path: root/src/canvas/canvas_styling/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/canvas/canvas_styling/')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/canvas/canvas_styling/ b/src/canvas/canvas_styling/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89b1b170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/canvas/canvas_styling/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+use tui::style::{Color, Style};
+use crate::utils::error;
+pub const FIRST_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightMagenta;
+pub const SECOND_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightYellow;
+pub const THIRD_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightCyan;
+pub const FOURTH_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightGreen;
+pub const HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightBlue;
+pub const AVG_COLOUR: Color = Color::Red;
+pub const ALL_COLOUR: Color = Color::Green;
+fn convert_hex_to_color(hex: &str) -> error::Result<Color> {
+ fn hex_err(hex: &str) -> error::Result<u8> {
+ Err(
+ error::BottomError::ConfigError(format!(
+ "\"{}\" is an invalid hex colour. It must be a valid 7 character hex string of the (ie: \"#112233\")."
+ , hex))
+ )
+ }
+ fn convert_hex_to_rgb(hex: &str) -> error::Result<(u8, u8, u8)> {
+ let hex_components: Vec<char> = hex.chars().collect();
+ if hex_components.len() == 7 {
+ let mut r_string = hex_components[1].to_string();
+ r_string.push(hex_components[2]);
+ let mut g_string = hex_components[3].to_string();
+ g_string.push(hex_components[4]);
+ let mut b_string = hex_components[5].to_string();
+ b_string.push(hex_components[6]);
+ let r = u8::from_str_radix(&r_string, 16).or_else(|_err| hex_err(hex))?;
+ let g = u8::from_str_radix(&g_string, 16).or_else(|_err| hex_err(hex))?;
+ let b = u8::from_str_radix(&b_string, 16).or_else(|_err| hex_err(hex))?;
+ return Ok((r, g, b));
+ }
+ Err(error::BottomError::ConfigError(format!(
+ "\"{}\" is an invalid hex colour. It must be a 7 character string of the form \"#112233\".",
+ hex
+ )))
+ }
+ let rgb = convert_hex_to_rgb(hex)?;
+ Ok(Color::Rgb(rgb.0, rgb.1, rgb.2))
+pub fn str_to_fg(input_val: &str) -> error::Result<Style> {
+ Ok(Style::default().fg(str_to_colour(input_val)?))
+pub fn str_to_colour(input_val: &str) -> error::Result<Color> {
+ if input_val.len() > 1 {
+ if input_val.starts_with('#') {
+ convert_hex_to_color(input_val)
+ } else if input_val.contains(',') {
+ convert_rgb_to_color(input_val)
+ } else {
+ convert_name_to_color(input_val)
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(error::BottomError::ConfigError(format!(
+ "value \"{}\" is not valid.",
+ input_val
+ )))
+ }
+fn convert_rgb_to_color(rgb_str: &str) -> error::Result<Color> {
+ let rgb_list = rgb_str.split(',').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
+ if rgb_list.len() != 3 {
+ return Err(error::BottomError::ConfigError(format!(
+ "value \"{}\" is an invalid RGB colour. It must be a comma separated value with 3 integers from 0 to 255 (ie: \"255, 0, 155\").",
+ rgb_str
+ )));
+ }
+ let rgb = rgb_list
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|val| {
+ if let Ok(res) = (*(*val)).to_string().trim().parse::<u8>() {
+ Some(res)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ if rgb.len() == 3 {
+ Ok(Color::Rgb(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]))
+ } else {
+ Err(error::BottomError::ConfigError(format!(
+ "value \"{}\" contained invalid RGB values. It must be a comma separated value with 3 integers from 0 to 255 (ie: \"255, 0, 155\").",
+ rgb_str
+ )))
+ }
+fn convert_name_to_color(color_name: &str) -> error::Result<Color> {
+ match color_name.to_lowercase().trim() {
+ "reset" => Ok(Color::Reset),
+ "black" => Ok(Color::Black),
+ "red" => Ok(Color::Red),
+ "green" => Ok(Color::Green),
+ "yellow" => Ok(Color::Yellow),
+ "blue" => Ok(Color::Blue),
+ "magenta" => Ok(Color::Magenta),
+ "cyan" => Ok(Color::Cyan),
+ "gray" | "grey" => Ok(Color::Gray),
+ "darkgray" | "darkgrey" | "dark gray" | "dark grey" => Ok(Color::DarkGray),
+ "lightred" | "light red" => Ok(Color::LightRed),
+ "lightgreen" | "light green" => Ok(Color::LightGreen),
+ "lightyellow" | "light yellow" => Ok(Color::LightYellow),
+ "lightblue" | "light blue" => Ok(Color::LightBlue),
+ "lightmagenta" | "light magenta" => Ok(Color::LightMagenta),
+ "lightcyan" | "light cyan" => Ok(Color::LightCyan),
+ "white" => Ok(Color::White),
+ _ => Err(error::BottomError::ConfigError(format!(
+ "\"{}\" is an invalid named colour.
+The following are supported strings:
+| Reset | Magenta | Light Yellow |
+| Black | Cyan | Light Blue |
+| Red | Gray/Grey | Light Magenta |
+| Green | Light Cyan | Dark Gray/Dark Grey |
+| Yellow | Light Red | White |
+| Blue | Light Green | |
+ ",
+ color_name
+ ))),
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_invalid_colours() {
+ // Test invalid spacing in single word.
+ assert!(convert_name_to_color("bl ack").is_err());
+ // Test invalid spacing in dual word.
+ assert!(convert_name_to_color("darkg ray").is_err());
+ // Test completely invalid colour.
+ assert!(convert_name_to_color("darkreset").is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_valid_colours() {
+ // Standard color should work
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("red"), Ok(Color::Red));
+ // Capitalizing should be fine.
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("RED"), Ok(Color::Red));
+ // Spacing shouldn't be an issue now.
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color(" red "), Ok(Color::Red));
+ // The following are all equivalent.
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("darkgray"), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("darkgrey"), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("dark grey"), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("dark gray"), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("grey"), Ok(Color::Gray));
+ assert_eq!(convert_name_to_color("gray"), Ok(Color::Gray));
+ // One more test with spacing.
+ assert_eq!(
+ convert_name_to_color(" lightmagenta "),
+ Ok(Color::LightMagenta)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ convert_name_to_color("light magenta"),
+ Ok(Color::LightMagenta)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ convert_name_to_color(" light magenta "),
+ Ok(Color::LightMagenta)
+ );
+ }