use hashbrown::HashMap; use nvml_wrapper::enum_wrappers::device::TemperatureSensor; use nvml_wrapper::enums::device::UsedGpuMemory; use nvml_wrapper::{error::NvmlError, Nvml}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use crate::app::Filter; use crate::app::layout_manager::UsedWidgets; use crate::data_harvester::memory::MemHarvest; use crate::data_harvester::temperature::{is_temp_filtered, TempHarvest, TemperatureType}; pub static NVML_DATA: Lazy> = Lazy::new(Nvml::init); pub struct GpusData { pub memory: Option>, pub temperature: Option>, pub procs: Option<(u64, Vec>)>, } /// Returns the GPU data from NVIDIA cards. #[inline] pub fn get_nvidia_vecs( temp_type: &TemperatureType, filter: &Option, widgets_to_harvest: &UsedWidgets, ) -> Option { if let Ok(nvml) = &*NVML_DATA { if let Ok(num_gpu) = nvml.device_count() { let mut temp_vec = Vec::with_capacity(num_gpu as usize); let mut mem_vec = Vec::with_capacity(num_gpu as usize); let mut proc_vec = Vec::with_capacity(num_gpu as usize); let mut total_mem = 0; for i in 0..num_gpu { if let Ok(device) = nvml.device_by_index(i) { if let Ok(name) = { if widgets_to_harvest.use_mem { if let Ok(mem) = device.memory_info() { mem_vec.push(( name.clone(), MemHarvest { total_bytes:, used_bytes: mem.used, use_percent: if == 0 { None } else { Some(mem.used as f64 / as f64 * 100.0) }, }, )); } } if widgets_to_harvest.use_temp && is_temp_filtered(filter, &name) { if let Ok(temperature) = device.temperature(TemperatureSensor::Gpu) { let temperature = temp_type.convert_temp_unit(temperature as f32); temp_vec.push(TempHarvest { name: name.clone(), temperature, }); } } } if widgets_to_harvest.use_proc { let mut procs = HashMap::new(); if let Ok(gpu_procs) = device.process_utilization_stats(None) { for proc in gpu_procs { let pid =; let gpu_util = proc.sm_util + proc.enc_util + proc.dec_util; procs.insert(pid, (0, gpu_util)); } } if let Ok(compute_procs) = device.running_compute_processes() { for proc in compute_procs { let pid =; let gpu_mem = match proc.used_gpu_memory { UsedGpuMemory::Used(val) => val, UsedGpuMemory::Unavailable => 0, }; if let Some(prev) = procs.get(&pid) { procs.insert(pid, (gpu_mem, prev.1)); } else { procs.insert(pid, (gpu_mem, 0)); } } } // Use the legacy API too but prefer newer API results if let Ok(graphics_procs) = device.running_graphics_processes_v2() { for proc in graphics_procs { let pid =; let gpu_mem = match proc.used_gpu_memory { UsedGpuMemory::Used(val) => val, UsedGpuMemory::Unavailable => 0, }; if let Some(prev) = procs.get(&pid) { procs.insert(pid, (gpu_mem, prev.1)); } else { procs.insert(pid, (gpu_mem, 0)); } } } if let Ok(graphics_procs) = device.running_graphics_processes() { for proc in graphics_procs { let pid =; let gpu_mem = match proc.used_gpu_memory { UsedGpuMemory::Used(val) => val, UsedGpuMemory::Unavailable => 0, }; if let Some(prev) = procs.get(&pid) { procs.insert(pid, (gpu_mem, prev.1)); } else { procs.insert(pid, (gpu_mem, 0)); } } } if !procs.is_empty() { proc_vec.push(procs); } // running total for proc % if let Ok(mem) = device.memory_info() { total_mem +=; } } } } Some(GpusData { memory: if !mem_vec.is_empty() { Some(mem_vec) } else { None }, temperature: if !temp_vec.is_empty() { Some(temp_vec) } else { None }, procs: if !proc_vec.is_empty() { Some((total_mem, proc_vec)) } else { None }, }) } else { None } } else { None } }