/* * out_curses.c Curses Output * * Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Thomas Graf * Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { GRAPH_DISPLAY_SIDE_BY_SIDE = 1, GRAPH_DISPLAY_STANDARD = 2, }; enum { KEY_TOGGLE_LIST = 'l', KEY_TOGGLE_GRAPH = 'g', KEY_TOGGLE_DETAILS = 'd', KEY_TOGGLE_INFO = 'i', KEY_COLLECT_HISTORY = 'h', }; #define DETAILS_COLS 40 #define LIST_COL_1 31 #define LIST_COL_2 55 /* Set to element_current() before drawing */ static struct element *current_element; static struct attr *current_attr; /* Length of list to draw, updated in draw_content() */ static int list_length; static int list_req; /* Number of graphs to draw (may be < c_ngraph) */ static int ngraph; /* * Offset in number of lines within the the element list of the currently * selected element. Updated while summing up required lines. */ static unsigned int selection_offset; /* * Offset in number of lines of the first element to be drawn. Updated * in draw_content() */ static int offset; /* * Offset to the first graph to draw in number of attributes with graphs. */ static unsigned int graph_offset; static int graph_display = GRAPH_DISPLAY_STANDARD; /* * Number of detail columns */ static int detail_cols; static int info_cols; static int initialized; static int print_help; static int quit_mode; static int help_page; /* Current row */ static int row; /* Number of rows */ static int rows; /* Number of columns */ static int cols; static int c_show_graph = 1; static int c_ngraph = 1; static int c_use_colors = 1; static int c_show_details = 0; static int c_show_list = 1; static int c_show_info = 0; static int c_list_min = 6; static struct graph_cfg c_graph_cfg = { .gc_width = 60, .gc_height = 6, .gc_foreground = '|', .gc_background = '.', .gc_noise = ':', .gc_unknown = '?', }; #define NEXT_ROW() \ do { \ row++; \ if (row >= rows - 1) \ return; \ move(row, 0); \ } while(0) static void apply_layout(int layout) { if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(layout) | cfg_layout[layout].l_attr); else attrset(cfg_layout[layout].l_attr); } char *float2str(double value, int width, int prec, char *buf, size_t len) { snprintf(buf, len, "%'*.*f", width, value == 0.0f ? 0 : prec, value); return buf; } static void put_line(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[2048]; int x, y; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); getyx(stdscr, y, x); va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (strlen(buf) > cols-x) buf[cols - x] = '\0'; else memset(&buf[strlen(buf)], ' ', cols - strlen(buf)-x); addstr(buf); } static void center_text(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char *str; unsigned int col; va_start(args, fmt); vasprintf(&str, fmt, args); va_end(args); col = (cols / 2) - (strlen(str) / 2); if (col > cols - 1) col = cols - 1; move(row, col); addstr(str); move(row, 0); free(str); } static int curses_init(void) { if (!initscr()) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize curses screen\n"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } initialized = 1; if (!has_colors()) c_use_colors = 0; if (c_use_colors) { int i; start_color(); #if defined HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS use_default_colors(); #endif for (i = 1; i < LAYOUT_MAX+1; i++) init_pair(i, cfg_layout[i].l_fg, cfg_layout[i].l_bg); } keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); cbreak(); noecho(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); /* getch etc. must be non-blocking */ clear(); curs_set(0); return 0; } static void curses_shutdown(void) { if (initialized) endwin(); } struct detail_arg { int nattr; }; static void draw_attr_detail(struct element *e, struct attr *a, void *arg) { char *rx_u, *tx_u, buf1[32], buf2[32]; int rxprec, txprec, ncol; struct detail_arg *da = arg; double rx = unit_value2str(a->a_rx_rate.r_total, a->a_def->ad_unit, &rx_u, &rxprec); double tx = unit_value2str(a->a_tx_rate.r_total, a->a_def->ad_unit, &tx_u, &txprec); if (da->nattr >= detail_cols) { NEXT_ROW(); da->nattr = 0; } ncol = (da->nattr * DETAILS_COLS) - 1; move(row, ncol); if (ncol > 0) addch(ACS_VLINE); put_line(" %-14.14s %8s%-3s %8s%-3s\n", a->a_def->ad_description, (a->a_flags & ATTR_RX_ENABLED) ? float2str(rx, 8, rxprec, buf1, sizeof(buf1)) : "-", rx_u, (a->a_flags & ATTR_TX_ENABLED) ? float2str(tx, 8, txprec, buf2, sizeof(buf2)) : "-", tx_u); da->nattr++; } static void draw_details(void) { int i; struct detail_arg arg = { .nattr = 0, }; if (!current_element->e_nattrs) return; for (i = 1; i < detail_cols; i++) mvaddch(row, (i * DETAILS_COLS) - 1, ACS_TTEE); NEXT_ROW(); put_line(""); for (i = 0; i < detail_cols; i++) { if (i > 0) mvaddch(row, (i * DETAILS_COLS) - 1, ACS_VLINE); move(row, (i * DETAILS_COLS) + 22); put_line("RX TX"); } NEXT_ROW(); element_foreach_attr(current_element, draw_attr_detail, &arg); /* * If the last row was incomplete, not all vlines have been drawn. * draw them here */ for (i = 1; i < detail_cols; i++) mvaddch(row, (i * DETAILS_COLS - 1), ACS_VLINE); } static void print_message(const char *text) { int i, y = (rows/2) - 2; int len = strlen(text); int x = (cols/2) - (len / 2); attrset(A_STANDOUT); mvaddch(y - 2, x - 1, ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(y + 2, x - 1, ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(y - 2, x + len, ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(y + 2, x + len, ACS_LRCORNER); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mvaddch(y - 1 + i, x + len, ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(y - 1 + i, x - 1 ,ACS_VLINE); } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { mvaddch(y - 2, x + i, ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(y - 1, x + i, ' '); mvaddch(y + 1, x + i, ' '); mvaddch(y + 2, x + i, ACS_HLINE); } mvaddstr(y, x, text); attroff(A_STANDOUT); row = y + 2; } static void draw_help(void) { #define HW 46 #define HH 19 int i, y = (rows/2) - (HH/2); int x = (cols/2) - (HW/2); char pad[HW+1]; memset(pad, ' ', sizeof(pad)); pad[sizeof(pad) - 1] = '\0'; attron(A_STANDOUT); for (i = 0; i < HH; i++) mvaddnstr(y + i, x, pad, -1); mvaddch(y - 1, x - 1, ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(y + HH, x - 1, ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(y - 1, x + HW, ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(y + HH, x + HW, ACS_LRCORNER); for (i = 0; i < HH; i++) { mvaddch(y + i, x - 1, ACS_VLINE); mvaddch(y + i, x + HW, ACS_VLINE); } for (i = 0; i < HW; i++) { mvaddch(y - 1, x + i, ACS_HLINE); mvaddch(y + HH, x + i, ACS_HLINE); } attron(A_BOLD); mvaddnstr(y- 1, x+15, "QUICK REFERENCE", -1); attron(A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 0, x+1, "Navigation", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 1, x+3, "Up, Down Previous/Next element", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 2, x+3, "PgUp, PgDown Scroll up/down entire page", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 3, x+3, "Left, Right Previous/Next attribute", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 4, x+3, "[, ] Previous/Next group", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 5, x+3, "? Toggle quick reference", -1); mvaddnstr(y+ 6, x+3, "q Quit bmon", -1); attron(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 8, x+1, "Display Settings", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+ 9, x+3, "d Toggle detailed statistics", -1); mvaddnstr(y+10, x+3, "l Toggle element list", -1); mvaddnstr(y+11, x+3, "i Toggle additional info", -1); attron(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+13, x+1, "Graph Settings", -1); attroff(A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE); mvaddnstr(y+14, x+3, "g Toggle graphical statistics", -1); mvaddnstr(y+15, x+3, "H Start recording history data", -1); mvaddnstr(y+16, x+3, "TAB Switch time unit of graph", -1); mvaddnstr(y+17, x+3, "<, > Change number of graphs", -1); attroff(A_STANDOUT); row = y + HH; } static int lines_required_for_header(void) { return 1; } static void draw_header(void) { apply_layout(LAYOUT_STATUSBAR); if (current_element) put_line(" %s %c%s%c", current_element->e_name, current_element->e_description ? '(' : ' ', current_element->e_description ? : "", current_element->e_description ? ')' : ' '); else put_line(""); move(row, COLS - strlen(PACKAGE_STRING) - 1); put_line("%s", PACKAGE_STRING); move(row, 0); } static int lines_required_for_statusbar(void) { return 1; } static void draw_statusbar(void) { static const char *help_text = "Press ? for help"; char s[27]; time_t t = time(0); apply_layout(LAYOUT_STATUSBAR); asctime_r(localtime(&t), s); s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; row = rows-1; move(row, 0); put_line(" %s", s); move(row, COLS - strlen(help_text) - 1); put_line("%s", help_text); move(row, 0); } static void count_attr_graph(struct element *g, struct attr *a, void *arg) { if (a == current_attr) graph_offset = ngraph; ngraph++; } static int lines_required_for_graph(void) { int lines = 0; ngraph = 0; if (c_show_graph && current_element) { graph_display = GRAPH_DISPLAY_STANDARD; element_foreach_attr(current_element, count_attr_graph, NULL); if (ngraph > c_ngraph) ngraph = c_ngraph; /* check if we have room to draw graphs on the same level */ if (cols > (2 * (c_graph_cfg.gc_width + 10))) graph_display = GRAPH_DISPLAY_SIDE_BY_SIDE; /* +2 = header + time axis */ lines = ngraph * (graph_display * (c_graph_cfg.gc_height + 2)); } return lines + 1; } static int lines_required_for_details(void) { int lines = 1; if (c_show_details && current_element) { lines++; /* header */ detail_cols = cols / DETAILS_COLS; if (!detail_cols) detail_cols = 1; lines += (current_element->e_nattrs / detail_cols); if (current_element->e_nattrs % detail_cols) lines++; } return lines; } static void count_element_lines(struct element_group *g, struct element *e, void *arg) { int *lines = arg; if (e == current_element) selection_offset = *lines; (*lines)++; } static void count_group_lines(struct element_group *g, void *arg) { int *lines = arg; /* group title */ (*lines)++; group_foreach_element(g, &count_element_lines, arg); } static int lines_required_for_list(void) { int lines = 0; if (c_show_list) group_foreach(&count_group_lines, &lines); else lines = 1; return lines; } static inline int line_visible(int line) { return line >= offset && line < (offset + list_length); } static void draw_attr(double rate1, int prec1, char *unit1, double rate2, int prec2, char *unit2, float usage, int ncol) { char buf[32]; move(row, ncol); addch(ACS_VLINE); printw("%7s%-3s", float2str(rate1, 7, prec1, buf, sizeof(buf)), unit1); printw("%7s%-3s", float2str(rate2, 7, prec2, buf, sizeof(buf)), unit2); if (usage != FLT_MAX) printw("%2.0f%%", usage); else printw("%3s", ""); } static void draw_element(struct element_group *g, struct element *e, void *arg) { int *line = arg; apply_layout(LAYOUT_LIST); if (line_visible(*line)) { char *rxu1 = "", *txu1 = "", *rxu2 = "", *txu2 = ""; double rx1 = 0.0f, tx1 = 0.0f, rx2 = 0.0f, tx2 = 0.0f; char pad[IFNAMSIZ + 32]; int rx1prec = 0, tx1prec = 0, rx2prec = 0, tx2prec = 0; struct attr *a; NEXT_ROW(); if (e->e_key_attr[GT_MAJOR] && (a = attr_lookup(e, e->e_key_attr[GT_MAJOR]->ad_id))) attr_rate2float(a, &rx1, &rxu1, &rx1prec, &tx1, &txu1, &tx1prec); if (e->e_key_attr[GT_MINOR] && (a = attr_lookup(e, e->e_key_attr[GT_MINOR]->ad_id))) attr_rate2float(a, &rx2, &rxu2, &rx2prec, &tx2, &txu2, &tx2prec); memset(pad, 0, sizeof(pad)); memset(pad, ' ', e->e_level < 6 ? e->e_level * 2 : 12); strncat(pad, e->e_name, sizeof(pad) - strlen(pad) - 1); if (e->e_description) { strncat(pad, " (", sizeof(pad) - strlen(pad) - 1); strncat(pad, e->e_description, sizeof(pad) - strlen(pad) - 1); strncat(pad, ")", sizeof(pad) - strlen(pad) - 1); } if (*line == offset) { attron(A_BOLD); addch(ACS_UARROW); attroff(A_BOLD); addch(' '); } else if (e == current_element) { apply_layout(LAYOUT_SELECTED); addch(' '); attron(A_BOLD); addch(ACS_RARROW); attroff(A_BOLD); apply_layout(LAYOUT_LIST); } else if (*line == offset + list_length - 1 && *line < (list_req - 1)) { attron(A_BOLD); addch(ACS_DARROW); attroff(A_BOLD); addch(' '); } else printw(" "); put_line("%-30.30s", pad); draw_attr(rx1, rx1prec, rxu1, rx2, rx2prec, rxu2, e->e_rx_usage, LIST_COL_1); draw_attr(tx1, tx1prec, txu1, tx2, tx2prec, txu2, e->e_tx_usage, LIST_COL_2); } (*line)++; } static void draw_group(struct element_group *g, void *arg) { int *line = arg; if (line_visible(*line)) { NEXT_ROW(); attron(A_BOLD); put_line("%s", g->g_hdr->gh_title); attroff(A_BOLD); mvaddch(row, LIST_COL_1, ACS_VLINE); attron(A_BOLD); put_line("%7s %7s %%", g->g_hdr->gh_column[0], g->g_hdr->gh_column[1]); attroff(A_BOLD); mvaddch(row, LIST_COL_2, ACS_VLINE); attron(A_BOLD); put_line("%7s %7s %%", g->g_hdr->gh_column[2], g->g_hdr->gh_column[3]); } (*line)++; group_foreach_element(g, draw_element, arg); } static void draw_element_list(void) { int line = 0; group_foreach(draw_group, &line); } static inline int attr_visible(int nattr) { return nattr >= graph_offset && nattr < (graph_offset + ngraph); } static void draw_graph_centered(struct graph *g, int row, int ncol, const char *text) { int hcenter = (g->g_cfg.gc_width / 2) - (strlen(text) / 2) + 8; if (hcenter < 9) hcenter = 9; mvprintw(row, ncol + hcenter, "%.*s", g->g_cfg.gc_width, text); } static void draw_table(struct graph *g, struct graph_table *tbl, struct attr *a, struct history *h, const char *hdr, int ncol) { int i, save_row; char buf[32]; if (!tbl->gt_table) { for (i = g->g_cfg.gc_height; i >= 0; i--) { move(++row, ncol); put_line(""); } return; } move(++row, ncol); put_line("%8s", tbl->gt_y_unit ? : ""); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%s %s/%s)", hdr, a->a_def->ad_description, h ? h->h_definition->hd_name : "?"); draw_graph_centered(g, row, ncol, buf); //move(row, ncol + g->g_cfg.gc_width - 3); //put_line("[err %.2f%%]", rtiming.rt_variance.v_error); for (i = (g->g_cfg.gc_height - 1); i >= 0; i--) { move(++row, ncol); put_line("%'8.2f %s", tbl->gt_scale[i], tbl->gt_table + (i * graph_row_size(&g->g_cfg))); } move(++row, ncol); put_line(" 1"); for (i = 1; i <= g->g_cfg.gc_width; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { move(row, ncol + i + 7); printw("%2d", i); } } if (!h) { const char *t1 = " No history data available. "; const char *t2 = " Press h to start collecting history. "; int vcenter = g->g_cfg.gc_height / 2; save_row = row; draw_graph_centered(g, save_row - vcenter - 1, ncol, t1); draw_graph_centered(g, save_row - vcenter, ncol, t2); row = save_row; } } static void draw_history_graph(struct attr *a, struct history *h) { struct graph *g; int ncol = 0, save_row; g = graph_alloc(h, &c_graph_cfg); graph_refill(g, h); save_row = row; draw_table(g, &g->g_rx, a, h, "RX", ncol); if (graph_display == GRAPH_DISPLAY_SIDE_BY_SIDE) { ncol = cols / 2; row = save_row; } draw_table(g, &g->g_tx, a, h, "TX", ncol); graph_free(g); } static void draw_attr_graph(struct element *e, struct attr *a, void *arg) { int *nattr = arg; if (attr_visible(*nattr)) { struct history_def *sel; struct history *h; sel = history_current(); c_graph_cfg.gc_unit = a->a_def->ad_unit; list_for_each_entry(h, &a->a_history_list, h_list) { if (h->h_definition != sel) continue; draw_history_graph(a, h); goto out; } draw_history_graph(a, NULL); } out: (*nattr)++; } static void draw_graph(void) { int nattr = 0; element_foreach_attr(current_element, &draw_attr_graph, &nattr); } static int lines_required_for_info(void) { int lines = 1; if (c_show_info) { info_cols = cols / DETAILS_COLS; if (!info_cols) info_cols = 1; lines += (current_element->e_ninfo / info_cols); if (current_element->e_ninfo % info_cols) lines++; } return lines; } static void __draw_info(struct element *e, struct info *info, int *ninfo) { int ncol; ncol = ((*ninfo) * DETAILS_COLS) - 1; move(row, ncol); if (ncol > 0) addch(ACS_VLINE); put_line(" %-14.14s %22.22s", info->i_name, info->i_value); if (++(*ninfo) >= info_cols) { NEXT_ROW(); *ninfo = 0; } } static void draw_info(void) { struct info *info; int i, ninfo = 0; if (!current_element->e_ninfo) return; for (i = 1; i < detail_cols; i++) mvaddch(row, (i * DETAILS_COLS) - 1, c_show_details ? ACS_PLUS : ACS_TTEE); NEXT_ROW(); list_for_each_entry(info, ¤t_element->e_info_list, i_list) __draw_info(current_element, info, &ninfo); /* * If the last row was incomplete, not all vlines have been drawn. * draw them here */ for (i = 1; i < info_cols; i++) mvaddch(row, (i * DETAILS_COLS - 1), ACS_VLINE); } static void draw_content(void) { int graph_req, details_req, lines_available, total_req; int info_req, empty_lines; int disable_graph = 0, disable_details = 0, disable_info = 0; if (!current_element) return; /* * Reset selection offset. Will be set in lines_required_for_list(). */ selection_offset = 0; offset = 0; /* Reset graph offset, will be set in lines_required_for_graph() */ graph_offset = 0; lines_available = rows - lines_required_for_statusbar() - lines_required_for_header(); list_req = lines_required_for_list(); graph_req = lines_required_for_graph(); details_req = lines_required_for_details(); info_req = lines_required_for_info(); total_req = list_req + graph_req + details_req + info_req; if (total_req <= lines_available) { /* * Enough lines available for all data to displayed, all * is good. Display the full list. */ list_length = list_req; goto draw; } /* * Not enough lines available for full list and all details * requested... */ if (c_show_list) { /* * ... try shortening the list first. */ list_length = lines_available - (total_req - list_req); if (list_length >= c_list_min) goto draw; } if (c_show_info) { /* try disabling info */ list_length = lines_available - (total_req - info_req + 1); if (list_length >= c_list_min) { disable_info = 1; goto draw; } } if (c_show_details) { /* ... try disabling details */ list_length = lines_available - (total_req - details_req + 1); if (list_length >= c_list_min) { disable_details = 1; goto draw; } } /* ... try disabling graph, details, and info */ list_length = lines_available - 1 - 1 - 1; if (list_length >= c_list_min) { disable_graph = 1; disable_details = 1; disable_info = 1; goto draw; } NEXT_ROW(); put_line("A minimum of %d lines is required to display content.\n", (rows - lines_available) + c_list_min + 2); return; draw: if (selection_offset && list_length > 0) { /* * Vertically align the selected element in the middle * of the list. */ offset = selection_offset - (list_length / 2); /* * If element 0..(list_length/2) is selected, offset is * negative here. Start drawing from first element. */ if (offset < 0) offset = 0; /* * Ensure the full list length is used if one of the * last (list_length/2) elements is selected. */ if (offset > (list_req - list_length)) offset = (list_req - list_length); if (offset >= list_req) BUG(); } if (c_show_list) { draw_element_list(); } else { NEXT_ROW(); hline(ACS_HLINE, cols); center_text(" Press %c to enable list view ", KEY_TOGGLE_LIST); } /* * Graphical statistics */ NEXT_ROW(); hline(ACS_HLINE, cols); mvaddch(row, LIST_COL_1, ACS_BTEE); mvaddch(row, LIST_COL_2, ACS_BTEE); if (!c_show_graph) center_text(" Press %c to enable graphical statistics ", KEY_TOGGLE_GRAPH); else { if (disable_graph) center_text(" Increase screen height to see graphical statistics "); else draw_graph(); } empty_lines = rows - row - details_req - info_req - lines_required_for_statusbar() - 1; while (empty_lines-- > 0) { NEXT_ROW(); put_line(""); } /* * Detailed statistics */ NEXT_ROW(); hline(ACS_HLINE, cols); if (!c_show_details) center_text(" Press %c to enable detailed statistics ", KEY_TOGGLE_DETAILS); else { if (disable_details) center_text(" Increase screen height to see detailed statistics "); else draw_details(); } /* * Additional information */ NEXT_ROW(); hline(ACS_HLINE, cols); if (!c_show_info) center_text(" Press %c to enable additional information ", KEY_TOGGLE_INFO); else { if (disable_info) center_text(" Increase screen height to see additional information "); else draw_info(); } } static void curses_draw(void) { row = 0; move(0,0); getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); if (rows < 4) { clear(); put_line("Screen must be at least 4 rows in height"); goto out; } if (cols < 48) { clear(); put_line("Screen must be at least 48 columns width"); goto out; } current_element = element_current(); current_attr = attr_current(); draw_header(); apply_layout(LAYOUT_DEFAULT); draw_content(); /* fill empty lines with blanks */ while (row < (rows - 1 - lines_required_for_statusbar())) { move(++row, 0); put_line(""); } draw_statusbar(); if (quit_mode) print_message(" Really Quit? (y/n) "); else if (print_help) { if (help_page == 0) draw_help(); #if 0 else draw_help_2(); #endif } out: attrset(0); refresh(); } static int handle_input(int ch) { switch (ch) { case 'q': if (print_help) print_help = 0; else quit_mode = quit_mode ? 0 : 1; return 1; case 0x1b: quit_mode = 0; print_help = 0; return 1; case 'y': if (quit_mode) exit(0); break; case 'n': if (quit_mode) quit_mode = 0; return 1; case 12: case KEY_CLEAR: #ifdef HAVE_REDRAWWIN redrawwin(stdscr); #endif clear(); return 1; case '?': clear(); print_help = 1; return 1; case KEY_TOGGLE_GRAPH: c_show_graph = !c_show_graph; if (c_show_graph && !c_ngraph) c_ngraph = 1; return 1; case KEY_TOGGLE_DETAILS: c_show_details = !c_show_details; return 1; case KEY_TOGGLE_LIST: c_show_list = !c_show_list; return 1; case KEY_TOGGLE_INFO: c_show_info = !c_show_info; return 1; case KEY_COLLECT_HISTORY: if (current_attr) { attr_start_collecting_history(current_attr); return 1; } break; case KEY_PPAGE: { int i; for (i = 1; i < list_length; i++) element_select_prev(); } return 1; case KEY_NPAGE: { int i; for (i = 1; i < list_length; i++) element_select_next(); } return 1; case KEY_DOWN: element_select_next(); return 1; case KEY_UP: element_select_prev(); return 1; case KEY_LEFT: attr_select_prev(); return 1; case KEY_RIGHT: attr_select_next(); return 1; case ']': group_select_next(); return 1; case '[': group_select_prev(); return 1; case '<': c_ngraph--; if (c_ngraph <= 1) c_ngraph = 1; return 1; case '>': c_ngraph++; if (c_ngraph > 32) c_ngraph = 32; return 1; case '\t': history_select_next(); return 1; } return 0; } static void curses_pre(void) { static int init = 0; if (!init) { curses_init(); init = 1; } for (;;) { int ch = getch(); if (ch == -1) break; if (handle_input(ch)) curses_draw(); } } static void print_module_help(void) { printf( "curses - Curses Output\n" \ "\n" \ " Interactive curses UI. Press '?' to see help.\n" \ " Author: Thomas Graf \n" \ "\n" \ " Options:\n" \ " fgchar=CHAR Foreground character (default: '*')\n" \ " bgchar=CHAR Background character (default: '.')\n" \ " nchar=CHAR Noise character (default: ':')\n" \ " uchar=CHAR Unknown character (default: '?')\n" \ " gheight=NUM Height of graph (default: 6)\n" \ " gwidth=NUM Width of graph (default: 60)\n" \ " ngraph=NUM Number of graphs (default: 1)\n" \ " nocolors Do not use colors\n" \ " graph Show graphical stats by default\n" \ " details Show detailed stats by default\n" \ " minlist=INT Minimum item list length\n"); } static void curses_parse_opt(const char *type, const char *value) { if (!strcasecmp(type, "fgchar") && value) c_graph_cfg.gc_foreground = value[0]; else if (!strcasecmp(type, "bgchar") && value) c_graph_cfg.gc_background = value[0]; else if (!strcasecmp(type, "nchar") && value) c_graph_cfg.gc_noise = value[0]; else if (!strcasecmp(type, "uchar") && value) c_graph_cfg.gc_unknown = value[0]; else if (!strcasecmp(type, "gheight") && value) c_graph_cfg.gc_height = strtol(value, NULL, 0); else if (!strcasecmp(type, "gwidth") && value) c_graph_cfg.gc_width = strtol(value, NULL, 0); else if (!strcasecmp(type, "ngraph")) { c_ngraph = strtol(value, NULL, 0); c_show_graph = !!c_ngraph; } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "details")) c_show_details = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(type, "nocolors")) c_use_colors = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(type, "minlist") && value) c_list_min = strtol(value, NULL, 0); else if (!strcasecmp(type, "help")) { print_module_help(); exit(0); } } static struct bmon_module curses_ops = { .m_name = "curses", .m_flags = BMON_MODULE_DEFAULT, .m_shutdown = curses_shutdown, .m_pre = curses_pre, .m_do = curses_draw, .m_parse_opt = curses_parse_opt, }; static void __init do_curses_init(void) { output_register(&curses_ops); }