path: root/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/log.sublime-syntax
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/log.sublime-syntax')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/log.sublime-syntax b/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/log.sublime-syntax
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c699d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/log.sublime-syntax
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+%YAML 1.2
+# See
+ - log
+scope: text.log
+ ipv4_part: (?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)
+ main:
+ - match: (\w+)(=)
+ captures:
+ 1: variable.parameter.log
+ 2: keyword.operator.assignment.log
+ - match: (')([^']*)(')
+ scope: string.quoted.single.log
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.log
+ 3: punctuation.definition.string.end.log
+ - match: (")([^"]*)(")
+ scope: string.quoted.double.log
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.log
+ 3: punctuation.definition.string.end.log
+ - include: dates
+ - include: ip_addresses
+ - include: numbers
+ - match: \b(?i:fail(?:ure|ed)?|error|exception)\b
+ scope: markup.error.log
+ - match: \b(?i:warn(?:ing)?)\b
+ scope: markup.warning.log
+ #- include: scope:text.html.markdown#autolink-inet
+ - match: \b\w+:/{2,3}
+ scope:
+ push: url-host
+ dates:
+ - match: \b\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\b
+ scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.log constant.numeric.value.log
+ - match: \b\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}\b
+ scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.log constant.numeric.value.log
+ - match: \b(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):(?:[0-5]\d):(?:[0-5]\d)(?:(\.)\d{3})?\b
+ scope: meta.time.log meta.number.integer.decimal.log constant.numeric.value.log
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.separator.decimal.log
+ ip_addresses:
+ - match: \b(?=(?:{{ipv4_part}}\.){3}{{ipv4_part}}\b)
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: meta.ipaddress.v4.log meta.number.integer.decimal.log
+ - match: \d+
+ scope: constant.numeric.value.log
+ - match: \.
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.log
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ - match: (?=(?:\h{0,4}:){2,6}\h{1,4}\b)
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: meta.ipaddress.v6.log meta.number.integer.hexadecimal.log
+ - match: \h{1,4}
+ scope: constant.numeric.value.log
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.log
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ numbers:
+ - match: \b(0x)(\h+)(?:(\.)(\h+))?\b
+ scope: meta.number.float.hexadecimal.log
+ captures:
+ 1: constant.numeric.base.log
+ 2: constant.numeric.value.log
+ 3: constant.numeric.value.log punctuation.separator.decimal.log
+ 4: constant.numeric.value.log
+ - match: \b\d+(\.)\d+\b
+ scope: meta.number.float.log constant.numeric.value.log
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.separator.decimal.log
+ - match: \b\d+\b
+ scope: meta.number.integer.log constant.numeric.value.log
+ url-host:
+ - meta_content_scope:
+ - match: \[
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.log
+ push:
+ - match: \]
+ scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.log
+ pop: true
+ - include: ip_addresses
+ - match: '[^:/\s]+'
+ - match: ''
+ set: url-after-host
+ url-after-host:
+ - match: (:)(\d+)
+ scope:
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.separator.mapping.port.log
+ 2: constant.numeric.value.log
+ #- include: scope:text.html.markdown#url-escaped-chars
+ - match: (%)\h{2}
+ scope: constant.character.escape.url.log
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.escape.log
+ # After a valid domain, zero or more non-space non-< characters may follow
+ - match: (?=[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<]) # Trailing punctuation (specifically, ?, !, ., ,, :, *, _, and ~) will not be considered part of the autolink, though they may be included in the interior of the link
+ pop: true
+ - match: \( # When an autolink ends in ), we scan the entire autolink for the total number of parentheses. If there is a greater number of closing parentheses than opening ones, we don’t consider the last character part of the autolink, in order to facilitate including an autolink inside a parenthesis
+ push:
+ - meta_scope:
+ - match: (?=[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<])
+ pop: true
+ - match: \)
+ pop: true
+ - match: (?=\)[?!.,:*_~]*[\s<])
+ pop: true
+ - match: '[^?!.,:*_~\s<&()%]+|\S'
+ scope:
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true