path: root/src/canvas/tui_widgets/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/canvas/tui_widgets/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/canvas/tui_widgets/ b/src/canvas/tui_widgets/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bbcd652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/canvas/tui_widgets/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use concat_string::concat_string;
+use tui::{
+ layout::{Constraint, Rect},
+ style::Style,
+ symbols::Marker,
+ text::{Line, Span},
+ widgets::{Block, Borders, GraphType},
+ Frame,
+use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
+use super::time_chart::{Axis, Dataset, Point, TimeChart, DEFAULT_LEGEND_CONSTRAINTS};
+/// Represents the data required by the [`TimeGraph`].
+pub struct GraphData<'a> {
+ pub points: &'a [Point],
+ pub style: Style,
+ pub name: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
+pub struct TimeGraph<'a> {
+ /// The min and max x boundaries. Expects a f64 representing the time range in milliseconds.
+ pub x_bounds: [u64; 2],
+ /// Whether to hide the time/x-labels.
+ pub hide_x_labels: bool,
+ /// The min and max y boundaries.
+ pub y_bounds: [f64; 2],
+ /// Any y-labels.
+ pub y_labels: &'a [Cow<'a, str>],
+ /// The graph style.
+ pub graph_style: Style,
+ /// The border style.
+ pub border_style: Style,
+ /// The graph title.
+ pub title: Cow<'a, str>,
+ /// Whether this graph is expanded.
+ pub is_expanded: bool,
+ /// The title style.
+ pub title_style: Style,
+ /// Any legend constraints.
+ pub legend_constraints: Option<(Constraint, Constraint)>,
+ /// The marker type. Unlike tui-rs' native charts, we assume
+ /// only a single type of market.
+ pub marker: Marker,
+impl<'a> TimeGraph<'a> {
+ /// Generates the [`Axis`] for the x-axis.
+ fn generate_x_axis(&self) -> Axis<'_> {
+ // Due to how we display things, we need to adjust the time bound values.
+ let time_start = -(self.x_bounds[1] as f64);
+ let adjusted_x_bounds = [time_start, 0.0];
+ if self.hide_x_labels {
+ Axis::default().bounds(adjusted_x_bounds)
+ } else {
+ let xb_one = (self.x_bounds[1] / 1000).to_string();
+ let xb_zero = (self.x_bounds[0] / 1000).to_string();
+ let x_labels = vec![
+ Span::styled(concat_string!(xb_one, "s"), self.graph_style),
+ Span::styled(concat_string!(xb_zero, "s"), self.graph_style),
+ ];
+ Axis::default()
+ .bounds(adjusted_x_bounds)
+ .labels(x_labels)
+ .style(self.graph_style)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Generates the [`Axis`] for the y-axis.
+ fn generate_y_axis(&self) -> Axis<'_> {
+ Axis::default()
+ .bounds(self.y_bounds)
+ .style(self.graph_style)
+ .labels(
+ self.y_labels
+ .iter()
+ .map(|label| Span::styled(label.clone(), self.graph_style))
+ .collect(),
+ )
+ }
+ /// Generates a title for the [`TimeGraph`] widget, given the available space.
+ fn generate_title(&self, draw_loc: Rect) -> Line<'_> {
+ if self.is_expanded {
+ let title_base = concat_string!(self.title, "── Esc to go back ");
+ Line::from(vec![
+ Span::styled(self.title.as_ref(), self.title_style),
+ Span::styled(
+ concat_string!(
+ "─",
+ "─".repeat(usize::from(draw_loc.width).saturating_sub(
+ UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(title_base.as_str(), true).count() + 2
+ )),
+ "─ Esc to go back "
+ ),
+ self.border_style,
+ ),
+ ])
+ } else {
+ Line::from(Span::styled(self.title.as_ref(), self.title_style))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Draws a time graph at [`Rect`] location provided by `draw_loc`. A time graph is used to display data points
+ /// throughout time in the x-axis.
+ ///
+ /// This time graph:
+ /// - Draws with the higher time value on the left, and lower on the right.
+ /// - Expects a [`TimeGraph`] to be passed in, which details how to draw the graph.
+ /// - Expects `graph_data`, which represents *what* data to draw, and various details like style and optional legends.
+ pub fn draw_time_graph(&self, f: &mut Frame<'_>, draw_loc: Rect, graph_data: &[GraphData<'_>]) {
+ let x_axis = self.generate_x_axis();
+ let y_axis = self.generate_y_axis();
+ // This is some ugly manual loop unswitching. Maybe unnecessary.
+ // TODO: Optimize this step. Cut out unneeded points.
+ let data = graph_data.iter().map(create_dataset).collect();
+ let block = Block::default()
+ .title(self.generate_title(draw_loc))
+ .borders(Borders::ALL)
+ .border_style(self.border_style);
+ f.render_widget(
+ TimeChart::new(data)
+ .block(block)
+ .x_axis(x_axis)
+ .y_axis(y_axis)
+ .marker(self.marker)
+ .legend_style(self.graph_style)
+ .hidden_legend_constraints(
+ self.legend_constraints
+ ),
+ draw_loc,
+ )
+ }
+/// Creates a new [`Dataset`].
+fn create_dataset<'a>(data: &'a GraphData<'a>) -> Dataset<'a> {
+ let GraphData {
+ points,
+ style,
+ name,
+ } = data;
+ let dataset = Dataset::default()
+ .style(*style)
+ .data(points)
+ .graph_type(GraphType::Line);
+ if let Some(name) = name {
+ } else {
+ dataset
+ }
+mod test {
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
+ use tui::{
+ layout::Rect,
+ style::{Color, Style},
+ symbols::Marker,
+ text::{Line, Span},
+ };
+ use super::TimeGraph;
+ use crate::canvas::tui_widgets::time_chart::Axis;
+ const Y_LABELS: [Cow<'static, str>; 3] = [
+ Cow::Borrowed("0%"),
+ Cow::Borrowed("50%"),
+ Cow::Borrowed("100%"),
+ ];
+ fn create_time_graph() -> TimeGraph<'static> {
+ TimeGraph {
+ title: " Network ".into(),
+ x_bounds: [0, 15000],
+ hide_x_labels: false,
+ y_bounds: [0.0, 100.5],
+ y_labels: &Y_LABELS,
+ graph_style: Style::default().fg(Color::Red),
+ border_style: Style::default().fg(Color::Blue),
+ is_expanded: false,
+ title_style: Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan),
+ legend_constraints: None,
+ marker: Marker::Braille,
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn time_graph_gen_x_axis() {
+ let tg = create_time_graph();
+ let style = Style::default().fg(Color::Red);
+ let x_axis = tg.generate_x_axis();
+ let actual = Axis::default()
+ .bounds([-15000.0, 0.0])
+ .labels(vec![Span::styled("15s", style), Span::styled("0s", style)])
+ .style(style);
+ assert_eq!(x_axis.bounds, actual.bounds);
+ assert_eq!(x_axis.labels, actual.labels);
+ assert_eq!(,;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn time_graph_gen_y_axis() {
+ let tg = create_time_graph();
+ let style = Style::default().fg(Color::Red);
+ let y_axis = tg.generate_y_axis();
+ let actual = Axis::default()
+ .bounds([0.0, 100.5])
+ .labels(vec![
+ Span::styled("0%", style),
+ Span::styled("50%", style),
+ Span::styled("100%", style),
+ ])
+ .style(style);
+ assert_eq!(y_axis.bounds, actual.bounds);
+ assert_eq!(y_axis.labels, actual.labels);
+ assert_eq!(,;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn time_graph_gen_title() {
+ let mut time_graph = create_time_graph();
+ let draw_loc = Rect::new(0, 0, 32, 100);
+ let title = time_graph.generate_title(draw_loc);
+ assert_eq!(
+ title,
+ Line::from(Span::styled(" Network ", Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan)))
+ );
+ time_graph.is_expanded = true;
+ let title = time_graph.generate_title(draw_loc);
+ assert_eq!(
+ title,
+ Line::from(vec![
+ Span::styled(" Network ", Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan)),
+ Span::styled("───── Esc to go back ", Style::default().fg(Color::Blue))
+ ])
+ );
+ }