//! This file is meant to house (OS specific) implementations on how to kill processes. #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] use windows::Win32::{ Foundation::{CloseHandle, HANDLE}, System::Threading::{ OpenProcess, TerminateProcess, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, PROCESS_TERMINATE, }, }; #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] use crate::utils::error::BottomError; use crate::Pid; /// Based from [this SO answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/55231715). #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] struct Process(HANDLE); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] impl Process { fn open(pid: u32) -> Result { // SAFETY: Windows API call, tread carefully with the args. match unsafe { OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, pid) } { Ok(process) => Ok(Process(process)), Err(_) => Err("process may have already been terminated.".to_string()), } } fn kill(self) -> Result<(), String> { // SAFETY: Windows API call, this is safe as we are passing in the handle. let result = unsafe { TerminateProcess(self.0, 1) }; if result.is_err() { return Err("process may have already been terminated.".to_string()); } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] impl Drop for Process { fn drop(&mut self) { // SAFETY: Windows API call, this is safe as we are passing in the handle. unsafe { let _ = CloseHandle(self.0); } } } /// Kills a process, given a PID, for windows. #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub fn kill_process_given_pid(pid: Pid) -> crate::utils::error::Result<()> { { let process = Process::open(pid as u32)?; process.kill()?; } Ok(()) } /// Kills a process, given a PID, for unix. #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] pub fn kill_process_given_pid(pid: Pid, signal: usize) -> crate::utils::error::Result<()> { // SAFETY: the signal should be valid, and we act properly on an error (exit code not 0). let output = unsafe { libc::kill(pid, signal as i32) }; if output != 0 { // We had an error... let err_code = std::io::Error::last_os_error().raw_os_error(); let err = match err_code { Some(libc::ESRCH) => "the target process did not exist.", Some(libc::EPERM) => "the calling process does not have the permissions to terminate the target process(es).", Some(libc::EINVAL) => "an invalid signal was specified.", _ => "Unknown error occurred." }; return if let Some(err_code) = err_code { Err(BottomError::GenericError(format!( "Error code {err_code} - {err}" ))) } else { Err(BottomError::GenericError(format!("Error code ??? - {err}"))) }; } Ok(()) }