AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-20Relax syntax mapping rule restrictions to allow brace expansioncyqsimon
2024-02-12Merge branch 'master' into 2783-setting-terminal-titleOliver Looney
2024-02-12Merge pull request #2856 from eth-p/fix-2185David Peter
2024-02-12Merge branch 'master' into fix-2185David Peter
2024-02-12Merge pull request #2854 from eth-p/fix-line-number-wrap-off-by-oneDavid Peter
2024-02-11Skip syntax parsing when color output disabledEthan P.
2024-02-11Split syntax highlighting from print_line into fnEthan P.
2024-02-11Test for correct categorization of SGR sequencesEthan P.
2024-02-11Fix incorrect categorization of SGR sequencesEthan P.
2024-02-11Fix off-by-one error in line number continuationEthan P.
2024-02-11Merge branch 'master' into 2783-setting-terminal-titleOliver Looney
2024-02-11simplified basic_set_terminal_titleOliver looney
2024-02-11Mention which style components are the defaulteinfachIrgendwer0815
2024-02-11Added JSONC and aws credentials to the syntax mappingsmxaddict
2024-02-09Merge pull request #2544 from eth-p/fix-2541Ethan P
2024-02-09Update changelog for fix of ANSI OSC sequencesEthan P
2024-02-09Remove hyperlink when wrapping linesEthan P
2024-02-09Re-emit hyperlinks when wrapping linesEthan P
2024-02-09Replace AnsiCodeIterator in printer.rsEthan P
2024-02-09Add EscapeSequenceIteratorEthan P
2024-02-09Add tests for re-emitting SGR sequences on wrapEthan P
2024-02-09Add regression test for #2541Ethan P
2024-02-09Strip OSC sequences before printingEthan P
2024-02-09Add EscapeSequenceOffsetsIteratorEthan P
2024-02-09Update git2 dependencyEthan P
2024-02-09Merge pull request #2815 from dtolnay-contrib/deriveDavid Peter
2024-02-08Eliminate dependency on serde's "derive" featureDavid Tolnay
2024-02-08undid unnecessary api visibility changesOliver looney
2024-02-08Using hypens instead of underscores for set-terminal-title commandOliver looney
2024-02-08Bump assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/cmd-help from `b150d84` to `209559b` (#2841)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-08Merge pull request #2849 from eth-p/readme-less-options-explainedDavid Peter
2024-02-07Clarify when/how default args are added to lessEthan P.
2024-02-01Bump clircle from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#2845)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-01Bump toml from 0.8.6 to 0.8.9 (#2844)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-01Bump indexmap from 2.1.0 to 2.2.2 (#2847)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-01Bump semver from 1.0.20 to 1.0.21 (#2843)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-01Bump assets/themes/zenburn from `e627f1c` to `86d4ee7` (#2842)dependabot[bot]
2024-01-31Update CHANGELOG.mdAndy Kipp
2024-01-31Create xonsh.tomlAndy Kipp
2024-01-30updated integration_tests.rsOliver looney
2024-01-29added set_terminal_title arg to to fix ci errorsOliver looney
2024-01-27removed set_terminal_title arg from since other boolean args aren...Oliver looney
2024-01-27cargo fmtOliver looney
2024-01-27fixed system wide config tests failingOliver looney
2024-01-27ran cargo fmtOliver looney
2024-01-27added integration test for setting terminal titleOliver looney
2024-01-27fixed failing testsOliver looney
2024-01-27terminal title is only set if user opts in with --set_terminal_title flagOliver looney
2024-01-27added a flag to config for setting terminal titleOliver looney
2024-01-21Merge pull request #2835 from FilipRazek/fix-long-file-namesDavid Peter