use std::{ io::{self, ErrorKind, Write}, net::Ipv4Addr, time, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail}; use crossterm::event::{read, Event}; use itertools::Itertools; use log::{debug, warn}; use pnet::datalink::{self, Channel::Ethernet, Config, DataLinkReceiver, NetworkInterface}; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use crate::{network::dns, os::errors::GetInterfaceError, OsInputOutput}; #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] use crate::os::linux::get_open_sockets; #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "freebsd"))] use crate::os::lsof::get_open_sockets; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] use crate::os::windows::get_open_sockets; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ProcessInfo { pub name: String, pub pid: u32, } impl ProcessInfo { pub fn new(name: &str, pid: u32) -> Self { Self { name: name.to_string(), pid, } } } pub struct TerminalEvents; impl Iterator for TerminalEvents { type Item = Event; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match read() { Ok(ev) => Some(ev), Err(_) => None, } } } pub(crate) fn get_datalink_channel( interface: &NetworkInterface, ) -> Result, GetInterfaceError> { let config = Config { read_timeout: Some(time::Duration::new(1, 0)), read_buffer_size: 65536, ..Default::default() }; match datalink::channel(interface, config) { Ok(Ethernet(_tx, rx)) => Ok(rx), Ok(_) => Err(GetInterfaceError::OtherError(format!( "{}: Unsupported interface type", ))), Err(e) => match e.kind() { ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => Err(GetInterfaceError::PermissionError(, )), _ => Err(GetInterfaceError::OtherError(format!( "{}: {e}", & ))), }, } } fn get_interface(interface_name: &str) -> Option { datalink::interfaces() .into_iter() .find(|iface| == interface_name) } fn create_write_to_stdout() -> Box { let mut stdout = io::stdout(); Box::new({ move |output: String| { writeln!(stdout, "{}", output).unwrap(); } }) } pub fn get_input( interface_name: Option<&str>, resolve: bool, dns_server: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result { // get the user's requested interface, if any // IDEA: allow requesting multiple interfaces let requested_interfaces = interface_name .map(|name| get_interface(name).ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Cannot find interface {name}"))) .transpose()? .map(|interface| vec![interface]); // take the user's requested interfaces (or all interfaces), and filter for up ones let available_interfaces = requested_interfaces .unwrap_or_else(datalink::interfaces) .into_iter() .filter(|interface| { // see let keep = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { !interface.ips.is_empty() } else { interface.is_up() && !interface.ips.is_empty() }; if !keep { debug!("{} is down. Skipping it.",; } keep }) .collect_vec(); // bail if no interfaces are up if available_interfaces.is_empty() { bail!("Failed to find any network interface to listen on."); } // try to get a frame receiver for each interface let interfaces_with_frames_res = available_interfaces .into_iter() .map(|interface| { let frames_res = get_datalink_channel(&interface); (interface, frames_res) }) .collect_vec(); // warn for all frame receivers we failed to acquire interfaces_with_frames_res .iter() .filter_map(|(interface, frames_res)| frames_res.as_ref().err().map(|err| (interface, err))) .for_each(|(interface, err)| { warn!( "Failed to acquire a frame receiver for {}: {err}", ) }); // bail if all of them fail // note that `Iterator::all` returns `true` for an empty iterator, so it is important to handle // that failure mode separately, which we already have if interfaces_with_frames_res .iter() .all(|(_, frames)| frames.is_err()) { let (permission_err_interfaces, other_errs) = interfaces_with_frames_res.iter().fold( (vec![], vec![]), |(mut perms, mut others), (_, res)| { match res { Ok(_) => (), Err(GetInterfaceError::PermissionError(interface)) => { perms.push(interface.as_str()) } Err(GetInterfaceError::OtherError(err)) => others.push(err.as_str()), } (perms, others) }, ); let err_msg = match (permission_err_interfaces.is_empty(), other_errs.is_empty()) { (false, false) => format!( "\n\n{}: {}\nAdditional errors:\n{}", permission_err_interfaces.join(", "), eperm_message(), other_errs.join("\n") ), (false, true) => format!( "\n\n{}: {}", permission_err_interfaces.join(", "), eperm_message() ), (true, false) => format!("\n\n{}", other_errs.join("\n")), (true, true) => unreachable!("Found no errors in error handling code path."), }; bail!(err_msg); } // filter out interfaces for which we failed to acquire a frame receiver let interfaces_with_frames = interfaces_with_frames_res .into_iter() .filter_map(|(interface, res)| res.ok().map(|frames| (interface, frames))) .collect(); let dns_client = if resolve { let runtime = Runtime::new()?; let resolver = runtime .block_on(dns::Resolver::new(dns_server)) .map_err(|err| { anyhow!("Could not initialize the DNS resolver. Are you offline?\n\nReason: {err}") })?; let dns_client = dns::Client::new(resolver, runtime)?; Some(dns_client) } else { None }; let write_to_stdout = create_write_to_stdout(); Ok(OsInputOutput { interfaces_with_frames, get_open_sockets, terminal_events: Box::new(TerminalEvents), dns_client, write_to_stdout, }) } #[inline] #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "freebsd"))] fn eperm_message() -> &'static str { "Insufficient permissions to listen on network interface(s). Try running with sudo." } #[inline] #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))] fn eperm_message() -> &'static str { r#" Insufficient permissions to listen on network interface(s). You can work around this issue like this: * Try running `bandwhich` with `sudo` * Build a `setcap(8)` wrapper for `bandwhich` with the following rules: `cap_sys_ptrace,cap_dac_read_search,cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+ep` "# } #[inline] #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn eperm_message() -> &'static str { "Insufficient permissions to listen on network interface(s). Try running with administrator rights." }