, AutohideTimer::Enabled { state, show_duration: _, } => match state { AutohideTimerState::Hidden => false, AutohideTimerState::Running(_) => true, }, } } } pub struct TimeGraphData<'d> { pub data: &'d [(f64, f64)], pub label: Option>, pub style: Style, } /// A graph widget with controllable time ranges along the x-axis. pub struct TimeGraph { current_display_time: u64, autohide_timer: AutohideTimer, default_time_value: u64, min_duration: u64, max_duration: u64, time_interval: u64, bounds: Rect, border_bounds: Rect, use_dot: bool, } impl TimeGraph { /// Creates a new [`TimeGraph`]. All time values are in milliseconds. pub fn new( start_value: u64, autohide_timer: AutohideTimer, min_duration: u64, max_duration: u64, time_interval: u64, use_dot: bool, ) -> Self { Self { current_display_time: start_value, autohide_timer, default_time_value: start_value, min_duration, max_duration, time_interval, bounds: Rect::default(), border_bounds: Rect::default(), use_dot, } } /// Creates a new [`TimeGraph`] given an [`AppConfigFields`]. pub fn from_config(app_config_fields: &AppConfigFields) -> Self { Self::new( app_config_fields.default_time_value, if app_config_fields.hide_time { AutohideTimer::AlwaysHide } else if app_config_fields.autohide_time { AutohideTimer::Enabled { state: AutohideTimerState::Running(Instant::now()), show_duration: Duration::from_millis(AUTOHIDE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS), } } else { AutohideTimer::AlwaysShow }, STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS, STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS, app_config_fields.time_interval, app_config_fields.use_dot, ) } /// Handles a char `c`. fn handle_char(&mut self, c: char) -> ComponentEventResult { match c { '-' => self.zoom_out(), '+' => self.zoom_in(), '=' => self.reset_zoom(), _ => ComponentEventResult::Unhandled, } } fn zoom_in(&mut self) -> ComponentEventResult { let new_time = self.current_display_time.saturating_sub(self.time_interval); if self.current_display_time == new_time { ComponentEventResult::NoRedraw } else if new_time >= self.min_duration { self.current_display_time = new_time; self.autohide_timer.start_display_timer(); ComponentEventResult::Redraw } else if new_time != self.min_duration { self.current_display_time = self.min_duration; self.autohide_timer.start_display_timer(); ComponentEventResult::Redraw } else { ComponentEventResult::NoRedraw } } fn zoom_out(&mut self) -> ComponentEventResult { let new_time = self.current_display_time + self.time_interval; if self.current_display_time == new_time { ComponentEventResult::NoRedraw } else if new_time <= self.max_duration { self.current_display_time = new_time; self.autohide_timer.start_display_timer(); ComponentEventResult::Redraw } else if new_time != self.max_duration { self.current_display_time = self.max_duration; self.autohide_timer.start_display_timer(); ComponentEventResult::Redraw } else { ComponentEventResult::NoRedraw } } fn reset_zoom(&mut self) -> ComponentEventResult { if self.current_display_time == self.default_time_value { ComponentEventResult::NoRedraw } else { self.current_display_time = self.default_time_value; self.autohide_timer.start_display_timer(); ComponentEventResult::Redraw } } fn get_x_axis_labels(&self, painter: &Painter) -> Vec> { vec![ Span::styled( format!("{}s", self.current_display_time / 1000), painter.colours.graph_style, ), Span::styled("0s", painter.colours.graph_style), ] } /// Returns the current display time boundary. pub fn get_current_display_time(&self) -> u64 { self.current_display_time } /// Creates a [`Chart`]. /// /// The `reverse_order` parameter is mostly used for cases where you want the first entry to be drawn on /// top - note that this will also reverse the naturally generated legend, if shown! pub fn draw_tui_chart( &mut self, painter: &Painter, f: &mut tui::Frame<'_, B>, data: &'_ [TimeGraphData<'_>], y_bound_labels: &[Cow<'static, str>], y_bounds: [f64; 2], reverse_order: bool, block: Block<'_>, block_area: Rect, ) { let inner_area = block.inner(block_area); self.set_border_bounds(block_area); self.set_bounds(inner_area); let time_start = -(self.current_display_time as f64); let x_axis = { let x_axis = Axis::default() .bounds([time_start, 0.0]) .style(painter.colours.graph_style); if inner_area.height >= TIME_LABEL_HEIGHT_LIMIT && self.autohide_timer.is_showing() { x_axis.labels(self.get_x_axis_labels(painter)) } else { x_axis } }; let y_axis = Axis::default() .bounds(y_bounds) .style(painter.colours.graph_style) .labels( y_bound_labels .iter() .map(|label| Span::styled(label.clone(), painter.colours.graph_style)) .collect(), ); // TODO: [Small size bug] There's a rendering issue if you use a very short window with how some legend entries are hidden. It sometimes hides the 0; instead, it should hide middle entries! let mut datasets: Vec> = data .iter() .map(|time_graph_data| { let mut dataset = Dataset::default() .data( .style( .marker(if self.use_dot { Marker::Dot } else { Marker::Braille }) .graph_type(GraphType::Line); if let Some(label) = &time_graph_data.label { dataset =; } dataset }) .collect(); if reverse_order { datasets.reverse(); } let chart = TimeChart::new(datasets) .x_axis(x_axis) .y_axis(y_axis) .style(painter.colours.graph_style) .legend_style(painter.colours.graph_style) .hidden_legend_constraints((Constraint::Ratio(3, 4), Constraint::Ratio(3, 4))); f.render_widget(chart.block(block), block_area); } } impl Component for TimeGraph { fn handle_key_event(&mut self, event: KeyEvent) -> ComponentEventResult { use crossterm::event::KeyCode::Char; if event.modifiers == KeyModifiers::NONE || event.modifiers == KeyModifiers::SHIFT { match event.code { Char(c) => self.handle_char(c), _ => ComponentEventResult::Unhandled, } } else { ComponentEventResult::Unhandled } } fn handle_mouse_event(&mut self, event: MouseEvent) -> ComponentEventResult { match event.kind { MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => self.zoom_out(), MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => self.zoom_in(), _ => ComponentEventResult::Unhandled, } } fn bounds(&self) -> Rect { self.bounds } fn set_bounds(&mut self, new_bounds: Rect) { self.bounds = new_bounds; } fn border_bounds(&self) -> Rect { self.border_bounds } fn set_border_bounds(&mut self, new_bounds: Rect) { self.border_bounds = new_bounds; } }