path: root/.travis.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 01730227..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-language: rust
- email:
- on_success: never
- include:
- # Standard x86-64 stuff, stable and beta, on tier-1 environments
- - os: linux
- env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- arch: amd64
- rust: stable
- - os: linux
- env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- arch: amd64
- rust: beta
- - os: osx
- env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
- arch: amd64
- rust: stable
- - os: osx
- env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
- arch: amd64
- rust: beta
- - os: windows
- env: TARGET=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- arch: amd64
- rust: stable
- - os: windows
- env: TARGET=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- arch: amd64
- rust: beta
- # musl
- - os: linux
- env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
- arch: amd64
- rust: stable
- # Windows GNU
- - os: windows
- env: TARGET=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
- arch: amd64
- rust: stable
- # PowerPC 64 LE
- - os: linux
- env: TARGET=powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu
- arch: ppc64le
- rust: stable
- # ARM stuff (skip beta for now, see
- - os: linux
- env: TARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
- arch: arm64
- rust: stable
- - os: linux
- env: TARGET=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
- arch: amd64
- rust: stable
- addons:
- apt:
- packages: &armhf
- - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
- - libc6-armhf-cross
- - libc6-dev-armhf-cross
- fast_finish: true
- exclude:
- - if: tag IS present
- rust: beta
- only:
- - master
- - /^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(-\S*)?$/
-cache: cargo
- - export RUST_BACKTRACE=1
- - |
- if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "windows" && -n $TRAVIS_TAG ]]; then
- echo "Pre-installing deploy dependencies for Windows...";
- powershell Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core;
- choco install -y wixtoolset;
- export PATH=$PATH:"/c/Program Files (x86)/WiX Toolset v3.11/bin";
- choco install zip;
- rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc;
- fi
- - rustup target add $TARGET
- - rustup update
- - |
- # Only check clippy if stable...
- if [[ $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION == "stable" ]]; then
- rustup component add clippy
- fi
- - |
- # Only check clippy if stable...
- if [[ $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION == "stable" ]]; then
- cargo clippy -- -D clippy::all
- fi
- - |
- if [[ $TARGET == "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" ]]; then
- cargo build --verbose --target $TARGET
- else
- CARGO_HUSKY_DONT_INSTALL_HOOKS=true cargo test --verbose --target $TARGET
- fi
- - |
- echo "Test whether installing works. This is mostly just a sanity check.";
- cargo install --path . --target $TARGET --locked --force;
- - |
- echo "Building release..."
- if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "windows" ]]; then
- echo "Building Windows 64-bit, target: $TARGET...";
- cargo build --release --target $TARGET;
- local target_dir=$(ls target/release/build/bottom-*/out/btm.bash | head -n1 | xargs dirname)
- cp -r $target_dir completions
- mv "./target/$TARGET/release/btm" "btm.exe";
- strip "btm.exe"
- zip -r bottom_$ "btm.exe" "completions";
- rm "btm.exe"
- rm -r "completions"
- if [[ $TARGET == "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" ]]; then
- echo "Building further results for x86_64-pc-windows-msvc target..."
- echo "Building Windows 32-bit...";
- cargo clean;
- cargo build --release --target i686-pc-windows-msvc;
- local target_dir=$(ls target/release/build/bottom-*/out/btm.bash | head -n1 | xargs dirname)
- cp -r $target_dir completions
- mv "./target/i686-pc-windows-msvc/release/btm" "btm.exe";
- strip "btm.exe"
- zip -r "btm.exe" "completions";
- rm "btm.exe"
- rm -r "completions"
- echo "Building choco template...";
- python "./deployment/windows/choco/" "" "" $TRAVIS_TAG "./deployment/windows/choco/bottom.nuspec.template" "./deployment/windows/choco/chocolateyinstall.ps1.template" "./deployment/windows/choco/bottom.nuspec" "./deployment/windows/choco/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1" "./deployment/windows/choco/tools/";
- cd "./deployment/windows/choco/"
- zip -r "bottom.nuspec" "tools/";
- cd "../../../";
- mv "./deployment/windows/choco/" "./"
- echo "Building msi file...";
- cargo install cargo-wix;
- cargo wix init;
- cargo wix;
- echo "Building winget template...";
- python "./deployment/" $TRAVIS_TAG "./deployment/windows/winget/winget.yaml.template" "$TRAVIS_TAG.yaml" "SHA256" "./bottom_x86_64_installer.msi";
- fi
- echo "Done Windows pre-deploy!";
- else
- echo "Building release for macOS/Linux, target: $TARGET";
- cargo build --release;
- cp ./target/release/btm btm;
- strip btm;
- local target_dir=$(ls target/release/build/bottom-*/out/btm.bash | head -n1 | xargs dirname)
- cp -r $target_dir completions
- echo "Tar-ing macOS/Linux binary and completions..."
- tar -czvf bottom_$TARGET.tar.gz btm completions;
- if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "linux" && $TARGET == "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ]]; then
- echo "Building further results for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu..."
- echo "Generating AUR template...";
- python "./deployment/" $TRAVIS_TAG "./deployment/linux/arch/PKGBUILD_BIN.template" "./PKGBUILD_BIN" "SHA512" "./bottom_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz";
- curl -LO "$TRAVIS_TAG.tar.gz";
- echo "Generating AUR binary template...";
- python "./deployment/" $TRAVIS_TAG "./deployment/linux/arch/PKGBUILD.template" "./PKGBUILD" "SHA512" "./$TRAVIS_TAG.tar.gz";
- rm "$TRAVIS_TAG.tar.gz";
- echo "Tar-ing AUR PKGBUILDs...";
- tar -czvf arch.tar.gz PKGBUILD_BIN PKGBUILD;
- # Note this requires the completions directory in the current directory.
- echo "Generating Debian install file...";
- cargo install cargo-deb;
- cargo deb;
- cp ./target/debian/bottom_*.deb .;
- fi
- echo "Done macOS/Linux pre-deploy!";
- fi
- provider: releases
- overwrite: true
- api_key:
- secure: 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
- file_glob: true
- file:
- - bottom_*.tar.gz
- - bottom_*.zip
- - bottom_*.deb
- - arch.tar.gz
- - bottom.rb
- -
- - bottom_x86_64_installer.msi
- - $TRAVIS_TAG.yaml
- skip_cleanup: true
- on:
- tags: true
- condition: "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable"
- repo: ClementTsang/bottom
- draft: true