//! This is the main file to house data collection functions. use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] use hashbrown::HashMap; #[cfg(feature = "battery")] use starship_battery::{Battery, Manager}; use sysinfo::{System, SystemExt}; use self::temperature::TemperatureType; use super::DataFilters; use crate::app::layout_manager::UsedWidgets; #[cfg(feature = "nvidia")] pub mod nvidia; #[cfg(feature = "battery")] pub mod batteries; pub mod cpu; pub mod disks; pub mod memory; pub mod network; pub mod processes; pub mod temperature; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Data { pub collection_time: Instant, pub cpu: Option, pub load_avg: Option, pub memory: Option, #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] pub cache: Option, pub swap: Option, pub temperature_sensors: Option>, pub network: Option, pub list_of_processes: Option>, pub disks: Option>, pub io: Option, #[cfg(feature = "battery")] pub list_of_batteries: Option>, #[cfg(feature = "zfs")] pub arc: Option, #[cfg(feature = "gpu")] pub gpu: Option>, } impl Default for Data { fn default() -> Self { Data { collection_time: Instant::now(), cpu: None, load_avg: None, memory: None, #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] cache: None, swap: None, temperature_sensors: None, list_of_processes: None, disks: None, io: None, network: None, #[cfg(feature = "battery")] list_of_batteries: None, #[cfg(feature = "zfs")] arc: None, #[cfg(feature = "gpu")] gpu: None, } } } impl Data { pub fn cleanup(&mut self) { self.io = None; self.temperature_sensors = None; self.list_of_processes = None; self.disks = None; self.memory = None; self.swap = None; self.cpu = None; self.load_avg = None; if let Some(network) = &mut self.network { network.first_run_cleanup(); } #[cfg(feature = "zfs")] { self.arc = None; } #[cfg(feature = "gpu")] { self.gpu = None; } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DataCollector { pub data: Data, sys: System, temperature_type: TemperatureType, use_current_cpu_total: bool, unnormalized_cpu: bool, last_collection_time: Instant, total_rx: u64, total_tx: u64, show_average_cpu: bool, widgets_to_harvest: UsedWidgets, filters: DataFilters, #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pid_mapping: HashMap, #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] prev_idle: f64, #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] prev_non_idle: f64, #[cfg(feature = "battery")] battery_manager: Option, #[cfg(feature = "battery")] battery_list: Option>, #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] user_table: self::processes::UserTable, } impl DataCollector { pub fn new(filters: DataFilters) -> Self { DataCollector { data: Data::default(), sys: System::new_with_specifics(sysinfo::RefreshKind::new()), #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pid_mapping: HashMap::default(), #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] prev_idle: 0_f64, #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] prev_non_idle: 0_f64, temperature_type: TemperatureType::Celsius, use_current_cpu_total: false, unnormalized_cpu: false, last_collection_time: Instant::now(), total_rx: 0, total_tx: 0, show_average_cpu: false, widgets_to_harvest: UsedWidgets::default(), #[cfg(feature = "battery")] battery_manager: None, #[cfg(feature = "battery")] battery_list: None, filters, #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] user_table: Default::default(), } } pub fn init(&mut self) { #[cfg(feature = "battery")] { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_battery { if let Ok(battery_manager) = Manager::new() { if let Ok(batteries) = battery_manager.batteries() { let battery_list: Vec = batteries.filter_map(Result::ok).collect(); if !battery_list.is_empty() { self.battery_list = Some(battery_list); self.battery_manager = Some(battery_manager); } } } } } // Sysinfo-related list refreshing. if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_net { self.sys.refresh_networks_list(); } if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_temp { self.sys.refresh_components_list(); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_proc { self.sys.refresh_users_list(); } if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_disk { self.sys.refresh_disks_list(); } } self.update_data(); // Sleep a few seconds to avoid potentially weird data. const SLEEP: Duration = get_sleep_duration(); std::thread::sleep(SLEEP); self.data.cleanup(); } pub fn set_data_collection(&mut self, used_widgets: UsedWidgets) { self.widgets_to_harvest = used_widgets; } pub fn set_temperature_type(&mut self, temperature_type: TemperatureType) { self.temperature_type = temperature_type; } pub fn set_use_current_cpu_total(&mut self, use_current_cpu_total: bool) { self.use_current_cpu_total = use_current_cpu_total; } pub fn set_unnormalized_cpu(&mut self, unnormalized_cpu: bool) { self.unnormalized_cpu = unnormalized_cpu; } pub fn set_show_average_cpu(&mut self, show_average_cpu: bool) { self.show_average_cpu = show_average_cpu; } /// Refresh sysinfo data. We use sysinfo for the following data: /// - CPU usage /// - Memory usage /// - Network usage /// - Processes (non-Linux) /// - Disk (Windows) /// - Temperatures (non-Linux) fn refresh_sysinfo_data(&mut self) { // Refresh once every minute. If it's too frequent it can cause segfaults. const LIST_REFRESH_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); let refresh_start = Instant::now(); if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_cpu || self.widgets_to_harvest.use_proc { self.sys.refresh_cpu(); } if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_mem || self.widgets_to_harvest.use_proc { self.sys.refresh_memory(); } if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_net { if refresh_start.duration_since(self.last_collection_time) > LIST_REFRESH_TIME { self.sys.refresh_networks_list(); } self.sys.refresh_networks(); } // sysinfo is used on non-Linux systems for the following: // - Processes (users list as well for Windows) // - Disks (Windows only) // - Temperatures and temperature components list. #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_proc { // For Windows, sysinfo also handles the users list. #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] if refresh_start.duration_since(self.last_collection_time) > LIST_REFRESH_TIME { self.sys.refresh_users_list(); } self.sys.refresh_processes(); } if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_temp { if refresh_start.duration_since(self.last_collection_time) > LIST_REFRESH_TIME { self.sys.refresh_components_list(); } self.sys.refresh_components(); } } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_disk { if refresh_start.duration_since(self.last_collection_time) > LIST_REFRESH_TIME { self.sys.refresh_disks_list(); } self.sys.refresh_disks(); } } pub fn update_data(&mut self) { self.refresh_sysinfo_data(); self.data.collection_time = Instant::now(); self.update_cpu_usage(); self.update_memory_usage(); self.update_processes(); self.update_temps(); self.update_network_usage(); self.update_disks(); #[cfg(feature = "battery")] self.update_batteries(); // Update times for future reference. self.last_collection_time = self.data.collection_time; } #[inline] fn update_cpu_usage(&mut self) { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_cpu { self.data.cpu = cpu::get_cpu_data_list(&self.sys, self.show_average_cpu).ok(); #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] { self.data.load_avg = cpu::get_load_avg().ok(); } } } #[inline] fn update_processes(&mut self) { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_proc { if let Ok(mut process_list) = self.get_processes() { // NB: To avoid duplicate sorts on rerenders/events, we sort the processes by PID here. // We also want to avoid re-sorting *again* later on if we're sorting by PID, since we already // did it here! process_list.sort_unstable_by_key(|p| p.pid); self.data.list_of_processes = Some(process_list); } } } #[inline] fn update_temps(&mut self) { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_temp { #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] if let Ok(data) = temperature::get_temperature_data( &self.sys, &self.temperature_type, &self.filters.temp_filter, ) { self.data.temperature_sensors = data; } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] if let Ok(data) = temperature::get_temperature_data(&self.temperature_type, &self.filters.temp_filter) { self.data.temperature_sensors = data; } } } #[inline] fn update_memory_usage(&mut self) { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_mem { self.data.memory = memory::get_ram_usage(&self.sys); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_cache { self.data.cache = memory::get_cache_usage(&self.sys); } self.data.swap = memory::get_swap_usage( #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] &self.sys, ); #[cfg(feature = "zfs")] { self.data.arc = memory::arc::get_arc_usage(); } #[cfg(feature = "gpu")] if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_gpu { self.data.gpu = memory::gpu::get_gpu_mem_usage(); } } } #[inline] fn update_network_usage(&mut self) { let current_instant = self.data.collection_time; if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_net { let net_data = network::get_network_data( &self.sys, self.last_collection_time, &mut self.total_rx, &mut self.total_tx, current_instant, &self.filters.net_filter, ); self.total_rx = net_data.total_rx; self.total_tx = net_data.total_tx; self.data.network = Some(net_data); } } #[inline] #[cfg(feature = "battery")] fn update_batteries(&mut self) { if let Some(battery_manager) = &self.battery_manager { if let Some(battery_list) = &mut self.battery_list { self.data.list_of_batteries = Some(batteries::refresh_batteries(battery_manager, battery_list)); } } } #[inline] fn update_disks(&mut self) { if self.widgets_to_harvest.use_disk { #[cfg(any(target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos"))] { let disk_filter = &self.filters.disk_filter; let mount_filter = &self.filters.mount_filter; self.data.disks = disks::get_disk_usage(disk_filter, mount_filter).ok(); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { self.data.disks = Some(disks::get_disk_usage( &self.sys, &self.filters.disk_filter, &self.filters.mount_filter, )); } self.data.io = disks::get_io_usage().ok(); } } /// Returns the total memory of the system. #[inline] fn total_memory(&self) -> u64 { if let Some(memory) = &self.data.memory { memory.total_bytes } else { self.sys.total_memory() } } } /// We set a sleep duration between 10ms and 250ms, ideally sysinfo's [`System::MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL`] + 1. /// /// We bound the upper end to avoid waiting too long (e.g. FreeBSD is 1s, which I'm fine with losing /// accuracy on for the first refresh), and we bound the lower end just to avoid the off-chance that /// refreshing too quickly causes problems. This second case should only happen on unsupported /// systems via sysinfo, in which case [`System::MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL`] is defined as 0. /// /// We also do `INTERVAL + 1` for some wiggle room, just in case. const fn get_sleep_duration() -> Duration { const MIN_SLEEP: u64 = 10; const MAX_SLEEP: u64 = 250; const INTERVAL: u64 = System::MINIMUM_CPU_UPDATE_INTERVAL.as_millis() as u64; if INTERVAL < MIN_SLEEP { Duration::from_millis(MIN_SLEEP) } else if INTERVAL > MAX_SLEEP { Duration::from_millis(MAX_SLEEP) } else { Duration::from_millis(INTERVAL + 1) } } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] /// Deserialize [libxo](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=libxo&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=FreeBSD+13.1-RELEASE+and+Ports&arch=default&format=html) JSON data fn deserialize_xo(key: &str, data: &[u8]) -> Result where T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned, { let mut value: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(data)?; value .as_object_mut() .and_then(|map| map.remove(key)) .ok_or_else(|| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "key not found")) .and_then(|val| serde_json::from_value(val).map_err(|err| err.into())) }