diff options
authorMohamed Abdelnour <>2021-05-29 02:21:24 +0200
committerDavid Peter <>2021-06-01 22:36:56 +0200
commitc9627040ccc74919af59a7602decf7797ef01085 (patch)
parentb1f69434f9bbf02641ca68cba28f10a1c126dd72 (diff)
Add CoffeeScript syntax test file
3 files changed, 808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/CoffeeScript/ b/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/CoffeeScript/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..731ce911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/CoffeeScript/
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# CoffeeScript can be used both on the server, as a command-line compiler based
+# on Node.js/V8, or to run CoffeeScript directly in the browser. This module
+# contains the main entry functions for tokenizing, parsing, and compiling
+# source CoffeeScript into JavaScript.
+{Lexer} = require './lexer'
+{parser} = require './parser'
+helpers = require './helpers'
+SourceMap = require './sourcemap'
+# Require `package.json`, which is two levels above this file, as this file is
+# evaluated from `lib/coffeescript`.
+packageJson = require '../../package.json'
+# The current CoffeeScript version number.
+exports.VERSION = packageJson.version
+exports.FILE_EXTENSIONS = FILE_EXTENSIONS = ['.coffee', '.litcoffee', '']
+# Expose helpers for testing.
+exports.helpers = helpers
+# Function that allows for btoa in both nodejs and the browser.
+base64encode = (src) -> switch
+ when typeof Buffer is 'function'
+ Buffer.from(src).toString('base64')
+ when typeof btoa is 'function'
+ # The contents of a `<script>` block are encoded via UTF-16, so if any extended
+ # characters are used in the block, btoa will fail as it maxes out at UTF-8.
+ # See
+ # for the gory details, and for the solution implemented here.
+ btoa encodeURIComponent(src).replace /%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) ->
+ String.fromCharCode '0x' + p1
+ else
+ throw new Error('Unable to base64 encode inline sourcemap.')
+# Function wrapper to add source file information to SyntaxErrors thrown by the
+# lexer/parser/compiler.
+withPrettyErrors = (fn) ->
+ (code, options = {}) ->
+ try
+ @, code, options
+ catch err
+ throw err if typeof code isnt 'string' # Support `CoffeeScript.nodes(tokens)`.
+ throw helpers.updateSyntaxError err, code, options.filename
+# For each compiled file, save its source in memory in case we need to
+# recompile it later. We might need to recompile if the first compilation
+# didn’t create a source map (faster) but something went wrong and we need
+# a stack trace. Assuming that most of the time, code isn’t throwing
+# exceptions, it’s probably more efficient to compile twice only when we
+# need a stack trace, rather than always generating a source map even when
+# it’s not likely to be used. Save in form of `filename`: [`(source)`]
+sources = {}
+# Also save source maps if generated, in form of `(source)`: [`(source map)`].
+sourceMaps = {}
+# This is exported to enable an external module to implement caching of
+# compilation results. When the compiled js source is loaded from cache, the
+# original coffee code should be added with this method in order to enable the
+# Error.prepareStackTrace below to correctly adjust the stack trace for the
+# corresponding file (the source map will be generated on demand).
+exports.registerCompiled = registerCompiled = (filename, source, sourcemap) ->
+ sources[filename] ?= []
+ sources[filename].push source
+ if sourcemap?
+ sourceMaps[filename] ?= []
+ sourceMaps[filename].push sourcemap
+# Compile CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler.
+# If `options.sourceMap` is specified, then `options.filename` must also be
+# specified. All options that can be passed to `SourceMap#generate` may also
+# be passed here.
+# This returns a javascript string, unless `options.sourceMap` is passed,
+# in which case this returns a `{js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}`
+# object, where sourceMap is a object, handy for
+# doing programmatic lookups.
+exports.compile = compile = withPrettyErrors (code, options = {}) ->
+ # Clone `options`, to avoid mutating the `options` object passed in.
+ options = Object.assign {}, options
+ # Always generate a source map if no filename is passed in, since without a
+ # a filename we have no way to retrieve this source later in the event that
+ # we need to recompile it to get a source map for `prepareStackTrace`.
+ generateSourceMap = options.sourceMap or options.inlineMap or not options.filename?
+ filename = options.filename or '<anonymous>'
+ checkShebangLine filename, code
+ map = new SourceMap if generateSourceMap
+ tokens = lexer.tokenize code, options
+ # Pass a list of referenced variables, so that generated variables won’t get
+ # the same name.
+ options.referencedVars = (
+ token[1] for token in tokens when token[0] is 'IDENTIFIER'
+ )
+ # Check for import or export; if found, force bare mode.
+ unless options.bare? and options.bare is yes
+ for token in tokens
+ if token[0] in ['IMPORT', 'EXPORT']
+ options.bare = yes
+ break
+ nodes = parser.parse tokens
+ # If all that was requested was a POJO representation of the nodes, e.g.
+ # the abstract syntax tree (AST), we can stop now and just return that
+ # (after fixing the location data for the root/`File`»`Program` node,
+ # which might’ve gotten misaligned from the original source due to the
+ # `clean` function in the lexer).
+ if options.ast
+ nodes.allCommentTokens = helpers.extractAllCommentTokens tokens
+ sourceCodeNumberOfLines = (code.match(/\r?\n/g) or '').length + 1
+ sourceCodeLastLine = /.*$/.exec(code)[0] # `.*` matches all but line break characters.
+ ast = nodes.ast options
+ range = [0, code.length]
+ ast.start = ast.program.start = range[0]
+ ast.end = ast.program.end = range[1]
+ ast.range = ast.program.range = range
+ ast.loc.start = ast.program.loc.start = {line: 1, column: 0}
+ ast.loc.end.line = ast.program.loc.end.line = sourceCodeNumberOfLines
+ ast.loc.end.column = ast.program.loc.end.column = sourceCodeLastLine.length
+ ast.tokens = tokens
+ return ast
+ fragments = nodes.compileToFragments options
+ currentLine = 0
+ currentLine += 1 if options.header
+ currentLine += 1 if options.shiftLine
+ currentColumn = 0
+ js = ""
+ for fragment in fragments
+ # Update the sourcemap with data from each fragment.
+ if generateSourceMap
+ # Do not include empty, whitespace, or semicolon-only fragments.
+ if fragment.locationData and not /^[;\s]*$/.test fragment.code
+ map.add(
+ [fragment.locationData.first_line, fragment.locationData.first_column]
+ [currentLine, currentColumn]
+ {noReplace: true})
+ newLines = helpers.count fragment.code, "\n"
+ currentLine += newLines
+ if newLines
+ currentColumn = fragment.code.length - (fragment.code.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1)
+ else
+ currentColumn += fragment.code.length
+ # Copy the code from each fragment into the final JavaScript.
+ js += fragment.code
+ if options.header
+ header = "Generated by CoffeeScript #{@VERSION}"
+ js = "// #{header}\n#{js}"
+ if generateSourceMap
+ v3SourceMap = map.generate options, code
+ if options.transpile
+ if typeof options.transpile isnt 'object'
+ # This only happens if run via the Node API and `transpile` is set to
+ # something other than an object.
+ throw new Error 'The transpile option must be given an object with options to pass to Babel'
+ # Get the reference to Babel that we have been passed if this compiler
+ # is run via the CLI or Node API.
+ transpiler = options.transpile.transpile
+ delete options.transpile.transpile
+ transpilerOptions = Object.assign {}, options.transpile
+ # See
+ # Babel can take a v3 source map object as input in `inputSourceMap`
+ # and it will return an *updated* v3 source map object in its output.
+ if v3SourceMap and not transpilerOptions.inputSourceMap?
+ transpilerOptions.inputSourceMap = v3SourceMap
+ transpilerOutput = transpiler js, transpilerOptions
+ js = transpilerOutput.code
+ if v3SourceMap and
+ v3SourceMap =
+ if options.inlineMap
+ encoded = base64encode JSON.stringify v3SourceMap
+ sourceMapDataURI = "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,#{encoded}"
+ sourceURL = "//# sourceURL=#{options.filename ? 'coffeescript'}"
+ js = "#{js}\n#{sourceMapDataURI}\n#{sourceURL}"
+ registerCompiled filename, code, map
+ if options.sourceMap
+ {
+ js
+ sourceMap: map
+ v3SourceMap: JSON.stringify v3SourceMap, null, 2
+ }
+ else
+ js
+# Tokenize a string of CoffeeScript code, and return the array of tokens.
+exports.tokens = withPrettyErrors (code, options) ->
+ lexer.tokenize code, options
+# Parse a string of CoffeeScript code or an array of lexed tokens, and
+# return the AST. You can then compile it by calling `.compile()` on the root,
+# or traverse it by using `.traverseChildren()` with a callback.
+exports.nodes = withPrettyErrors (source, options) ->
+ source = lexer.tokenize source, options if typeof source is 'string'
+ parser.parse source
+# This file used to export these methods; leave stubs that throw warnings
+# instead. These methods have been moved into `` to provide
+# separate entrypoints for Node and non-Node environments, so that static
+# analysis tools don’t choke on Node packages when compiling for a non-Node
+# environment. = exports.eval = exports.register = ->
+ throw new Error 'require, not this file'
+# Instantiate a Lexer for our use here.
+lexer = new Lexer
+# The real Lexer produces a generic stream of tokens. This object provides a
+# thin wrapper around it, compatible with the Jison API. We can then pass it
+# directly as a “Jison lexer.”
+parser.lexer =
+ yylloc:
+ range: []
+ options:
+ ranges: yes
+ lex: ->
+ token = parser.tokens[@pos++]
+ if token
+ [tag, @yytext, @yylloc] = token
+ parser.errorToken = token.origin or token
+ @yylineno = @yylloc.first_line
+ else
+ tag = ''
+ tag
+ setInput: (tokens) ->
+ parser.tokens = tokens
+ @pos = 0
+ upcomingInput: -> ''
+# Make all the AST nodes visible to the parser.
+parser.yy = require './nodes'
+# Override Jison's default error handling function.
+parser.yy.parseError = (message, {token}) ->
+ # Disregard Jison's message, it contains redundant line number information.
+ # Disregard the token, we take its value directly from the lexer in case
+ # the error is caused by a generated token which might refer to its origin.
+ {errorToken, tokens} = parser
+ [errorTag, errorText, errorLoc] = errorToken
+ errorText = switch
+ when errorToken is tokens[tokens.length - 1]
+ 'end of input'
+ when errorTag in ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT']
+ 'indentation'
+ errorTag.replace(/_START$/, '').toLowerCase()
+ else
+ helpers.nameWhitespaceCharacter errorText
+ # The second argument has a `loc` property, which should have the location
+ # data for this token. Unfortunately, Jison seems to send an outdated `loc`
+ # (from the previous token), so we take the location information directly
+ # from the lexer.
+ helpers.throwSyntaxError "unexpected #{errorText}", errorLoc
+# Based on
+# Modified to handle sourceMap
+formatSourcePosition = (frame, getSourceMapping) ->
+ filename = undefined
+ fileLocation = ''
+ if frame.isNative()
+ fileLocation = "native"
+ else
+ if frame.isEval()
+ filename = frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL()
+ fileLocation = "#{frame.getEvalOrigin()}, " unless filename
+ else
+ filename = frame.getFileName()
+ filename or= "<anonymous>"
+ line = frame.getLineNumber()
+ column = frame.getColumnNumber()
+ # Check for a sourceMap position
+ source = getSourceMapping filename, line, column
+ fileLocation =
+ if source
+ "#{filename}:#{source[0]}:#{source[1]}"
+ else
+ "#{filename}:#{line}:#{column}"
+ functionName = frame.getFunctionName()
+ isConstructor = frame.isConstructor()
+ isMethodCall = not (frame.isToplevel() or isConstructor)
+ if isMethodCall
+ methodName = frame.getMethodName()
+ typeName = frame.getTypeName()
+ if functionName
+ tp = as = ''
+ if typeName and functionName.indexOf typeName
+ tp = "#{typeName}."
+ if methodName and functionName.indexOf(".#{methodName}") isnt functionName.length - methodName.length - 1
+ as = " [as #{methodName}]"
+ "#{tp}#{functionName}#{as} (#{fileLocation})"
+ else