%YAML 1.1 --- # Configuration for CirrusCI. This is primarily used for # FreeBSD and macOS M1 tests and builds. setup_template: &SETUP_TEMPLATE setup_script: - curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs --output rustup.sh - sh rustup.sh --default-toolchain stable -y cache_template: &CACHE_TEMPLATE registry_cache: folder: $HOME/.cargo/registry reupload_on_changes: true fingerprint_script: - md5 Cargo.lock - echo $CIRRUS_OS - echo $CIRRUS_TASK_NAME target_cache: folder: target reupload_on_changes: true fingerprint_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env && rustc --version - md5 Cargo.lock - echo $CIRRUS_OS - echo $CIRRUS_TASK_NAME cleanup_template: &CLEANUP_TEMPLATE before_cache_script: - rm -rf $HOME/.cargo/registry/index - rm -rf $HOME/.cargo/registry/src - rm -f ./target/.rustc_info.json env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_DEBUG: 0 CARGO_HUSKY_DONT_INSTALL_HOOKS: true test_task: auto_cancellation: false only_if: $CIRRUS_BUILD_SOURCE != "api" && ($CIRRUS_BRANCH == "master" || $CIRRUS_PR != "") matrix: - name: "FreeBSD 13 Test" freebsd_instance: image_family: freebsd-13-1 - name: "macOS M1 Test" macos_instance: image: ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-monterey-base:latest <<: *SETUP_TEMPLATE <<: *CACHE_TEMPLATE test_all_feature_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo fmt --all -- --check - cargo test --no-run --locked --all-features - cargo test --no-fail-fast --all-features -- --nocapture --quiet - cargo clippy --all-targets --workspace --all-features -- -D warnings test_no_feature_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo fmt --all -- --check - cargo test --no-run --locked --no-default-features - cargo test --no-fail-fast --no-default-features -- --nocapture --quiet - cargo clippy --all-targets --workspace --no-default-features -- -D warnings <<: *CLEANUP_TEMPLATE build_task: auto_cancellation: false only_if: $CIRRUS_BUILD_SOURCE == "api" env: BTM_GENERATE: true COMPLETION_DIR: "target/tmp/bottom/completion/" MANPAGE_DIR: "target/tmp/bottom/manpage/" matrix: - name: "FreeBSD 13 Build" alias: "freebsd_build" freebsd_instance: image_family: freebsd-13-1 env: TARGET: "x86_64-unknown-freebsd" - name: "macOS M1 Build" alias: "macos_build" macos_instance: image: ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-monterey-base:latest env: TARGET: "aarch64-apple-darwin" <<: *SETUP_TEMPLATE <<: *CACHE_TEMPLATE build_script: - . $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo build --release --verbose --locked --features deploy - mv ./target/release/btm ./ - mv "$COMPLETION_DIR" completion - mv "$MANPAGE_DIR" manpage - tar -czvf bottom_$TARGET.tar.gz btm completion binaries_artifacts: path: bottom_$TARGET.tar.gz <<: *CLEANUP_TEMPLATE