/* * bb * * Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of bb. * * bb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * bb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with bb. If not, see . */ use super::*; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::str::FromStr; /* if cpu_no > MAX_CPU_ROWS, the cpu bars wrap in columns */ static MAX_CPU_ROWS: usize = 5; /* Kernel metrics components */ #[derive(Debug)] pub struct KernelMetrics { hostname: String, kernel: String, os_type: String, uptime: String, cpu_stat: Vec, boot_time: usize, dirty: bool, } impl fmt::Display for KernelMetrics { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "kernel") } } impl KernelMetrics { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut file = File::open("/proc/sys/kernel/hostname").unwrap(); let mut hostname = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut hostname).unwrap(); let mut kernel = String::new(); file = File::open("/proc/sys/kernel/version").unwrap(); file.read_to_string(&mut kernel).unwrap(); let mut os_type = String::new(); file = File::open("/proc/sys/kernel/ostype").unwrap(); file.read_to_string(&mut os_type).unwrap(); let mut boot_time = 0; let cpu_stat = get_stat(&mut boot_time); KernelMetrics { hostname, kernel, os_type, uptime: String::with_capacity(60), cpu_stat, boot_time, dirty: true, } } /* Returns width of entire widget */ fn draw_cpu_bars(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area) -> usize { let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let total_cols = width!(area); /* no of bars is no of CPUs along with the total CPU usage */ let cpu_no = self.cpu_stat.len(); /* Calculate how much horizontal space the labels (ie CPU0, CPU1, CPU2) take in order to * distribute the remainder for each column, specifically the bars */ let mut cpu_label_space = 0; let mut cpu_bar_columns = 0; let mut i = 0; while i < cpu_no { /* Reserve space for CPU labels */ if i < 10 { /* label will be " CPU0 " */ cpu_label_space += 7; } else if i < 100 { /* label will be " CPU32 " */ cpu_label_space += 8; } else { /* label will be " CPU128 " */ cpu_label_space += 9; } /* each column holds MAX_CPU_ROWS */ i += MAX_CPU_ROWS; cpu_bar_columns += 1; } /* max width of each cpu bar */ let bar_width = if cpu_no < MAX_CPU_ROWS { total_cols } else { (total_cols - cpu_label_space) / (cpu_bar_columns) }; let mut boot_time: usize = 0; let mut x_offset = 0; for (i, cpu_stat) in get_stat(&mut boot_time).into_iter().enumerate() { let label_len = if i < 10 { 8 } else if i < 100 { 9 } else { 10 }; let bottom_right = pos_inc( upper_left, (x_offset + bar_width + label_len, i % MAX_CPU_ROWS + 2), ); let (mut x, y) = if i > 0 { write_string_to_grid( &format!("CPU{}", i), grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Bold, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (x_offset, 2 + (i % MAX_CPU_ROWS))), bottom_right, ), None, ) } else { /* add padding */ let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( "Σ", grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Default, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (x_offset, 2 + i % MAX_CPU_ROWS)), bottom_right, ), None, ); write_string_to_grid( "CPU", grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Bold, ((x, y), bottom_right), None, ) }; x += 2; /* Calculate percentages for the cpu usage bar */ let bar_length: usize = ((cpu_stat .busy_time() .saturating_sub(self.cpu_stat[i].busy_time()) as f64 / (cpu_stat .total_time() .saturating_sub(self.cpu_stat[i].total_time())) as f64) * bar_width as f64) as usize; if bar_length >= width!(area) { return x_offset; } /* Sometimes you draw the bar */ let mut _x_offset = 0; while _x_offset < bar_length { write_string_to_grid( "▁", grid, Color::Byte(235), Color::Byte(240), Attr::Default, ((x + _x_offset, y), bottom_right), None, ); _x_offset += 1; } /* and sometimes the bar draws you */ while _x_offset <= bar_width { write_string_to_grid( "▁", grid, Color::Byte(236), Color::Byte(235), Attr::Default, ((x + _x_offset, y), bottom_right), None, ); _x_offset += 1; } self.cpu_stat[i] = cpu_stat; if (i + 1) % MAX_CPU_ROWS == 0 { x_offset += bar_width + label_len; } } self.boot_time = boot_time; if (self.cpu_stat.len()) % MAX_CPU_ROWS == 0 { x_offset } else { x_offset + bar_width + if self.cpu_stat.len() < 10 { 8 } else if self.cpu_stat.len() < 100 { 9 } else { 10 } } } fn draw_ram_bar(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, bars_max: usize) { let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); if bars_max == 0 { /* In first draw, we have no cpu data since there is no previous measurement to use * in the calculation so bars_max will be 0 */ return; } let (available, total) = get_mem_info(); /* available_length == the length the spaces takes up in this case: * |******** | 50% */ let available_length = ((available as f64 / total as f64) * (bars_max * 8) as f64) as usize; /* mem_bar length == the length the asterisks takes up in this case: * |******** | 50% */ let mem_bar_length = bars_max * 8 - available_length; let mem_display = format!( "RAM {}/{}", Bytes((total - available) * 1024).as_convenient_string(), Bytes(total * 1024).as_convenient_string() ); /* Put the "RAM XGB/YGB" in the middle of the RAM bar */ let mem_display_padding = bars_max.saturating_sub(mem_display.len()) / 2; let y_offset = 2 + MAX_CPU_ROWS; for x in 2..=(mem_bar_length / 8 + 2) { write_string_to_grid( "█", grid, Color::Byte(240), Color::Default, Attr::Default, (pos_inc(upper_left, (x, y_offset)), bottom_right), None, ); } let x = mem_bar_length / 8 + 3; write_string_to_grid( if mem_bar_length % 8 == 7 { "▉" } else if mem_bar_length % 8 == 6 { "▊" } else if mem_bar_length % 8 == 5 { "▋" } else if mem_bar_length % 8 == 4 { "▌" } else if mem_bar_length % 8 == 3 { "▍" } else if mem_bar_length % 8 == 2 { "▎" } else if mem_bar_length % 8 == 1 { "▏" } else { " " }, grid, Color::Byte(240), Color::Default, Attr::Default, (pos_inc(upper_left, (x, y_offset)), bottom_right), None, ); for x in x..(bars_max + 2) { write_string_to_grid( " ", grid, Color::Byte(240), Color::Default, Attr::Default, (pos_inc(upper_left, (x, y_offset)), bottom_right), None, ); } if available_length > 0 { write_string_to_grid( "▕", grid, Color::Byte(240), Color::Default, Attr::Default, (pos_inc(upper_left, (bars_max + 2, y_offset)), bottom_right), None, ); } write_string_to_grid( &mem_display, grid, Color::White, Color::Byte(235), Attr::Default, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (mem_display_padding + 2, y_offset)), bottom_right, ), None, ); } } impl Component for KernelMetrics { fn draw( &mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, area: Area, dirty_areas: &mut VecDeque, tick: bool, ) { if !is_valid_area!(area) { return; } let upper_left = upper_left!(area); let bottom_right = bottom_right!(area); let total_cols = width!(area); dirty_areas.push_back(area); if self.dirty { clear_area(grid, area); let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( &self.hostname, grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Bold, area, None, ); let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( &self.os_type, grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Default, ((x + 2, y), bottom_right), None, ); write_string_to_grid( &self.kernel, grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Default, ((x + 2, y), bottom_right), None, ); self.dirty = false; } /* Draw uptime */ let mut file = File::open("/proc/uptime").unwrap(); self.uptime.clear(); file.read_to_string(&mut self.uptime).unwrap(); let seconds: usize = f64::from_str(self.uptime.split(" ").next().unwrap()).unwrap() as usize; let days = seconds / (60 * 60 * 24); let hours = seconds / 3600 - days * 24; let mins = seconds / 60 - hours * 60 - days * 24 * 60; let seconds = seconds % 60; let uptime = if days > 0 { format!( "uptime: {} days, {:02}:{:02}:{:02}", days, hours, mins, seconds ) } else { format!("uptime: {:02}:{:02}:{:02}", hours, mins, seconds) }; write_string_to_grid( &uptime, grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Default, ( (get_x(bottom_right) - uptime.len(), get_y(upper_left)), bottom_right, ), None, ); if !tick { return; } let old_cpu_stat = self.cpu_stat[0]; /* Draw CPU usage bars */ /* max width of cpu bar area */ let bars_max = (0.6 * total_cols as f32) as usize; let cpu_widget_width = self.draw_cpu_bars( grid, ( pos_inc(upper_left, (2, 0)), pos_inc(upper_left, (bars_max + 1, MAX_CPU_ROWS + 1)), ), ); /* Draw RAM usage bar */ self.draw_ram_bar(grid, area, cpu_widget_width.saturating_sub(2)); /* Various values table */ /* max width of cpu bar area */ let bars_max = (0.6 * total_cols as f32) as usize; /* CPU Times */ let mut cpu_column_width = "CPU".len(); let upper_left = pos_inc(upper_left, (bars_max + 5, 2)); clear_area(grid, (upper_left, bottom_right)); if get_x(upper_left) >= get_x(bottom_right) { return; } write_string_to_grid( "CPU%", grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Bold, (upper_left, bottom_right), None, ); for (i, (tag, s, fg_color, bg_color, attr)) in get_cpu_times(&old_cpu_stat, &self.cpu_stat[0]) .into_iter() .enumerate() { let (x, y) = write_string_to_grid( tag, grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Default, (pos_inc(upper_left, (0, i + 1)), bottom_right), None, ); let padding = 6 - s.len(); clear_area(grid, ((x, y), (x + padding + 1, y))); write_string_to_grid( &s, grid, fg_color, bg_color, attr, ((x + 2 + padding, y), bottom_right), None, ); cpu_column_width = std::cmp::max(tag.len() + s.len() + 4, cpu_column_width); } /* Load average */ let upper_left = pos_inc(upper_left, (cpu_column_width + 3, 0)); if get_x(upper_left) >= get_x(bottom_right) { return; } write_string_to_grid( "LOAD_AVG", grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Bold, (upper_left, bottom_right), None, ); let loadavgs = get_loadavg(); for (i, avg) in loadavgs.iter().enumerate() { write_string_to_grid( &format!( "{} {}", match i { 0 => " 1", 1 => " 5", _ => "15", }, avg ), grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, Attr::Default, (pos_inc(upper_left, (0, i + 1)), bottom_right), None, ); grid[pos_inc(upper_left, (0, i + 1))].set_attrs(Attr::Bold); grid[pos_inc(upper_left, (1, i + 1))].set_attrs(Attr::Bold); grid[pos_inc(upper_left, (0, i + 1))].set_fg(Color::Byte(8)); grid[pos_inc(upper_left, (1, i + 1))].set_fg(Color::Byte(8)); } } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &mut UIEvent, _ui_mode: &mut UIMode) { match event { UIEvent::Resize => { self.dirty = true; } _ => {} } } fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { true } fn set_dirty(&mut self) { self.dirty = true; } } fn get_mem_info() -> (usize, usize) { let mut file = File::open("/proc/meminfo").unwrap(); let mut res = String::with_capacity(2048); file.read_to_string(&mut res).unwrap(); let mut mem_total = 0; let mut mem_available = 0; let mut counter = 0; for line in res.lines() { if line.starts_with("MemTotal") { mem_total = usize::from_str(line.split_whitespace().skip(1).next().unwrap()).unwrap(); counter += 1; } else if line.starts_with("MemAvailable") { mem_available = usize::from_str(line.split_whitespace().skip(1).next().unwrap()).unwrap(); counter += 1; } if counter == 2 { break; } } (mem_available, mem_total) } fn get_loadavg() -> [String; 3] { let mut file = File::open("/proc/loadavg").unwrap(); let mut res = String::with_capacity(2048); file.read_to_string(&mut res).unwrap(); let mut mut_value_iter = res.split_whitespace(); let avg_1 = mut_value_iter.next().unwrap().to_string(); let avg_5 = mut_value_iter.next().unwrap().to_string(); let avg_15 = mut_value_iter.next().unwrap().to_string(); [avg_1, avg_5, avg_15] } fn get_cpu_times( old_cpu_stat: &Stat, cpu_stat: &Stat, ) -> Vec<(&'static str, String, Color, Color, Attr)> { let mut ret = Vec::new(); macro_rules! val { ($tag:literal, $field:tt) => { let percent = (cpu_stat.$field.saturating_sub(old_cpu_stat.$field)) as f64 / (cpu_stat .total_time() .saturating_sub(old_cpu_stat.total_time())) as f64; let s = format!("{:.1}%", percent * 100.0); ret.push(( $tag, s, if percent < 0.15 { Color::Default } else { Color::White }, if percent < 0.15 { Color::Default } else if percent < 0.50 { Color::Byte(70) } else if $tag != "idle " { Color::Red } else { Color::Default }, if percent < 0.15 { Attr::Default } else if percent < 0.50 { Attr::Bold } else if $tag != "idle " { Attr::Bold } else { Attr::Default }, )); }; }; /* user % */ val!("user ", user_time); /* system % */ val!("system ", system_time); /* nice % */ val!("nice ", nice_time); /* idle % */ val!("idle ", idle_time); /* iowait % */ val!("iowait ", iowait_time); ret }