AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-09-17Merge pull request #578 from adiabatic/patch-1Clement Tsang bottom is in Homebrew proper nowadiabatic
2021-09-12ci: fix deploy script for completion directory copy (#577)0.6.4Clement Tsang
2021-09-12uptick: 0.6.4 (#576)Clement Tsang
2021-09-12bug: fix crashes for kernel patch versions > 255 (#575)Clement Tsang
2021-09-11refactor: add general keybinds, fix buggy movementClementTsang
2021-09-08refactor: add back original behaviour for closing search/sort in procClementTsang
2021-09-07refactor: Add back scroll position and expandedClementTsang
2021-09-07refactor: use a builder for block buildingClementTsang
2021-09-07refactor: add back widget titlesClementTsang
2021-09-05refactor: delete a bunch of old unused codeClementTsang
2021-09-05refactor: move over battery widgetClementTsang
2021-09-05refactor: move basic mode overClementTsang
2021-09-05refactor: add back grouping and commandClementTsang
2021-09-05refactor: add text inputClementTsang
2021-09-05refactor: Add sort capabilities to processesClementTsang
2021-09-04ci: specify package version for post-release docsClement Tsang
2021-09-04ci: specify package versions in doc pipelineClement Tsang
2021-08-30ci: make audit action weeklyClement Tsang
2021-08-30github: update wording on the bug report templateClement Tsang
2021-08-30bug: fix bug causing click bounds to failClementTsang
2021-08-29refactor: change up event handling logisticsClementTsang
2021-08-29refactor: Add data updating to process widgetClementTsang
2021-08-29refactor: another pass on sorting and columnsClementTsang
2021-08-28refactor: add network drawing cache systemClementTsang
2021-08-28refactor: port over graph widgetsClementTsang
2021-08-28refactor: separate out sorted and non-sorted text tablesClementTsang
2021-08-28refactor: start moving over the event systemClementTsang
2021-08-28refactor: start moving over drawing systemClementTsang
2021-08-24refactor: rip out trait system for drawing widgetsClementTsang
2021-08-24refactor: rename files from mod to their directory namesClementTsang
2021-08-24refactor: more glue code to build layoutClementTsang
2021-08-24refactor: add glue to prep for the transitionClementTsang
2021-08-23refactor + change: write new movement logicClementTsang
2021-08-23refactor: Create new main widgetsClementTsang
2021-08-23refactor: Create basic widget systemClementTsang
2021-08-23refactor: clean up some states and codeClementTsang
2021-08-23deps: Update crossterm + tui-rs, along with event handling codeClementTsang
2021-08-23refactor: Start state refactorClementTsang
2021-08-19other: Make the battery dependency/features optional (#570)Clement Tsang
2021-08-15docs: Some minor wording changes in the READMEClement Tsang
2021-08-13docs: update home page textClement Tsang
2021-08-04docs: update edit link for doc siteClement Tsang
2021-07-31docs: fix typoClementTsang
2021-07-31other: Add RISC-V to unofficially supported targets (#565)Clement Tsang
2021-07-27ci: add caching to more jobs (#563)Clement Tsang
2021-07-25github: update bug report formattingClementTsang
2021-07-25other: update default config file (#561)Clement Tsang
2021-07-25docs: add grawlinson as a contributor for doc, platform (#560)allcontributors[bot]
2021-07-25docs: add TotalCaesar659 as a contributor for doc (#559)allcontributors[bot]