path: root/tests/syntax-tests/source/reStructuredText/reference.rst
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1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/syntax-tests/source/reStructuredText/reference.rst b/tests/syntax-tests/source/reStructuredText/reference.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e07f54c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax-tests/source/reStructuredText/reference.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+Titles are underlined (or over-
+and underlined) with a printing
+nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII
+character. Recommended choices
+are "``= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >``".
+The underline/overline must be at
+least as long as the title text.
+A lone top-level (sub)section
+is lifted up to be the document's
+Inline syntaxes
+**strong emphasis**
+`interpreted text`
+``inline literal``
+Bullet lists
+- This is item 1
+- This is item 2
+- Bullets are "-", "*" or "+".
+ Continuing text must be aligned
+ after the bullet and whitespace.
+Note that a blank line is required
+before the first item and after the
+last, but is optional between items.
+Enumerated lists
+3. This is the first item
+4. This is the second item
+5. Enumerators are arabic numbers,
+ single letters, or roman numerals
+6. List items should be sequentially
+ numbered, but need not start at 1
+ (although not all formatters will
+ honour the first index).
+#. This item is auto-enumerated
+Definition lists
+ Definition lists associate a term with
+ a definition.
+ The term is a one-line phrase, and the
+ definition is one or more paragraphs or
+ body elements, indented relative to the
+ term. Blank lines are not allowed
+ between term and definition.
+Field lists
+ Tony J. (Tibs) Ibbs,
+ David Goodger
+ (and sundry other good-natured folks)
+:Version: 1.0 of 2001/08/08
+:Dedication: To my father.
+Options lists
+-a command-line option "a"
+-b file options can have arguments
+ and long descriptions
+--long options can be long also
+--input=file long options can also have
+ arguments
+/V DOS/VMS-style options too
+Literal Blocks
+A paragraph containing only two colons
+indicates that the following indented
+or quoted text is a literal block.
+ Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and
+ all kinds of markup (like *this* or
+ \this) is preserved by literal blocks.
+ The paragraph containing only '::'
+ will be omitted from the result.
+The ``::`` may be tacked onto the very
+end of any paragraph. The ``::`` will be
+omitted if it is preceded by whitespace.
+The ``::`` will be converted to a single
+colon if preceded by text, like this::
+ It's very convenient to use this form.
+Literal blocks end when text returns to
+the preceding paragraph's indentation.
+This means that something like this
+is possible::
+ We start here
+ and continue here
+ and end here.
+Per-line quoting can also be used on
+unindented literal blocks::
+> Useful for quotes from email and
+> for Haskell literate programming.
+Line blocks
+A paragraph containing only two colons
+indicates that the following indented
+or quoted text is a literal block.
+ Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and
+ all kinds of markup (like *this* or
+ \this) is preserved by literal blocks.
+ The paragraph containing only '::'
+ will be omitted from the result.
+The ``::`` may be tacked onto the very
+end of any paragraph. The ``::`` will be
+omitted if it is preceded by whitespace.
+The ``::`` will be converted to a single
+colon if preceded by text, like this::
+ It's very convenient to use this form.
+Literal blocks end when text returns to
+the preceding paragraph's indentation.
+This means that something like this
+is possible::
+ We start here
+ and continue here
+ and end here.
+Per-line quoting can also be used on
+unindented literal blocks::
+> Useful for quotes from email and
+> for Haskell literate programming.
+Block quotes
+Block quotes are just:
+ Indented paragraphs,
+ and they may nest.
+Doctest blocks
+Doctest blocks are interactive
+Python sessions. They begin with
+"``>>>``" and end with a blank line.
+>>> print "This is a doctest block."
+This is a doctest block.
+Grid table:
+| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
+| body row 1 | column 2 | column 3 |
+| body row 2 | Cells may span columns.|
+| body row 3 | Cells may | - Cells |
++------------+ span rows. | - contain |
+| body row 4 | | - blocks. |
+Simple table:
+===== ===== ======
+ Inputs Output
+------------ ------
+ A B A or B
+===== ===== ======
+False False False
+True False True
+False True True
+True True True
+===== ===== ======
+A transition marker is a horizontal line
+of 4 or more repeated punctuation
+A transition should not begin or end a
+section or document, nor should two
+transitions be immediately adjacent.
+Footnote references, like [5]_.
+Note that footnotes may get
+rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of
+the "page".
+.. [5] A numerical footnote. Note there's no colon after the ``]``.
+Autonumbered footnotes are
+possible, like using [#]_ and [#]_.
+.. [#] This is the first one.
+.. [#] This is the second one.
+They may be assigned 'autonumber
+labels' - for instance,
+[#fourth]_ and [#third]_.
+.. [#third] a.k.a. third_
+.. [#fourth] a.k.a. fourth_
+Auto-symbol footnotes are also
+possible, like this: [*]_ and [*]_.
+.. [*] This is the first one.
+.. [*] This is the second one.
+Citation references, like [CIT2002]_.
+Note that citations may get
+rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of
+the "page".
+.. [CIT2002] A citation (as often used in journals).
+Citation labels contain alphanumerics,
+underlines, hyphens and fullstops.
+Case is not significant.
+Given a citation like [this]_, one
+can also refer to it like this_.
+.. [this] here.
+Hyperlink Targets
+External hyperlinks, like Python_.
+.. _Python:
+External hyperlinks, like `Python
+Internal crossreferences, like example_.
+.. _example:
+This is an example crossreference target.
+Python_ is `my favourite
+programming language`__.
+.. _Python:
+__ Python_
+Titles are targets, too
+Implict references, like `Titles are
+targets, too`_.
+For instance:
+.. image:: images/ball1.gif
+The |biohazard| symbol must be used on containers used to dispose of medical waste.
+.. |biohazard| image:: biohazard.png
+.. This text will not be shown
+ (but, for instance, in HTML might be
+ rendered as an HTML comment)
+An "empty comment" does not
+consume following blocks.
+(An empty comment is ".." with
+blank lines before and after.)
+ So this block is not "lost",
+ despite its indentation. \ No newline at end of file