path: root/assets
diff options
authorsharkdp <>2021-01-09 21:54:51 +0100
committerDavid Peter <>2021-01-09 22:35:50 +0100
commit4c523af1ab4b0fdbb403ae31423bb6cf1dc7f65f (patch)
treeb9a8ad8b153c4646990d2ed5cf7b4a568f1e1ac1 /assets
parentc5c28eb05b89e8dc095da1593b63ea53862800c8 (diff)
Add gnuplot syntax
closes #1431
Diffstat (limited to 'assets')
2 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/gnuplot b/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/gnuplot
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 04743470ff90237ba3fb34ccf77c2d256d61126
diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/gnuplot.sublime-syntax b/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/gnuplot.sublime-syntax
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65ca5621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/gnuplot.sublime-syntax
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+%YAML 1.2
+name: gnuplot
+ - gp
+ - gpl
+ - gnuplot
+ - gnu
+ - plot
+ - plt
+scope: source.gnuplot
+ main:
+ - include: number
+ - include: string_single
+ - include: string_double
+ - match: '\b(for)\b\s*(\[)'
+ comment: |
+ gnuplot iteration statement.
+ There are two forms:
+ numeric [n = 1:2{:inc}]
+ string based [str in "x y z"]
+ but both can also iterate over lists etc, so this is kept loose.
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.other.iteration.gnuplot
+ 2: punctuation.definition.range.begin.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: meta.structure.iteration.gnuplot
+ - match: '\]'
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.range.end.gnuplot
+ pop: true
+ - include: number
+ - include: operator
+ - include: string_double
+ - include: string_single
+ - match: ":"
+ scope: punctuation.separator.range.gnuplot
+ - match: '\b([a-zA-Z]\w*)\b\s*(=|in)'
+ scope: variable-assignment.range.gnuplot
+ - match: '(?i:[^\s(pi|e)\]])'
+ scope: invalid.illegal.expected-range-separator.gnuplot
+ - match: '\['
+ comment: "gnuplot range statement [a:b]. Lots of things are legal, still more make no sense!"
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.range.begin.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: meta.structure.range.gnuplot
+ - match: '\]'
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.range.end.gnuplot
+ pop: true
+ - include: number
+ - include: operator
+ - match: ":"
+ scope: punctuation.separator.range.gnuplot
+ - match: '(?i:[^\s(pi|e)\]])'
+ scope: invalid.illegal.expected-range-separator.gnuplot
+ - match: \\.
+ scope: constant.character.escape.gnuplot
+ - match: '(?<!\$)(#)(?!\{).*$\n?'
+ scope: comment.line.number-sign.gnuplot
+ captures:
+ 1: punctuation.definition.comment.gnuplot
+ - match: for
+ comment: introduce in gnuplot 4.3.
+ scope: keyword.other.iteration.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(angles|arrow|autoscale|bars|border|boxwidth|clabel|clip|cntrparam|colorbox|contour|decimalsign|dgrid3d|dummy|encoding|fit|format|grid|hidden3d|historysize|isosamples|key|label|locale|logscale|macros|bmargin|lmargin|rmargin|tmargin|mapping|mouse|multiplot|offsets|origin|output|palette|parametric|pm3d|pointsize|polar|print|rrange|trange|urange|vrange|samples|size|style|surface|tics|ticscale|ticslevel|timestamp|timefmt|title|view|xyplane|x2data|xdata|y2data|ydata|z2data|zdata|x2label|xlabel|y2label|ylabel|z2label|zlabel|x2range|xrange|y2range|yrange|z2range|zrange|mx2tics|mxtics|my2tics|mytics|mz2tics|mztics|nomx2tics|nomxtics|nomy2tics|nomytics|nomz2tics|nomztics|nox2tics|noxtics|noy2tics|noytics|noz2tics|noztics|x2tics|xtics|y2tics|ytics|z2tics|ztics|x2dtics|x2mtics|xdtics|xmtics|y2dtics|y2mtics|ydtics|ymtics|z2dtics|z2mtics|zdtics|zmtics|x2zeroaxis|xzeroaxis|y2zeroaxis|yzeroaxis|z2zeroaxis|zeroaxis|zzeroaxis|zero|)\b
+ scope: keyword.other.setting.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(cd|call|clear|exit|plot|splot|help|load|pause|quit|fit|replot|if|FIT_LIMIT|FIT_MAXITER|FIT_START_LAMBDA|FIT_LAMBDA_FACTOR|FIT_LOG|FIT_SCRIPT|print|pwd|reread|reset|save|show|test|!|functions|var)\b
+ comment: missuse of scopes alert! Just for pretty colours
+ scope: keyword.other.command.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(abs|acos|acosh|arg|asin|asinh|atan|atan2|atanh|besj0|besj1|besy0|besy1|ceil|cos|cosh|erf|erfc|exp|floor|gamma|ibeta|igamma|imag|int|inverf|invnorm|lambertw|lgamma|log|log10|norm|rand|real|sgn|sin|sinh|sqrt|tan|tanh)\b
+ scope: support.function.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(gprintf|sprintf|strlen|strstrt|substr|system|word|words)\b
+ scope: support.function.string.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(on|off|default|inside|outside|lmargin|rmargin|tmargin|bmargin|at|left|right|center|top|bottom|center|vertical|horizontal|Left|Right|noreverse|noinvert|samplen|spacing|width|height|noautotitle|columnheader|title|noenhanced|nobox|linestyle|ls|linetype|lt|linewidth|lw)\b
+ scope: constant.other.type.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(aed512|aed767|aifm|aqua|bitgraph|cgm|corel|dumb|dxf|eepic|emf|emtex|epslatex|epson_180dpi|epson_60dpi|epson_lx800|fig|gif|gpic|hp2623A|hp2648|hp500c|hpdj|hpgl|hpljii|hppj|imagen|jpeg|kc_tek40xx|km_tek40xx|latex|mf|mif|mp|nec_cp6|okidata|pbm|pcl5|pdf|png|postscript|pslatex|pstex|pstricks|qms|regis|selanar|starc|svg|tandy_60dpi|tek40xx|tek410x|texdraw|tgif|tkcanvas|tpic|unknown|vttek)\b
+ scope: constant.other.terminal.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(u(sing)?|t(it(le)?)?|notit(le)?|w(i(th)?)?|steps|fs(teps)?|notitle|l(i(nes)?)?|linespoints|via)\b
+ scope: keyword.modifier.gnuplot
+ - match: |-
+ (?x:
+ \b # Start with a word boundary
+ (?=\b[\w$]*(\(|.*=)) # Look-ahead for a bracket or equals
+ (?![^(]*\)) # negative look ahead for a closing bracket without an opening one. This stops a from matching in f(a)
+ ( # Group variable name
+ [A-Za-z] # A letter
+ [\w$]* # Any word chars or $
+ ) # That is it for the name.
+ )
+ comment: user defined function / variable
+ scope: variable.other.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(if)\b
+ scope: keyword.control.gnuplot
+ - match: \b(show)\b
+ captures:
+ 0: keyword.other.command.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope:
+ - meta_content_scope:
+ - match: (?!\#)($\n?)
+ pop: true
+ - include: main
+ - match: \b(set)\b\s*\b(terminal|term)\b
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.other.command.gnuplot
+ 2: keyword.other.setting.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: keyword.line.set.terminal.gnuplot
+ - match: (?!\#)($\n?)
+ pop: true
+ - include: main
+ - match: \b(set)\b\s*\b(key)\b
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.other.command.gnuplot
+ 2: keyword.other.setting.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: keyword.line.set.key.gnuplot
+ - match: (?!\#)($\n?)
+ pop: true
+ - include: main
+ - match: \b(set|unset)\b\s*(?!\b(terminal|key|for)\b)
+ captures:
+ 1: keyword.other.command.gnuplot
+ 2: keyword.other.setting.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: keyword.line.set.gnuplot
+ - meta_content_scope: keyword.line.set.gnuplot
+ - match: (?!\#)($\n?)
+ pop: true
+ - include: main
+ number:
+ - match: |-
+ (?x: # turn on extended mode
+ -? # an optional minus
+ (?:
+ 0 # a zero
+ | # ...or...
+ [1-9] # a 1-9 character
+ \d* # followed by zero or more digits
+ )
+ (?:
+ \. # a period
+ \d+ # followed by one or more digits
+ (?:
+ [eE] # an e character
+ [+-]? # followed by an option +/-
+ \d+ # followed by one or more digits
+ )? # make exponent optional
+ )? # make decimal portion optional
+ )
+ comment: borrowed from textmate book
+ scope: constant.numeric.gnuplot
+ operator:
+ - match: \s*(==|~=|>|>=|<|<=|&|&&|:|\||\|\||\+|-|\*|\.\*|/|\./|\\|\.\\|\^|\.\^)\s*
+ comment: Operator symbols
+ scope: keyword.operator.symbols.matlab
+ string_double:
+ - match: '"'
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.gnuplot
+ - match: '"'
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.gnuplot
+ pop: true
+ - match: '\\[\$`"\\\n]'
+ scope: constant.character.escape.gnuplot
+ string_single:
+ - match: "'"
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.gnuplot
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.gnuplot
+ - match: "'"
+ captures:
+ 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.gnuplot
+ pop: true