path: root/src/components/text_table/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/components/text_table/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/src/components/text_table/ b/src/components/text_table/
deleted file mode 100644
index e62734b6..00000000
--- a/src/components/text_table/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-use std::{
- borrow::Cow,
- cmp::{max, min},
-use concat_string::concat_string;
-use tui::{
- backend::Backend,
- layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect},
- style::Style,
- text::{Span, Spans, Text},
- widgets::{Block, Borders, Row, Table},
- Frame,
-use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
-use crate::{
- app::{self, layout_manager::BottomWidget},
- components::text_table::SortOrder,
- data_conversion::{TableData, TableRow},
-use super::{
- CellContent, SortState, TableComponentColumn, TableComponentHeader, TableComponentState,
- WidthBounds,
-pub struct TextTableTitle<'a> {
- pub title: Cow<'a, str>,
- pub is_expanded: bool,
-pub struct TextTable<'a> {
- pub table_gap: u16,
- pub is_force_redraw: bool, // TODO: Is this force redraw thing needed? Or is there a better way?
- pub recalculate_column_widths: bool,
- /// The header style.
- pub header_style: Style,
- /// The border style.
- pub border_style: Style,
- /// The highlighted text style.
- pub highlighted_text_style: Style,
- /// The graph title and whether it is expanded (if there is one).
- pub title: Option<TextTableTitle<'a>>,
- /// Whether this widget is selected.
- pub is_on_widget: bool,
- /// Whether to draw all borders.
- pub draw_border: bool,
- /// Whether to show the scroll position.
- pub show_table_scroll_position: bool,
- /// The title style.
- pub title_style: Style,
- /// The text style.
- pub text_style: Style,
- /// Whether to determine widths from left to right.
- pub left_to_right: bool,
-impl<'a> TextTable<'a> {
- /// Generates a title for the [`TextTable`] widget, given the available space.
- fn generate_title(&self, draw_loc: Rect, pos: usize, total: usize) -> Option<Spans<'_>> {
- self.title
- .as_ref()
- .map(|TextTableTitle { title, is_expanded }| {
- let title = if self.show_table_scroll_position {
- let title_string = concat_string!(
- title,
- "(",
- pos.to_string(),
- " of ",
- total.to_string(),
- ") "
- );
- if title_string.len() + 2 <= draw_loc.width.into() {
- title_string
- } else {
- title.to_string()
- }
- } else {
- title.to_string()
- };
- if *is_expanded {
- let title_base = concat_string!(title, "── Esc to go back ");
- let esc = concat_string!(
- "─",
- "─".repeat(usize::from(draw_loc.width).saturating_sub(
- UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(title_base.as_str(), true).count() + 2
- )),
- "─ Esc to go back "
- );
- Spans::from(vec![
- Span::styled(title, self.title_style),
- Span::styled(esc, self.border_style),
- ])
- } else {
- Spans::from(Span::styled(title, self.title_style))
- }
- })
- }
- pub fn draw_text_table<B: Backend, H: TableComponentHeader>(
- &self, f: &mut Frame<'_, B>, draw_loc: Rect, state: &mut TableComponentState<H>,
- table_data: &TableData, btm_widget: Option<&mut BottomWidget>,
- ) {
- // TODO: This is a *really* ugly hack to get basic mode to hide the border when not selected, without shifting everything.
- let is_not_basic = self.is_on_widget || self.draw_border;
- let margined_draw_loc = Layout::default()
- .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(100)])
- .horizontal_margin(if is_not_basic { 0 } else { 1 })
- .direction(Direction::Horizontal)
- .split(draw_loc)[0];
- let block = if self.draw_border {
- let block = Block::default()
- .borders(Borders::ALL)
- .border_style(self.border_style);
- if let Some(title) = self.generate_title(
- draw_loc,
- state.current_scroll_position.saturating_add(1),
- ) {
- block.title(title)
- } else {
- block
- }
- } else if self.is_on_widget {
- Block::default()
- .borders(SIDE_BORDERS)
- .border_style(self.border_style)
- } else {
- Block::default().borders(Borders::NONE)
- };
- let inner_rect = block.inner(margined_draw_loc);
- let (inner_width, inner_height) = { (inner_rect.width, inner_rect.height) };
- if inner_width == 0 || inner_height == 0 {
- f.render_widget(block, margined_draw_loc);
- } else {
- let show_header = inner_height > 1;
- let header_height = if show_header { 1 } else { 0 };
- let table_gap = if !show_header || draw_loc.height < TABLE_GAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT {
- 0
- } else {
- self.table_gap
- };
- let sliced_vec = {
- let num_rows = usize::from(inner_height.saturating_sub(table_gap + header_height));
- let start = get_start_position(
- num_rows,
- &state.scroll_direction,
- &mut state.scroll_bar,
- state.current_scroll_position,
- self.is_force_redraw,
- );
- let end = min(, start + num_rows);
- state
- .table_state
- .select(Some(state.current_scroll_position.saturating_sub(start)));
- &[start..end]
- };
- // Calculate widths
- if self.recalculate_column_widths {
- state
- .columns
- .iter_mut()
- .zip(&table_data.col_widths)
- .for_each(|(column, data_width)| match &mut column.width_bounds {
- WidthBounds::Soft {
- min_width: _,
- desired,
- max_percentage: _,
- } => {
- *desired = max(
- *desired,
- max(column.header.header_text().len(), *data_width) as u16,
- );
- }
- WidthBounds::CellWidth => {}
- WidthBounds::Hard(_width) => {}
- });
- state.calculate_column_widths(inner_width, self.left_to_right);
- if let SortState::Sortable(st) = &mut state.sort_state {
- let row_widths = state
- .columns
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|c| {
- if c.calculated_width == 0 {
- None
- } else {
- Some(c.calculated_width)
- }
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- st.update_visual_index(inner_rect, &row_widths);
- }
- // Update draw loc in widget map
- if let Some(btm_widget) = btm_widget {
- btm_widget.top_left_corner = Some((draw_loc.x, draw_loc.y));
- btm_widget.bottom_right_corner =
- Some((draw_loc.x + draw_loc.width, draw_loc.y + draw_loc.height));
- }
- }
- let columns = &state.columns;
- let header = build_header(columns, &state.sort_state)
- .style(self.header_style)
- .bottom_margin(table_gap);
- let table_rows = sliced_vec.iter().map(|row| {
- let (row, style) = match row {
- TableRow::Raw(row) => (row, None),
- TableRow::Styled(row, style) => (row, Some(*style)),
- };
- Row::new(row.iter().zip(columns).filter_map(|(cell, c)| {
- if c.calculated_width == 0 {
- None
- } else {
- Some(truncate_text(cell, c.calculated_width.into(), style))
- }
- }))
- });
- if ! {
- let widget = {
- let mut table = Table::new(table_rows)
- .block(block)
- .highlight_style(self.highlighted_text_style)
- .style(self.text_style);
- if show_header {
- table = table.header(header);
- }
- table
- };
- f.render_stateful_widget(
- widget.widths(
- &(columns
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|c| {
- if c.calculated_width == 0 {
- None
- } else {
- Some(Constraint::Length(c.calculated_width))
- }
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>()),
- ),
- margined_draw_loc,
- &mut state.table_state,
- );
- } else {
- f.render_widget(block, margined_draw_loc);
- }
- }
- }
-/// Constructs the table header.
-fn build_header<'a, H: TableComponentHeader>(
- columns: &'a [TableComponentColumn<H>], sort_state: &SortState,
-) -> Row<'a> {
- use itertools::Either;
- const UP_ARROW: &str = "▲";
- const DOWN_ARROW: &str = "▼";
- let iter = match sort_state {
- SortState::Unsortable => Either::Left(columns.iter().filter_map(|c| {
- if c.calculated_width == 0 {
- None
- } else {
- Some(truncate_text(
- c.header.header_text(),
- c.calculated_width.into(),
- None,
- ))
- }
- })),
- SortState::Sortable(s) => {
- let order = &s.order;
- let index = s.current_index;
- let arrow = match order {
- SortOrder::Ascending => UP_ARROW,
- SortOrder::Descending => DOWN_ARROW,
- };
- Either::Right(columns.iter().enumerate().filter_map(move |(itx, c)| {
- if c.calculated_width == 0 {
- None
- } else if itx == index {
- Some(truncate_suffixed_text(
- c.header.header_text(),
- arrow,
- c.calculated_width.into(),
- None,
- ))
- } else {
- Some(truncate_text(
- c.header.header_text(),
- c.calculated_width.into(),
- None,
- ))
- }
- }))
- }
- };
- Row::new(iter)
-/// Truncates text if it is too long, and adds an ellipsis at the end if needed.
-fn truncate_text(content: &CellContent, width: usize, row_style: Option<Style>) -> Text<'_> {
- let (main_text, alt_text) = match content {
- CellContent::Simple(s) => (s, None),
- CellContent::HasAlt {
- alt: short,
- main: long,
- } => (long, Some(short)),
- };
- let mut text = {
- let graphemes: Vec<&str> =
- UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(main_text.as_ref(), true).collect();
- if graphemes.len() > width && width > 0 {
- if let Some(s) = alt_text {
- // If an alternative exists, use that.
- Text::raw(s.as_ref())
- } else {
- // Truncate with ellipsis
- let first_n = graphemes[..(width - 1)].concat();
- Text::raw(concat_string!(first_n, "…"))
- }
- } else {
- Text::raw(main_text.as_ref())
- }
- };
- if let Some(row_style) = row_style {
- text.patch_style(row_style);
- }
- text
-fn truncate_suffixed_text<'a>(
- content: &'a CellContent, suffix: &str, width: usize, row_style: Option<Style>,
-) -> Text<'a> {
- let (main_text, alt_text) = match content {
- CellContent::Simple(s) => (s, None),
- CellContent::HasAlt {
- alt: short,
- main: long,
- } => (long, Some(short)),
- };
- let mut text = {
- let suffixed = concat_string!(main_text, suffix);
- let graphemes: Vec<&str> =
- UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(suffixed.as_str(), true).collect();
- if graphemes.len() > width && width > 1 {
- if let Some(alt) = alt_text {
- // If an alternative exists, use that + arrow.
- Text::raw(concat_string!(alt, suffix))
- } else {
- // Truncate with ellipsis + arrow.
- let first_n = graphemes[..(width - 2)].concat();
- Text::raw(concat_string!(first_n, "…", suffix))
- }
- } else {
- Text::raw(suffixed)
- }
- };
- if let Some(row_style) = row_style {
- text.patch_style(row_style);
- }
- text
-/// Gets the starting position of a table.
-pub fn get_start_position(
- num_rows: usize, scroll_direction: &app::ScrollDirection, scroll_position_bar: &mut usize,
- currently_selected_position: usize, is_force_redraw: bool,
-) -> usize {
- if is_force_redraw {
- *scroll_position_bar = 0;
- }
- match scroll_direction {
- app::ScrollDirection::Down => {
- if currently_selected_position < *scroll_position_bar + num_rows {
- // If, using previous_scrolled_position, we can see the element
- // (so within that and + num_rows) just reuse the current previously scrolled position
- *scroll_position_bar
- } else if currently_selected_position >= num_rows {
- // Else if the current position past the last element visible in the list, omit
- // until we can see that element
- *scroll_position_bar = currently_selected_position - num_rows + 1;
- *scroll_position_bar
- } else {
- // Else, if it is not past the last element visible, do not omit anything
- 0
- }
- }
- app::ScrollDirection::Up => {
- if currently_selected_position <= *scroll_position_bar {
- // If it's past the first element, then show from that element downwards
- *scroll_position_bar = currently_selected_position;
- } else if currently_selected_position >= *scroll_position_bar + num_rows {
- *scroll_position_bar = currently_selected_position - num_rows + 1;
- }
- // Else, don't change what our start position is from whatever it is set to!
- *scroll_position_bar
- }
- }
-mod test {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn test_get_start_position() {
- use crate::app::ScrollDirection::{self, Down, Up};
- #[track_caller]
- fn test_get(
- bar: usize, rows: usize, direction: ScrollDirection, selected: usize, force: bool,
- expected_posn: usize, expected_bar: usize,
- ) {
- let mut bar = bar;
- assert_eq!(
- get_start_position(rows, &direction, &mut bar, selected, force),
- expected_posn,
- "returned start position should match"
- );
- assert_eq!(bar, expected_bar, "bar positions should match");
- }
- // Scrolling down from start
- test_get(0, 10, Down, 0, false, 0, 0);
- // Simple scrolling down
- test_get(0, 10, Down, 1, false, 0, 0);
- // Scrolling down from the middle high up
- test_get(0, 10, Down, 4, false, 0, 0);
- // Scrolling down into boundary
- test_get(0, 10, Down, 10, false, 1, 1);
- test_get(0, 10, Down, 11, false, 2, 2);
- // Scrolling down from the with non-zero bar
- test_get(5, 10, Down, 14, false, 5, 5);
- // Force redraw scrolling down (e.g. resize)
- test_get(5, 15, Down, 14, true, 0, 0);
- // Test jumping down
- test_get(1, 10, Down, 19, true, 10, 10);
- // Scrolling up from bottom
- test_get(10, 10, Up, 19, false, 10, 10);
- // Simple scrolling up
- test_get(10, 10, Up, 18, false, 10, 10);
- // Scrolling up from the middle
- test_get(10, 10, Up, 10, false, 10, 10);
- // Scrolling up into boundary
- test_get(10, 10, Up, 9, false, 9, 9);
- // Force redraw scrolling up (e.g. resize)
- test_get(5, 10, Up, 14, true, 5, 5);
- // Test jumping up
- test_get(10, 10, Up, 0, false, 0, 0);
- }