path: root/Cargo.toml
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-07-12refactor: remove beef dependency for nowClementTsang
This is just a temp change, I wanted to remove it just for clarity's sake among dependencies, and will probably add it back in the future. For now I'll just stick to std's beef.
2021-06-29other: Remove '-nightly- from nightly versionClementTsang
2021-06-27docs + other: Mention Ubuntu in install, bump to 0.6.3-nightlyClementTsang
2021-06-27other: Add 'nightly' to version to Cargo.tomlClementTsang
2021-06-26uptick: 0.6.2 (#526)Clement Tsang
2021-06-26deps: update sysinfo to 0.18.2 (#524)Clement Tsang
2021-06-06deps: Switch back from dirs-next to dirs (#492)Clement Tsang
Since it's supported again, seems like a good time to switch back to dirs.
2021-05-15refactor: split up data collection by OS (#482)Clement Tsang
Refactor to split up data collection by OS and/or the backing library. The goal is to make it easier to work with and add new OS support, as opposed to how it was prior where we stored OS-independent implementations all in the same file.
2021-05-13refactor: switch to procfs library (#479)Clement Tsang
Switch the Linux proc parts to the procfs library:
2021-05-11uptick: 0.6.1 (#475)0.6.1Clement Tsang
2021-05-09uptick: 0.6.0 (#471)0.6.0Clement Tsang
Update versions to 0.6.0.
2021-05-09change: switch from sysinfo to heim for cpu usage in macOS and Windows (#467)Clement Tsang
Due to #404, I've just moved all CPU usage calculations over to heim.
2021-05-08deps: Update dependencies 2021-05-08 (#466)Clement Tsang
Did not update crossterm (and tui-rs) since it seems to have resulted in a massive CPU usage increase. Also fix minor clippy error with a duplicated to_string call.
2021-04-07refactor: Unify disk conversion to string step (#446)Clement Tsang
Refactor to unify the process disk usage -> string into one function.
2021-04-05feature: Collapsing in tree mode sums usage to parent (#445)Clement Tsang
For the process widget, we now sum the resource usage of the child processes on the parent entry when collapsing in tree mode. Note that if you search to filter, and collapse, it will not sum the pruned values (values that cannot be seen). This is partly because I'm a bit lazy, and partly because I think this behaviour makes sense. For example, let's say I search for a process with 4 child processes "AA, AB, BA, BB", with CPU usage 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 respectively. Assume the parent process has 0 usage. - Without filter, it sums to 1.0 - With a filter on A, it would sum to just 0.3 - With a filter on AA, it would sum to 0.1 I think this is fine because I'm treating this as summing any child that is still *visible* somehow. Summing unseen values would probably be weird as it would look like it's not adding up. Further note that if you had, say, a child "CC" with a usage of, say, 2.0, and its parent of "AB", and you searched for CC in our above example, you would get a sum of 2.2. This is because AB is still visible by the fact that CC was the searched process, and AB must still exist (albeit faded out) in the tree hierarchy, and as such will still be displayed.
2021-04-04refactor: Switch from fnv to fxhash (#444)Clement Tsang
Switches to fxhash from fnv, which should be a bit faster.
2021-04-04feature: Rework network y-axis, linear interpolation for off-screen data (#437)Clement Tsang
Rewrite of the y-axis labeling and scaling for the network widget, along with more customization. This still has one step to be optimized (cache results so we don't have to recalculate the legend each time), but will be done in another PR for sake of this one being too large already. Furthermore, this change adds linear interpolation at the 0 point in the case a data point shoots too far back - this seems to have lead to ugly gaps to the left of graphs in some cases, because the left hand limit was not big enough for the data point. We address this by grabbing values just outside the time range and linearly interpolating at the leftmost limit. This affects all graph widgets (CPU, mem, network). This can be optimized, and will hopefully be prior to release in a separate change.
2021-02-28feature: User info in proc widget for Unix-based systems (#425)Clement Tsang
Adds users into the process widget (for Unix-based systems). This shows only in non-grouped modes, similar to state. Search is also supported. In addition, a quick fix to prevent users from being in grouped mode when they tried to enter tree mode while grouped.
2021-02-19deps: Update various deps as per 2021-02-19 (#420)Clement Tsang
Major update is tui-rs from 0.13 to 0.14. This change allows us to update our tables to make them look nicer!
2021-02-03deps: Update beef as per RUSTSEC-2020-0122 (#402)Clement Tsang
2021-01-30uptick: 0.5.7 (#399)Clement Tsang
2021-01-12bug: Fix missing sorting arrow when for non-% mem (#389)Clement Tsang
Fixes a bug where you could make the sorting arrow disappear in the mem column if you did: 1. Go to proc widget 2. Switch to memory values from % 3. Press `m`
2020-12-21refactor: Cut out sysinfo from Linux builds (#368)Clement Tsang
Refactors to use only heim for Linux builds. This is now much easier to do since the 0.1 version of heim works fine for ARM. This is ideal since having to rely on two separate sources of data isn't the greatest if we can avoid it. Sysinfo is still required for macOS and Windows, though. Temperature sensors do not work for those from heim, and for some reason, networks also don't work on Windows with heim...? My personal CPU core calculation is also currently Linux-only, and as such, I'll still rely on sysinfo for Windows and macOS for now. This isn't really a big optimization or anything btw. Just something I wanted to try.
2020-12-18other: Turn off debug and turn on LTO in release profile again (#367)Clement Tsang
2020-12-17uptick: 0.5.6 (#362)Clement Tsang
2020-12-17refactor: re-use heim for ARM targets if possible (#360)Clement Tsang
Use heim on ARM targets again where appropriate.
2020-12-16deps: Update various dependencies (#358)Clement Tsang
2020-12-15deps: Update to heim 0.1 (#354)Clement Tsang
2020-12-15uptick: 0.5.5 (#356)0.5.5Clement Tsang
2020-12-12refactor: More minor optimization changes (#353)Clement Tsang
- Move data rather than cloning during data transferring step - Try using beef?
2020-12-11refactor: Use feature flags to avoid building with fern and log (#351)Clement Tsang
2020-12-11refactor: Another small optimization pass (#350)Clement Tsang
Making some small changes that would hopefully improve performance a bit. - Remove redundant string generations for CPU data conversion - Switch to fnv for PID hashmap and hashsets - Use buffered reading to avoid having to store too many lines as strings
2020-12-10uptick: 0.5.4 (#348)0.5.4Clement Tsang
2020-12-10bug: Fix some performance regressions (#344)Clement Tsang
Fixes some performance regressions and forgotten cleanup. Changes to attempt to improve performance to match 0.4.x: - Remove `trace!` and `--debug` for now. These were a significant hog. Removing this dropped initial memory usage by about half. - Add additional cleaning step for `pid_mapping` during process harvesting. This should hopefully improve memory usage as time goes on. - Slightly change how we do sorting to hopefully be a bit more optimal? This was just an easy change to make that I spotted. - Fix broken cleaning child thread task.
2020-12-03refactor: Clean up some parts of data harvesting (#336)Clement Tsang
2020-11-30refactor: Simplify data harvesting (#335)Clement Tsang
Refactors the data harvesting system function names.
2020-11-28deps: update dependencies (#334)Clement Tsang
2020-11-25uptick: 0.5.2ClementTsang
2020-11-22other: Switch to once_cell (#324)Clement Tsang
Switch from lazy_static to once_cell.
2020-11-22ci: uptick to 0.5.1, fix ciClementTsang
2020-11-20docs: Update README and changelog for 0.5.0ClementTsang
2020-11-15feature: default colour schemes (#296)Clement Tsang
Adds some default colour choices to choose from.
2020-11-02deps: update anyhow, crossterm, futures, regex, thiserror, toml (#293)Clement Tsang
Updates dependencies to their most recent versions as of Nov 02, 2020.
2020-11-02deps: Bump dependencies that require uom <0.29.0 (#274)Clement Tsang
Updates dependencies that depend on uom (battery and heim), due to requiring 0.30 for the newest nightly version of Rust.
2020-11-01deps: switch from dirs to dirs-next (#285)Clement Tsang
Addresses RUSTSEC-2020-0053.
2020-10-02other: more traces to debug, update some deps (#264)Clement Tsang
Minor update to update some dependencies and remove some traces.
2020-09-28feature: Add persistent search settings (#257)Clement Tsang
Adds persistent search settings across runs, by saving to the config file. Each process widget keeps track of it's *own* behaviour. The previous flags/options are now for *global* behaviour. The following new behaviour is: - Relevant flags: `--case_sensitive`, `--whole_word`, and `--regex`, will *override* the current widget's default behaviour. - Relevant options: `case_sensitive`, `whole_word`, and `regex`, will also *override* the current widget's default behaviour. As per before, if you set, say, `--case_sensitive`and `case_sensitive=true`, the flag always overrides. Documentation updates will be done in #248.
2020-09-27bug: fix chart and data point overlap (#256)Clement Tsang
Update to tui-rs, which fixes #255, as well as some miscellaneous things like updating changelogs and travis.
2020-09-26refactor: tui-rs 0.11.0 refactor (#253)Clement Tsang
Refactors tui-rs usage to the new 0.11.0 release. This release also fixes the highlighting bug from #249, and now, expanding a widget no longer overrides the widget title colour. This commit also introduces #255, but that seems to be easy to bandaid so hopefully it will get fixed soon?