diff options
authorTavian Barnes <>2023-10-19 16:37:47 -0400
committerTavian Barnes <>2023-10-19 16:37:47 -0400
commit785a3f2d777627f39bed44f4ae7a0180d5184109 (patch)
parentd484cba3424dcfca4851ba867d8877e3a9381a0e (diff)
tests: Refactor implementation into separate files
13 files changed, 906 insertions, 823 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bfs/ b/tests/bfs/
index e057310..50c8f05 100644
--- a/tests/bfs/
+++ b/tests/bfs/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-closefrom 4
# Not even enough fds to keep the root open
ulimit -n 7
bfs_diff deep -type f -exec bash -c 'echo "${1:0:6}/.../${1##*/} (${#1})"' bash {} \;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6ef68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright © Tavian Barnes <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
+## Colored output
+# Common escape sequences
+# Check if we should color output to the given fd
+color_fd() {
+ [ -z "${NO_COLOR:-}" ] && [ -t "$1" ]
+# Cache the color status for std{out,err}
+color_fd 1 && COLOR_STDOUT=1 || COLOR_STDOUT=0
+color_fd 2 && COLOR_STDERR=1 || COLOR_STDERR=0
+# Save these in case the tests unset PATH
+CAT=$(command -v cat)
+SED=$(command -v sed)
+# Filter out escape sequences if necessary
+color() {
+ if color_fd 1; then
+ "$CAT"
+ else
+ "$SED" $'s/\e\\[[^m]*m//g'
+ fi
+# printf with auto-detected color support
+cprintf() {
+ printf "$@" | color
diff --git a/tests/common/ b/tests/common/
index 8bd9edd..f7fc467 100644
--- a/tests/common/
+++ b/tests/common/
@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ clean_scratch
mkdir -p scratch/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z
mkdir -p scratch/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/A/B/C
-closefrom 4
ulimit -n 13
bfs_diff scratch -execdir echo {} \;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6616a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright © Tavian Barnes <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
+## Argument parsing
+# Print usage information
+usage() {
+ local pad=$(printf "%*s" ${#0} "")
+ color <<EOF
+Usage: ${GRN}$0${RST} [${BLU}--bfs${RST}=${MAG}path/to/bfs${RST}] [${BLU}--sudo${RST}[=${BLD}COMMAND${RST}]] [${BLU}--stop${RST}]
+ $pad [${BLU}--no-clean${RST}] [${BLU}--update${RST}] [${BLU}--verbose${RST}[=${BLD}LEVEL${RST}]] [${BLU}--help${RST}]
+ $pad [${BLU}--posix${RST}] [${BLU}--bsd${RST}] [${BLU}--gnu${RST}] [${BLU}--all${RST}] [${BLD}TEST${RST} [${BLD}TEST${RST} ...]]
+ ${BLU}--bfs${RST}=${MAG}path/to/bfs${RST}
+ Set the path to the bfs executable to test (default: ${MAG}./bin/bfs${RST})
+ ${BLU}--sudo${RST}[=${BLD}COMMAND${RST}]
+ Run tests that require root using ${GRN}sudo${RST} or the given ${BLD}COMMAND${RST}
+ ${BLU}--stop${RST}
+ Stop when the first error occurs
+ ${BLU}--no-clean${RST}
+ Keep the test directories around after the run
+ ${BLU}--update${RST}
+ Update the expected outputs for the test cases
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}commands${RST}
+ Log the commands that get executed
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}errors${RST}
+ Don't redirect standard error
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}skipped${RST}
+ Log which tests get skipped
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}tests${RST}
+ Log all tests that get run
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}
+ Log everything
+ ${BLU}--help${RST}
+ This message
+ ${BLU}--posix${RST}, ${BLU}--bsd${RST}, ${BLU}--gnu${RST}, ${BLU}--all${RST}
+ Choose which test cases to run (default: ${BLU}--all${RST})
+ Select individual test cases to run (e.g. ${BLD}posix/basic${RST}, ${BLD}"*exec*"${RST}, ...)
+# Parse the command line
+parse_args() {
+ SUDO=()
+ STOP=0
+ for arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ --bfs=*)
+ BFS="${arg#*=}"
+ ;;
+ --posix)
+ PATTERNS+=("posix/*")
+ ;;
+ --bsd)
+ PATTERNS+=("posix/*" "common/*" "bsd/*")
+ ;;
+ --gnu)
+ PATTERNS+=("posix/*" "common/*" "gnu/*")
+ ;;
+ --all)
+ PATTERNS+=("*")
+ ;;
+ --sudo)
+ SUDO=(sudo)
+ ;;
+ --sudo=*)
+ read -a SUDO <<<"${arg#*=}"
+ ;;
+ --stop)
+ STOP=1
+ ;;
+ --no-clean|--noclean)
+ ;;
+ --update)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=commands)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=errors)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=skipped)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=tests)
+ ;;
+ --verbose)
+ ;;
+ --help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ cprintf "${RED}error:${RST} Unrecognized option '%s'.\n\n" "$arg" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ PATTERNS+=("$arg")
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Try to resolve the path to $BFS before we cd, while also supporting
+ # --bfs="./bin/bfs -S ids"
+ read -a BFS <<<"${BFS:-$BIN/bfs}"
+ BFS[0]=$(_realpath "$(command -v "${BFS[0]}")")
+ if ((${#PATTERNS[@]} == 0)); then
+ PATTERNS=("*")
+ fi
+ ALL_TESTS=($(cd "$TESTS" && quote {posix,common,bsd,gnu,bfs}/*.sh))
+ for TEST in "${ALL_TESTS[@]}"; do
+ TEST="${}"
+ for PATTERN in "${PATTERNS[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $TEST == $PATTERN ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if ((${#TEST_CASES[@]} == 0)); then
+ cprintf "${RED}error:${RST} No tests matched" >&2
+ cprintf " ${BLD}%s${RST}" "${PATTERNS[@]}" >&2
+ cprintf ".\n\n" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
diff --git a/tests/gnu/ b/tests/gnu/
index a84ee29..390ad48 100644
--- a/tests/gnu/
+++ b/tests/gnu/
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-closefrom 4
ulimit -n 16
[ "$(invoke_bfs deep -printf '%u %g\n' | uniq)" = "$(id -un) $(id -gn)" ]
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9fdd59c..b9a0402 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
set -e
-function parse_ls_colors() {
+parse_ls_colors() {
for key; do
local -n var="$key"
if [[ "$LS_COLORS" =~ (^|:)$key=(([^:]|\\:)*) ]]; then
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function parse_ls_colors() {
-function re_escape() {
+re_escape() {
sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<<"$1"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ parse_ls_colors rs lc rc ec no
strip="(($(re_escape "$lc$no$rc"))?($(re_escape "$ec")|$(re_escape "$lc$rc")))+"
-function ls_color() {
+ls_color() {
# Strip the leading reset sequence from the ls output
ls -1d --color "$@" | sed -E "s/^$strip([a-z].*)$strip/\4/; s/^$strip//"
diff --git a/tests/posix/ b/tests/posix/
index 3d1cd60..431705e 100644
--- a/tests/posix/
+++ b/tests/posix/
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-closefrom 4
ulimit -n 16
bfs_diff deep -type f -exec bash -c 'echo "${1:0:6}/.../${1##*/} (${#1})"' bash {} \;
diff --git a/tests/posix/ b/tests/posix/
index 8f758c4..2186321 100644
--- a/tests/posix/
+++ b/tests/posix/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-closefrom 4
ulimit -n 16
# -mindepth 18, but POSIX
diff --git a/tests/posix/ b/tests/posix/
index 2777589..be0a65f 100644
--- a/tests/posix/
+++ b/tests/posix/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-closefrom 4
ulimit -n 16
# -mindepth 18, but POSIX
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c9cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# Copyright © Tavian Barnes <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
+## Running test cases
+# Beginning/end of line escape sequences
+# Update $EOL for the terminal size
+update_eol() {
+ # Bash gets $COLUMNS from stderr, so if it's redirected use tput instead
+ local cols="${COLUMNS-}"
+ if [ -z "$cols" ]; then
+ cols=$(tput cols)
+ fi
+ # Put the cursor at the last column, then write a space so the next
+ # character will wrap
+ EOL=$'\e['"${cols}G "
+# ERR trap for tests
+debug_err() {
+ local ret=$? line func file
+ callers | while read -r line func file; do
+ if [ "$func" = source ]; then
+ local cmd="$(awk "NR == $line" "$file" 2>/dev/null)" || :
+ debug "$file" $line "${RED}error $ret${RST}" "$cmd" >&4
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# Run a single test
+run_test() (
+ set -eE
+ trap debug_err ERR
+ cd "$TMP"
+ source "$@"
+# Run all the tests
+run_tests() {
+ if ((VERBOSE_TESTS)); then
+ BOL=''
+ elif ((COLOR_STDOUT)); then
+ # Carriage return + clear line
+ BOL=$'\r\e[K'
+ # Workaround for bash 4: checkwinsize is off by default. We can turn it
+ # on, but we also have to explicitly trigger a foreground job to finish
+ # so that it will update the window size before we use $COLUMNS
+ shopt -s checkwinsize
+ (:)
+ update_eol
+ trap update_eol WINCH
+ fi
+ passed=0
+ failed=0
+ skipped=0
+ TEST_FMT="${BOL}${YLW}%s${RST}${EOL}"
+ else
+ TEST_FMT="."
+ fi
+ # Turn off set -e (but turn it back on in run_test)
+ set +e
+ for TEST in "${TEST_CASES[@]}"; do
+ printf "$TEST_FMT" "$TEST"
+ OUT="$TMP/$TEST.out"
+ mkdir -p "${OUT%/*}"
+ if ((VERBOSE_ERRORS)); then
+ run_test "$TESTS/$"
+ else
+ run_test "$TESTS/$" 2>"$TMP/$TEST.err"
+ fi
+ status=$?
+ if ((status == 0)); then
+ ((++passed))
+ elif ((status == EX_SKIP)); then
+ ((++skipped))
+ else
+ ((++failed))
+ ((VERBOSE_ERRORS)) || cat "$TMP/$TEST.err" >&2
+ cprintf "${BOL}${RED}%s failed!${RST}\n" "$TEST"
+ ((STOP)) && break
+ fi
+ done
+ printf "${BOL}"
+ if ((passed > 0)); then
+ cprintf "${GRN}tests passed: %d${RST}\n" "$passed"
+ fi
+ if ((skipped > 0)); then
+ cprintf "${CYN}tests skipped: %s${RST}\n" "$skipped"
+ fi
+ if ((failed > 0)); then
+ cprintf "${RED}tests failed: %s${RST}\n" "$failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+## Utilities for the tests themselves
+# Return value when a test is skipped
+# Skip the current test
+skip() {
+ if ((VERBOSE_SKIPPED)); then
+ caller | {
+ read -r line file
+ printf "${BOL}"
+ debug "$file" $line "${CYN}$TEST skipped!${RST}" "$(awk "NR == $line" "$file")" >&3
+ }
+ elif ((VERBOSE_TESTS)); then
+ cprintf "${BOL}${CYN}%s skipped!${RST}\n" "$TEST"
+ fi
+ exit $EX_SKIP
+# Run a command and check its exit status
+check_exit() {
+ local expected="$1"
+ local actual="0"
+ shift
+ "$@" || actual="$?"
+ ((actual == expected))
+# Run a command with sudo
+bfs_sudo() {
+ if ((${#SUDO[@]})); then
+ "${SUDO[@]}" "$@"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Get the inode number of a file
+inum() {
+ ls -id "$@" | awk '{ print $1 }'
+# Set an ACL on a file
+set_acl() {
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin)
+ chmod +a "$(id -un) allow read,write" "$1"
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD)
+ if (($(getconf ACL_NFS4 "$1") > 0)); then
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw::allow" "$1"
+ else
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw" "$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw" "$1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Print a bfs invocation for --verbose=commands
+bfs_verbose() (
+ if ((!VERBOSE_COMMANDS)); then
+ return
+ fi
+ # Free up an fd for the pipe
+ exec 4>&-
+ {
+ printf "${GRN}%q${RST} " "${BFS[@]}"
+ local expr_started=
+ for arg; do
+ if [[ $arg == -[A-Z]* ]]; then
+ printf "${CYN}%q${RST} " "$arg"
+ elif [[ $arg == [\(!] || $arg == -[ao] || $arg == -and || $arg == -or || $arg == -not ]]; then
+ expr_started=yes
+ printf "${RED}%q${RST} " "$arg"
+ elif [[ $expr_started && $arg == [\),] ]]; then
+ printf "${RED}%q${RST} " "$arg"
+ elif [[ $arg == -?* ]]; then
+ expr_started=yes
+ printf "${BLU}%q${RST} " "$arg"
+ elif [ "$expr_started" ]; then
+ printf "${BLD}%q${RST} " "$arg"
+ else
+ printf "${MAG}%q${RST} " "$arg"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf '\n'
+ } | color >&3
+# Run the bfs we're testing
+invoke_bfs() {
+ bfs_verbose "$@"
+ local ret=0
+ # Close the logging fds
+ "${BFS[@]}" "$@" 3>&- 4>&- || ret=$?
+ # Allow bfs to fail, but not crash
+ if ((ret > 125)); then
+ exit "$ret"
+ else
+ return "$ret"
+ fi
+if command -v unbuffer &>/dev/null; then
+ UNBUFFER=unbuffer
+elif command -v expect_unbuffer &>/dev/null; then
+ UNBUFFER=expect_unbuffer
+# Run bfs with a pseudo-terminal attached
+bfs_pty() {
+ test -n "${UNBUFFER:-}" || skip
+ bfs_verbose "$@"
+ local ret=0
+ "$UNBUFFER" bash -c 'stty cols 80 rows 24 && "$@"' bash "${BFS[@]}" "$@" || ret=$?
+ if ((ret > 125)); then
+ exit "$ret"
+ else
+ return "$ret"
+ fi
+# Create a directory tree with xattrs in scratch
+make_xattrs() {
+ clean_scratch
+ "$XTOUCH" scratch/{normal,xattr,xattr_2}
+ ln -s xattr scratch/link
+ ln -s normal scratch/xattr_link
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin)
+ xattr -w bfs_test true scratch/xattr \
+ && xattr -w bfs_test_2 true scratch/xattr_2 \
+ && xattr -s -w bfs_test true scratch/xattr_link
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD)
+ setextattr user bfs_test true scratch/xattr \
+ && setextattr user bfs_test_2 true scratch/xattr_2 \
+ && setextattr -h user bfs_test true scratch/xattr_link
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Linux tmpfs doesn't support the user.* namespace, so we use the security.*
+ # namespace, which is writable by root and readable by others
+ bfs_sudo setfattr -n security.bfs_test scratch/xattr \
+ && bfs_sudo setfattr -n security.bfs_test_2 scratch/xattr_2 \
+ && bfs_sudo setfattr -h -n security.bfs_test scratch/xattr_link
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Snapshot testing
+# Return value when a difference is detected
+# Detect colored diff support
+if ((COLOR_STDERR)) && diff --color=always /dev/null /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+ DIFF="diff --color=always"
+ DIFF="diff"
+# Sort the output file
+sort_output() {
+ sort -o "$OUT" "$OUT"
+# Diff against the expected output
+diff_output() {
+ local GOLD="$TESTS/$TEST.out"
+ if ((UPDATE)); then
+ cp "$OUT" "$GOLD"
+ else
+ $DIFF -u "$GOLD" "$OUT" >&2
+ fi
+# Run bfs, and diff it against the expected output
+bfs_diff() {
+ local ret=0
+ invoke_bfs "$@" >"$OUT" || ret=$?
+ sort_output
+ diff_output || exit $EX_DIFF
+ return $ret
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f7246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright © Tavian Barnes <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
+## Standard directory trees for tests
+# Creates a simple file+directory structure for tests
+make_basic() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1"/{a,b,c/d,e/f,g/h/,i/}
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1"/{j/foo,k/foo/bar,l/foo/bar/baz}
+ echo baz >"$1/l/foo/bar/baz"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with various permissions for tests
+make_perms() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M000 "$1/0"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M444 "$1/r"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M222 "$1/w"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M644 "$1/rw"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M555 "$1/rx"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M311 "$1/wx"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -M755 "$1/rwx"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with various symbolic and hard links
+make_links() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/file"
+ ln -s file "$1/symlink"
+ ln "$1/file" "$1/hardlink"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/broken"
+ ln -s symlink/file "$1/notdir"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/deeply/nested"/{dir/,file}
+ ln -s file "$1/deeply/nested/link"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/deeply/nested/broken"
+ ln -s deeply/nested "$1/skip"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with symbolic link loops
+make_loops() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/file"
+ ln -s file "$1/symlink"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/broken"
+ ln -s symlink/file "$1/notdir"
+ ln -s loop "$1/loop"
+ mkdir -p "$1/deeply/nested/dir"
+ ln -s ../../deeply "$1/deeply/nested/loop"
+ ln -s deeply/nested/loop/nested "$1/skip"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with varying timestamps
+make_times() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -t "1991-12-14 00:00" "$1/a"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -t "1991-12-14 00:01" "$1/b"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -t "1991-12-14 00:02" "$1/c"
+ ln -s a "$1/l"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -h -t "1991-12-14 00:03" "$1/l"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p -t "1991-12-14 00:04" "$1"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with various weird file/directory names
+make_weirdnames() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/-/a"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/(/b"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/(-/c"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/!/d"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/!-/e"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/,/f"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/)/g"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/.../h"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/\\/i"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/ /j"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/[/k"
+# Creates a very deep directory structure for testing PATH_MAX handling
+make_deep() {
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ # $name will be 255 characters, aka _XOPEN_NAME_MAX
+ local name="0123456789ABCDEF"
+ name="${name}${name}${name}${name}"
+ name="${name}${name}${name}${name}"
+ name="${name:0:255}"
+ for i in {0..9} A B C D E F; do
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/$i/$name"
+ (
+ cd "$1/$i"
+ # 8 * 512 == 4096 >= PATH_MAX
+ for _ in {1..8}; do
+ mv "$name" ..
+ mkdir -p "$name/$name"
+ mv "../$name" "$name/$name/"
+ done
+ )
+ done
+# Creates a directory structure with many different types, and therefore colors
+make_rainbow() {
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/file.txt"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/file.dat"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/lower".{gz,tar,tar.gz}
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/upper".{GZ,TAR,TAR.GZ}
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/lu.tar.GZ" "$1/ul.TAR.gz"
+ ln -s file.txt "$1/link.txt"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/mh1"
+ ln "$1/mh1" "$1/mh2"
+ mkfifo "$1/pipe"
+ # TODO: block
+ ln -s /dev/null "$1/chardev_link"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/broken"
+ "$MKSOCK" "$1/socket"
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1"/s{u,g,ug}id
+ chmod u+s "$1"/su{,g}id
+ chmod g+s "$1"/s{u,}gid
+ mkdir "$1/ow" "$1"/sticky{,_ow}
+ chmod o+w "$1"/*ow
+ chmod +t "$1"/sticky*
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1"/
+ chmod +x "$1"/
+ "$XTOUCH" -p "$1/"$'\e[1m/\e[0m'
+# Create all standard directory trees
+make_stddirs() {
+ TMP=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/bfs.XXXXXXXXXX)
+ if ((CLEAN)); then
+ defer clean_stddirs
+ else
+ printf "Test files saved to ${BLD}%s${RST}\n" "$TMP"
+ fi
+ chown "$(id -u):$(id -g)" "$TMP"
+ make_basic "$TMP/basic"
+ make_perms "$TMP/perms"
+ make_links "$TMP/links"
+ make_loops "$TMP/loops"
+ make_times "$TMP/times"
+ make_weirdnames "$TMP/weirdnames"
+ make_deep "$TMP/deep"
+ make_rainbow "$TMP/rainbow"
+ mkdir "$TMP/scratch"
+# Clean whatever was left in the scratch directory
+clean_scratch() {
+ if [ -e "$TMP/scratch" ]; then
+ # Try to unmount anything left behind
+ if ((${#SUDO[@]})) && command -v mountpoint &>/dev/null; then
+ for path in "$TMP/scratch"/*; do
+ if mountpoint -q "$path"; then
+ sudo umount "$path"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Reset any modified permissions
+ chmod -R +rX "$TMP/scratch"
+ rm -rf "$TMP/scratch"
+ fi
+ mkdir "$TMP/scratch"
+# Clean up temporary directories on exit
+clean_stddirs() {
+ # Don't force rm to deal with long paths
+ for dir in "$TMP"/deep/*/*; do
+ if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ (cd "$dir" && rm -rf *)
+ fi
+ done
+ # In case a test left anything weird in scratch/
+ clean_scratch
+ rm -rf "$TMP"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index dcef28e..3890243 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -6,815 +6,15 @@
set -euP
umask 022
-export LC_ALL=C
-export TZ=UTC0
-export LS_COLORS=""
-function color_fd() {
- [ -z "${NO_COLOR:-}" ] && [ -t "$1" ]
-color_fd 1 && COLOR_STDOUT=1 || COLOR_STDOUT=0
-color_fd 2 && COLOR_STDERR=1 || COLOR_STDERR=0
-# Filter out escape sequences if necessary
-function color() {
- if color_fd 1; then
- cat
- else
- sed $'s/\e\\[[^m]*m//g'
- fi
-# printf with auto-detected color support
-function cprintf() {
- printf "$@" | color
-if [ "$UNAME" = Darwin ]; then
- # ASan on macOS likes to report
- #
- # malloc: nano zone abandoned due to inability to preallocate reserved vm space.
- #
- # to syslog, which as a side effect opens a socket which might take the
- # place of one of the standard streams if the process is launched with it
- # closed. This environment variable avoids the message.
- export MallocNanoZone=0
-if command -v capsh &>/dev/null; then
- if capsh --has-p=cap_dac_override &>/dev/null || capsh --has-p=cap_dac_read_search &>/dev/null; then
- if [ -n "${BFS_TRIED_DROP:-}" ]; then
- color >&2 <<EOF
-${RED}error:${RST} Failed to drop capabilities.
- exit 1
- fi
- color >&2 <<EOF
-${YLW}warning:${RST} Running as ${BLD}$(id -un)${RST} is not recommended. Dropping ${BLD}cap_dac_override${RST} and
- BFS_TRIED_DROP=y exec capsh \
- --drop=cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search \
- --caps=cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search-eip \
- -- "$0" "$@"
- fi
-elif ((EUID == 0)); then
- if [ "$UNAME" = "Linux" ]; then
- UNLESS=" unless ${GRN}capsh${RST} is installed"
- fi
- color >&2 <<EOF
-${RED}error:${RST} These tests expect filesystem permissions to be enforced, and therefore
-will not work when run as ${BLD}$(id -un)${RST}${UNLESS}.
- exit 1
-function usage() {
- local pad=$(printf "%*s" ${#0} "")
- color <<EOF
-Usage: ${GRN}$0${RST} [${BLU}--bfs${RST}=${MAG}path/to/bfs${RST}] [${BLU}--sudo${RST}[=${BLD}COMMAND${RST}]] [${BLU}--stop${RST}]
- $pad [${BLU}--no-clean${RST}] [${BLU}--update${RST}] [${BLU}--verbose${RST}[=${BLD}LEVEL${RST}]] [${BLU}--help${RST}]
- $pad [${BLU}--posix${RST}] [${BLU}--bsd${RST}] [${BLU}--gnu${RST}] [${BLU}--all${RST}] [${BLD}TEST${RST} [${BLD}TEST${RST} ...]]
- ${BLU}--bfs${RST}=${MAG}path/to/bfs${RST}
- Set the path to the bfs executable to test (default: ${MAG}./bin/bfs${RST})
- ${BLU}--sudo${RST}[=${BLD}COMMAND${RST}]
- Run tests that require root using ${GRN}sudo${RST} or the given ${BLD}COMMAND${RST}
- ${BLU}--stop${RST}
- Stop when the first error occurs
- ${BLU}--no-clean${RST}
- Keep the test directories around after the run
- ${BLU}--update${RST}
- Update the expected outputs for the test cases
- ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}commands${RST}
- Log the commands that get executed
- ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}errors${RST}
- Don't redirect standard error
- ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}skipped${RST}
- Log which tests get skipped
- ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}tests${RST}
- Log all tests that get run
- ${BLU}--verbose${RST}
- Log everything
- ${BLU}--help${RST}
- This message
- ${BLU}--posix${RST}, ${BLU}--bsd${RST}, ${BLU}--gnu${RST}, ${BLU}--all${RST}
- Choose which test cases to run (default: ${BLU}--all${RST})
- Select individual test cases to run (e.g. ${BLD}posix/basic${RST}, ${BLD}"*exec*"${RST}, ...)
-for arg; do
- case "$arg" in
- --bfs=*)
- BFS="${arg#*=}"
- ;;
- --posix)
- PATTERNS+=("posix/*")
- ;;
- --bsd)
- PATTERNS+=("posix/*" "common/*" "bsd/*")
- ;;
- --gnu)
- PATTERNS+=("posix/*" "common/*" "gnu/*")
- ;;
- --all)
- PATTERNS+=("*")
- ;;
- --sudo)
- SUDO=(sudo)
- ;;
- --sudo=*)
- read -a SUDO <<<"${arg#*=}"
- ;;
- --stop)
- STOP=1
- ;;
- --no-clean|--noclean)
- ;;
- --update)
- ;;
- --verbose=commands)
- ;;
- --verbose=errors)
- ;;
- --verbose=skipped)
- ;;
- --verbose=tests)
- ;;
- --verbose)
- ;;
- --help)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- -*)
- cprintf "${RED}error:${RST} Unrecognized option '%s'.\n\n" "$arg" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- *)
- PATTERNS+=("$arg")
- ;;
- esac
-function _realpath() {
- (
- cd "$(dirname -- "$1")"
- echo "$PWD/$(basename -- "$1")"
- )
-TESTS=$(_realpath "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
-if [ "${BUILDDIR-}" ]; then
- BIN=$(_realpath "$BUILDDIR/bin")
- BIN=$(_realpath "$TESTS/../bin")
-# Try to resolve the path to $BFS before we cd, while also supporting
-# --bfs="./bin/bfs -S ids"
-read -a BFS <<<"${BFS:-$BIN/bfs}"
-BFS[0]=$(_realpath "$(command -v "${BFS[0]}")")
-# The temporary directory that will hold our test data
-TMP=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/bfs.XXXXXXXXXX)
-chown "$(id -u):$(id -g)" "$TMP"
-cd "$TESTS"
-if ((${#PATTERNS[@]} == 0)); then
- PATTERNS=("*")
-for TEST in {posix,common,bsd,gnu,bfs}/*.sh; do
- TEST="${}"
- for PATTERN in "${PATTERNS[@]}"; do
- if [[ $TEST == $PATTERN ]]; then
- break
- fi
- done
-if ((${#TEST_CASES[@]} == 0)); then
- cprintf "${RED}error:${RST} No tests matched" >&2
- cprintf " ${BLD}%s${RST}" "${PATTERNS[@]}" >&2
- cprintf ".\n\n" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
-function quote() {
- printf '%q' "$1"
- shift
- if (($# > 0)); then
- printf ' %q' "$@"
- fi