# To-Do List Note this will probably migrate to GitHub's native Issues; this was mostly for personal use during early stages. ## Pre-release (bare minimum) - ~~Get each function working as a POC~~ - ~~Separate each component for readability, finalize project structure~~ - ~~Refreshing - how are we doing that? Are we allowing individual refresh periods per component?~~ - ~~Write tui display, charting~~ - ~~FIX PROCESSES AHHHHHH~~ - ~~Scrolling in at least processes~~ - Keybindings - I want to do at least arrow keys and dd. - ~~Legend gets in the way at too small of a height... maybe modify tui a bit more to fix this.~~ ## After making public - Scrolling support for temp/disk - Travis - Refactoring! Please. - Scaling in and out (zoom), may need to show zoom levels - More keybinds - Tests - Mouse + key events conflict? Make it so that some events don't clog up the loop if they are not valid keys! - Header should be clear on current sorting direction! - It would be maybe a good idea to see if we can run the process calculation across ALL cpus...? Might be more accurate. - ~~Add custom error because it's really messy~~ Done, but need to implement across rest of app! - Remove any `unwrap()`, ensure no crashing! Might have to use this: - Truncate columns if needed for tables - Efficiency!!! - Filtering in processes (that is, allow searching) - Help screen - Modularity - Probably good to add a "are you sure" to dd-ing...