use crate::network::Protocol; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use regex::Regex; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::net::IpAddr; use std::process::Command; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RawConnection { remote_ip: String, local_ip: String, local_port: String, remote_port: String, protocol: String, pub process_name: String, } lazy_static! { static ref CONNECTION_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\[?([^\s\]]*)\]?:(\d+)->\[?([^\s\]]*)\]?:(\d+)").unwrap(); static ref LISTEN_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\[?([^\s\[\]]*)\]?:(.*)").unwrap(); } fn get_null_addr(ip_type: &str) -> &str { if ip_type.contains('4') { "" } else { "::0" } } impl RawConnection { pub fn new(raw_line: &str) -> Option { // Example row // 664 user 198u IPv4 0xeb179a6650592b8d 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) let columns: Vec<&str> = raw_line.split_ascii_whitespace().collect(); if columns.len() < 9 { return None; } let process_name = columns[0].replace("\\x20", " "); // Unneeded // let pid = columns[1]; // let username = columns[2]; // let fd = columns[3]; // IPv4 or IPv6 let ip_type = columns[4]; // let device = columns[5]; // let size = columns[6]; // UDP/TCP let protocol = columns[7].to_ascii_uppercase(); if protocol != "TCP" && protocol != "UDP" { return None; } let connection_str = columns[8]; // "(LISTEN)" or "(ESTABLISHED)", this column may or may not be present // let connection_state = columns[9]; // If this socket is in a "connected" state if let Some(caps) = CONNECTION_REGEX.captures(connection_str) { // Example //> // *:* // *:4567 let local_ip = String::from(caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str()); let local_port = String::from(caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str()); let remote_ip = String::from(caps.get(3).unwrap().as_str()); let remote_port = String::from(caps.get(4).unwrap().as_str()); let connection = RawConnection { local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port, protocol, process_name, }; Some(connection) } else if let Some(caps) = LISTEN_REGEX.captures(connection_str) { let local_ip = if caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str() == "*" { get_null_addr(ip_type) } else { caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str() }; let local_ip = String::from(local_ip); let local_port = String::from(if caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str() == "*" { "0" } else { caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str() }); let remote_ip = String::from(get_null_addr(ip_type)); let remote_port = String::from("0"); let connection = RawConnection { local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port, protocol, process_name, }; Some(connection) } else { None } } pub fn get_protocol(&self) -> Protocol { Protocol::from_str(&self.protocol).unwrap() } pub fn get_remote_ip(&self) -> IpAddr { self.remote_ip.parse().unwrap() } pub fn get_remote_port(&self) -> u16 { self.remote_port.parse::().unwrap() } pub fn get_local_ip(&self) -> IpAddr { self.local_ip.parse().unwrap() } pub fn get_local_port(&self) -> u16 { self.local_port.parse::().unwrap() } } pub fn get_connections() -> RawConnections { let content = run(&["-n", "-P", "-i4", "-i6", "+c", "0"]); RawConnections::new(content) } fn run(args: I) -> String where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let output = Command::new("lsof") .args(args) .output() .expect("failed to execute process"); String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).into_owned() } pub struct RawConnections { content: Vec, } impl RawConnections { pub fn new(content: String) -> RawConnections { let lines: Vec = content .lines() .flat_map(|string| RawConnection::new(string)) .collect(); RawConnections { content: lines } } } impl Iterator for RawConnections { type Item = RawConnection; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.content.pop() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; const IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT: &str = "ProcessName 29266 user 9u IPv6 0x5d53dfe5445cee01 0t0 UDP [fe80:4::aede:48ff:fe00:1122]:1111->[fe80:4::aede:48ff:fe33:4455]:2222"; const LINE_RAW_OUTPUT: &str = "ProcessName 29266 user 39u IPv4 0x28ffb9c0021196bf 0t0 UDP>"; const FULL_RAW_OUTPUT: &str = r#" 590 etoledom 193u IPv4 0x28ffb9c041115627 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) 590 etoledom 198u IPv4 0x28ffb9c04110ea8f 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) 590 etoledom 203u IPv4 0x28ffb9c04110ea8f 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) 590 etoledom 204u IPv4 0x28ffb9c04111253f 0t0 TCP> "#; #[test] fn test_iterator_multiline() { let iterator = RawConnections::new(String::from(FULL_RAW_OUTPUT)); let connections: Vec = iterator.collect(); assert_eq!(connections.len(), 4); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_is_created_from_raw_output_ipv4() { test_raw_connection_is_created_from_raw_output(LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_is_created_from_raw_output_ipv6() { test_raw_connection_is_created_from_raw_output(IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } fn test_raw_connection_is_created_from_raw_output(raw_output: &str) { let connection = RawConnection::new(raw_output); assert!(connection.is_some()); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_is_not_created_from_wrong_raw_output() { let connection = RawConnection::new("not a process"); assert!(connection.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_remote_port_ipv4() { test_raw_connection_parse_remote_port(LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_remote_port_ipv6() { test_raw_connection_parse_remote_port(IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } fn test_raw_connection_parse_remote_port(raw_output: &str) { let connection = RawConnection::new(raw_output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(connection.get_remote_port(), 2222); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_local_port_ipv4() { test_raw_connection_parse_local_port(LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_local_port_ipv6() { test_raw_connection_parse_local_port(IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } fn test_raw_connection_parse_local_port(raw_output: &str) { let connection = RawConnection::new(raw_output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(connection.get_local_port(), 1111); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_ip_address_ipv4() { test_raw_connection_parse_ip_address(LINE_RAW_OUTPUT, ""); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_ip_address_ipv6() { test_raw_connection_parse_ip_address(IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT, "fe80:4::aede:48ff:fe33:4455"); } fn test_raw_connection_parse_ip_address(raw_output: &str, ip: &str) { let connection = RawConnection::new(raw_output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(connection.get_remote_ip().to_string(), String::from(ip)); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_protocol_ipv4() { test_raw_connection_parse_protocol(LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_protocol_ipv6() { test_raw_connection_parse_protocol(IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } fn test_raw_connection_parse_protocol(raw_line: &str) { let connection = RawConnection::new(raw_line).unwrap(); assert_eq!(connection.get_protocol(), Protocol::Udp); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_process_name_ipv4() { test_raw_connection_parse_process_name(LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } #[test] fn test_raw_connection_parse_process_name_ipv6() { test_raw_connection_parse_process_name(IPV6_LINE_RAW_OUTPUT); } fn test_raw_connection_parse_process_name(raw_line: &str) { let connection = RawConnection::new(raw_line).unwrap(); assert_eq!(connection.process_name, String::from("ProcessName")); } }