AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-19Bump regex from 1.9.4 to 1.10.2 (#2740)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-19Bump semver from 1.0.17 to 1.0.20 (#2739)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-19Revert "Temporarily change dependabot to daily"Martin Nordholts Adapt to new auto-merge workflowMartin Nordholts
2023-10-18Bump nix from 0.26.2 to 0.26.4 (#2736)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-18Bump serde from 1.0.163 to 1.0.189 (#2735)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-18Bump wild from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (#2734)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-18Bump run_script from 0.10.0 to 0.10.1 (#2737)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-18Bump walkdir from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 (#2733)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump ansi_colours from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 (#2729)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump thiserror from 1.0.40 to 1.0.49 (#2730)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump flate2 from 1.0.27 to 1.0.28 (#2727)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump regex from 1.8.3 to 1.9.4 (#2726)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#2719)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump unicode-width from 0.1.10 to 0.1.11 (#2716)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump predicates from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 (#2717)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump os_str_bytes from 6.4.1 to 6.6.1 (#2720)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump plist from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 (#2718)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Bump git2 from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 (#2715)dependabot[bot]
2023-10-17Temporarily change dependabot to dailyMartin Nordholts
2023-10-17Setup auto-merge of dependabot PRs that pass CIMartin Nordholts
2023-10-13Add test for what jobs 'all-jobs' referencesMartin Nordholts Add new unreleased sectionMartin Nordholts
2023-10-11Bump version to v0.24.0v0.24.0Martin Nordholts
2023-10-10Update for v0.24.0Martin Nordholts
2023-10-10Update the ssh-config submodule (#2697)Mészáros Máté Róbert
2023-10-06New warp text/subtextDavid Peter
2023-10-06Replace warp logoDavid Peter
2023-10-05Replace our own macros to write buffers with standard macrosrhysd
2023-10-05fix: rewrite overflow test using `usize::MAX`skoriop
2023-10-05docs: update ``skoriop
2023-10-05test: add test for overflow in `LineRange::from`skoriop
2023-10-05fix: integer overflow in `LineRange::parse_range`skoriop
2023-10-04Updated version of `serde_yaml` to 0.9Raghav-Bell
2023-10-04Associate `*.sarif` files with `json` syntax (#2695)Linda_pp
2023-10-04Bump once_cell from 1.17.0 to 1.18.0dependabot[bot]
2023-10-04Bump clap from 4.4.2 to 4.4.6dependabot[bot]
2023-10-04Bump encoding_rs from 0.8.32 to 0.8.33dependabot[bot]
2023-10-04Fix syntax tests failure on macOS during the daytimerhysd
2023-10-04Explain how to convert `.tmLanguage.json` and `.tmLanguage.yml` files in doc/...rhysd
2023-10-04Add support for WGSLrhysd
2023-10-04Bump flate2 from 1.0.26 to 1.0.27dependabot[bot]
2023-10-04Bump bytesize from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0dependabot[bot]
2023-10-04Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4dependabot[bot]
2023-10-03Add Warp as a sponsorDavid Peter
2023-09-30Prefer shorter winget installConnor Sullivan
2023-09-30[docs] Remove duplicate wingetConnor Sullivan
2023-09-29Fix a double-`close` in the `no_args_doesnt_break` test.Dan Gohman
2023-09-14Case insensitive `--map-syntax` (#2650)Nicolas AMBRY
2023-09-14Make -pp override --paging and vice versa when passed as a later argument. (#...J-Kappes